1. Lead horses and goodness with might and generosity,
And bring joy forever, feast after feast,
١. قُدِ الخيلَ والخيرَ بأْساً وجُودا
وصِلْ أَبَدَ الدهرِ عِيداً فَعِيدَا
2. Apart from you, so wear the clothes of eternity,
And create anew and succeed anew,
٢. ودَوْنَكَ فالْبَسْ ثيابَ البقاءِ
فأَخْلِقْ جديداً وأَخْلِفْ جديدا
3. Manifestations of what your ancestors bequeathed to you
Of glorious garments and old virtues,
٣. مُظاهِرَ مَا أَوْرَثَتْكَ الجدودُ
من الحُلَلِ المُلْبساتِ الجُدُودا
4. Prosperity and glory, kingdom and sovereignty,
And sword and youth and generosity and nobility,
٤. سَنىً وسَناءً ومُلكاً وملِكاً
وسيفاً وسَيْباً وجَدّاً وجُودَا
5. And whatever fortunes showered upon you,
Beauties that dazzle all fortunes,
٥. وَمَا نَثَرَتْهُ عَلَيْكَ السُّعودُ
محاسِنَ تبهَرُ فِيهَا السُّعودا
6. Adornments that granted you flowers of stars,
Necklaces that adorned them or bracelets,
٦. حُلىً منحت منكَ زُهْرَ النُّجومِ
شُنُوفاً تَحَلَّى بِهَا أَوْ عُقُودا
7. And you were generous, so dress the men
In eternal clothes, be generous to them,
٧. وأَنْتَ وَسِعْنَ بِهِنَّ الرجالَ
ملابِس فالبَسْ لَهُنَّ الخُلُودا
8. So you turned them into horses and necklaces,
And subjugated them into servants and slaves,
٨. فَحَوَّلْتَ منها اللُّهى والخيولَ
وعَبَّدْتَ منها المَها والعَبِيدا
9. And dressed them in adornments and coats of mail,
And dragged from them property and carpets,
٩. وأَلْبَسْتَ فِيهَا الحُلى والدُّروعَ
وأَسْحَبْتَ منها المُلا والبُرُودَا
10. And how many have you clothed in the garb of grief,
Lands you dressed in iron,
١٠. وكم قَدْ كَسَوْتَ ثيابَ الحِدادِ
بلاداً لبسْتَ إِلَيْها الحديدا
11. So you shone with religion, a clear light,
And made paganism meet a destroying end,
١١. فأَشْرقْتَ بالدِّينِ نوراً مُبِيناً
وأَلْحَقْتَ بالشركِ حتفاً مُبِيدا
12. Battalions you adorned with swords
And crowned with spears and banners,
١٢. كتائِبَ حلَّيْتَهُنَّ السيوفَ
وتَوَّجْتَهُنَّ القَنا والبُنُودا
13. Swords you stationed in necks,
Covenants made them forget sadness,
١٣. صوارِمَ بوَّأْتَها فِي الرقابِ
معاهِدَ أَنْسَيْتَهُنَّ الغُمُودا
14. As the blades of dawn split open
And reveal a fresh garden in the meadow,
١٤. كما فَتَقَتْ نَيِّراتُ الصباحِ
تُفَتِّحُ فِي الروضِ روضاً نَضِيدا
15. And destiny that you used to adorn eyes,
And the faces of destruction red and black,
١٥. وسُمراً جلوتَ بِهَا للعيونِ
وجُوهَ المهالِكِ حُمْراً وسُودا
16. Under the quivers of arrows they show you
Gazes that you made forget withdrawal,
١٦. يُرِينَكَ تَحْتَ سُجُوفِ العجاجِ
نواظِرَ أَنْسَيْتَهُنَّ الهُجودا
17. Arenas that you brought souls near,
To gain from them a distant goal,
١٧. مصارِعَ قَرَّبْتَ منها نفوساً
تعاطَيْنَ منها مراماً بعيدا
18. So you filled it with the honor of victory and conquest,
Worthy of giving you more,
١٨. فمُلِّيتَهُ عِزَّ نصرٍ وفَلْجٍ
كفيلَ المزيدِ بأن تَسْتَزِيدا
19. And gladdened it with the opening of festive days,
Whose return is worthy of coming back,
١٩. وهُنِّيْتَهُ فَتْحَ أَيَّامِ عيدٍ
جديرٍ عوائدُهُ أَن تعودا
20. And met it with days of success and promise,
For your victory, fulfilling your threat,
٢٠. ولُقِّيْتَهُ عيْدَ فَأْلٍ بوَعْدٍ
لِنَصْرِكَ يَقْرُو عِدَاكَ الوعيدا
21. And how many days reminded you
Of a noble stance and good deed,
٢١. وكم ذَكَّرَتْ منكَ أَيَّامُهُ
مقاماً كريماً وفِعلاً حَميدا
22. For ten of its nights are virtue and ritual,
And ten of your fingers are customary generosity,
٢٢. فَعَشْرُ لياليهِ فضْلاً ونُسْكاً
وعَشْرُ بنانِكَ عُرفاً وَجُودا
23. And the day of Mina, what great success,
Profiting wishes or gaining them,
٢٣. ويومُ مِنىً بالمُنى أَيُّ فَأْلٍ
مُفِيدَ الرَّغائِبِ أَوْ مُسْتَفِيدا
24. And on Arafat day we recognized
What more God granted you,
٢٤. وَفِي اليومِ من عَرَفَاتٍ عَرَفْنا
من اللهِ فيما حَباكَ المزيدا
25. And the sacrificial slaughter reminded us
Of your stands where you slaughter lions,
٢٥. وذكَّرَنا مَنْحَرُ البُدْنِ منكَ
مواقِفَ تَنْحَرُ فِيهَا الأُسُودا
26. And cover your swords with blood there,
And your horses trample cheeks there,
٢٦. وتكسُو سيوفَكَ فِيهَا الدِّماءَ
وتُوطِئُ خيلَكَ فِيهَا الخُدُودا
27. And the stoning of Jamarat, how you stoned
The devil of stubborn disbelief,
٢٧. ورَمْيُ الجِمارِ فَكَمْ قَدْ رَمَيْتَ
عن الدينِ شيطانَ كُفْرٍ مَرِيدا
28. Rites the Friend (Abraham) established
And called the people to Pilgrimage there,
٢٨. معالِمُ شَيَّدَهُنَّ الخليلُ
وأَذَّنَ بالحَجِّ فيها مُشِيدا
29. So he who did not exist before responded,
And one created anew after creation,
٢٩. فلَبَّاهُ من لَمْ يكُنْ قبلُ خَلْقاً
وأُنشِئَ من بَعْدُ خلقاً جديدا
30. Men who answered the call of the Friend,
So they answered, coming in throngs and alone,
٣٠. رجالٌ أَجابُوا أذانَ الخليلِ
فجابُوا إِلَيْها بِحاراً وَبِيدا
31. As you revived the paths of jihad,
With soldiers who defeat armies,
٣١. كما عُمِّرَتْ بك سُبْلُ الجِهادِ
جنوداً تَفُلُّ بِهِنَّ الجنودا
32. You were found so the barefoot called you,
And you were inaccessible, so deputations came to you,
٣٢. وجُدْتَ فنادى نَدَاكَ العُفاةَ
وسُدْتَ فنادى عُلاكَ الوُفُودا
33. And you accepted no means from them,
That they were witnessed to have,
٣٣. ولا كَوُفودٍ تقبَّلْتَ مِنْهُمْ
وسائِلَ كانوا عَلَيْها شُهودا
34. So they greeted you, all loyal greeters,
With a life that kills rancor towards you,
٣٤. فَحَيَّوْكَ عن كُلِّ مُحْيي الوفاءِ
إِلَيْكَ حياةً تُمِيتُ الحقودا
35. So they were charmed by your pure form,
And drew near you, sincere and distant,
٣٥. فكم أَنَّسوا بك شكلاً زَكِيّاً
وأَدْنَوْا إِلَيْكَ صَفِيَّاً بعيدا
36. And joined you, a generous heart,
And expressed sympathy to a loving breast,
٣٦. وكم وَصَلُوا بك قلباً كريماً
وكم شَرَحُوا لَكَ صدراً وَدُودا
37. Loyalties that good faith guaranteed,
With truthfulness you guaranteed covenants,
٣٧. عهوداً تَضَمَّنَهُنَّ الوفاءُ
بصدقٍ تضمَّنَ منكَ العُهُودا
38. So opinions of the perceptive did not lack
Certainty in every witnessing heart,
٣٨. فلا أَعْدَمَتْكَ ظنونُ اللبيبِ
يقيناً عَلَى كلِّ قلبٍ شهيدا
39. And your sword in every land remains
Upon every transgressor, a vigilant keeper,
٣٩. ولا زالَ سيفُكَ فِي كلِّ أَرْضٍ
عَلَى كلِّ غاوٍ رقيباً عَتِيدا
40. And you remained for the religion a lofty pillar,
And a shady shade and firm support,
٤٠. ولا زِلْتَ للدِّينِ طَوْداً مُنيفاً
وظلّاً ظليلاً ورُكناً شَدِيدا