1. Greetings to the repository of the soul and the spirit,
And the provision for my tomorrow from what I harvested yesterday,
١. سلامٌ عَلَى مُسْتَوْدَع الرُّوحِ والنَّفْسِ
وذُخْرِ غَدي مِمَّا انْتَحَبْتُ لَهُ أَمْسِ
2. Where I transcended deaths to reach my wishes,
And my loneliness was delighted by the generosity of company,
٢. بِحَيْثُ تَخَطَّيْتُ المنايا إِلَى المُنى
وآنَسَ وَحْشِي بالفَلا كَرَمُ الأُنْسِ
3. Where the voice of my guide ascended with the ascendant,
Stretching slowly to my fifth decade with his five fingers,
٣. وحيثُ اعْتَلى بِالمُعْتَلِي صَوْتُ رائِدِي
مُهِلّاً إِلَى خِمْسِي بأَنْمُلِهِ الخَمْسِ
4. Where Yahya watered my life, so it flourished,
With my praise being a flower of jinn and humans for him,
٤. وحَيْثُ سَقى يَحْيى حياتي فأَيْنَعَتْ
لَهُ من ثَنائِي زَهْرَةُ الجِنِّ والإِنْسِ
5. So from my breaths to the ends of the world,
And from my pen's path to the rising of the sun,
٥. فمِنْ يَدِ أَنفاسِي إِلَى مُنْتَهى الدُّنا
ومن خَطِّ أقلامي إِلَى مَطْلَعِ الشَّمْسِ
6. Thoughts that were it not for Yahya's patience drawing them near,
Their harm would have kept them from good and touch,
٦. شوارِدُ لَوْلا حِلْمُ يَحْيى دَنا بِهَا
لَجَلَّتْ أَدَانِيها عَنِ الشَّمِّ واللَّمْسِ
7. So how could I burden him with them and sell them
As the slanderers claimed for a paltry price?
٧. فكَيْفَ بأَنْ أُزرِي بِهَا فأَبِيعَها
كَمَا زَعَمَ الواشُونَ بالثَّمَنِ البَخْسِ
8. How many deaf ears did they rupture in the land?
And how many mute tongues did they loosen in praise?
٨. وكَمْ فَتَّقَتْ فِي الأَرضِ من وَقْرِ مَسْمَعٍ
وكم أَنْطَقَتْ بِالحَمْدِ من أَلْسُنِ خُرْسِ
9. Praise to the one whose spirit revived my spirit,
And brought the breaths of life closer to the soul,
٩. ثناءٌ عَلَى مَنْ رَدَّ رُوحي رَوْحُهُ
وَقَرَّبَ أَنفاسَ الحياةِ من النَّفْسِ
10. So am I an ungrateful wearer of his vitriol as a garment,
When he clothed me, so my garb was saturated with criticizing his name?
١٠. فهلْ أنا مُسدٍ لُبْسَ هَجْوِي لِمُنْعِمٍ
كساني فَسَدّى من هِجاءِ اسْمِهِ لِبْسِي
11. Thus I came to wear ornaments that if I took them off,
I would gently spread evil on earth,
١١. فأَصبحتُ مِنْهُ فِي حُلىً لَوْ أَفَكْتُها
لَطُفْتُ بِهَا فِي الأَرْضِ تَنْضَحُ بِالرِّجْسِ
12. And am I one who took off the crown of his convention,
To toss it into the abyss of devastation and defeat?
١٢. وهل أَنا عَنِّي خالِعٌ تاجَ عُرْفِهِ
فأَهْوِي بِهِ فِي هُوَّةِ الخَسفِ والنَّكْسِ
13. As if I tailored my dress from misguidance,
And came to follow your approach in dress,
١٣. كَأَنِّيَ قَدْ أنهَجْتُ لبسِي من الهُدى
وأَصْبَحْتُ من مِنْهاجِ جَدِّكَ فِي لَبْسِ
14. And rejected God's right to your affection,
For every being who spent the evening or will spend it on earth,
١٤. وأَنْكَرْتُ حَقَّ اللهِ فيكُمْ مَوَدَّةً
عَلَى كلِّ مَنْ أَمْسى عَلَى الأَرْضِ أَوْ يُمْسِي
15. And pitched my encampment away from your virtues,
Which tear away the sediments of deep darkness,
١٥. وحَطِّيَ رَحْلِي مِنْكَ بَيْنَ مَكارِمٍ
يُمَزِّقْنَ عَنِّي راكِدَ الظُّلَمِ الطُّمْسِ
16. Your sea proudly undulates with horses and waves,
And your land serenely undulates with righteousness and companionship,
١٦. وبحْرُكَ لي يختالُ بالخَيْلِ والمَها
وبَرُّكَ لي ينهلُّ بالبِرِّ والأُنْسِ
17. So who is it after my land and my spectacle,
Whom the devil of malice confused with temptation?
١٧. فَمنْ ذا الَّذِي مِنْ بُعْدِ أَرْضِي ومَشْهَدِي
تَخَبَّطَهُ شيطانُ ضِغْني من المَسِّ
18. He crept with what, had fear made me heed its mention,
Would neither have stirred in my imagination nor crawled in my senses,
١٨. فدبَّ بما لَوْ سامَني الخوفُ ذِكْرَهُ
لَما جالَ فِي وَهْمِي ولا دَبَّ من حِسِّي
19. Had the soul within me been returned from the murder of a murderer,
No blame or reproach of mine would have lasted the night on an unjust one,
١٩. ولو رُدَّ فِيَّ الرُّوحُ من قَتْلِ قاتِلٍ
لما باتَ من ذمِّي وعَتْبي عَلَى وَجْسِ
20. How could I disbelieve, when you are guided and the son of one who guided,
Your father brought you blessings which produced my plantation,
٢٠. وكيفَ بكُفْرِي من هَدى وابْنُ مَنْ هَدى
أَبُوكَ ويُمْناكَ الَّتِي أَثمَرَتْ غَرْسِي
21. I blamed the worlds, so how can I blame,
Whom I placed the comfort of my soul in?
٢١. وهَبْني ذَمَمْتُ العالَمِينَ فكيفَ لي
بذَمِّيَ من أَوْدَعْتُ راحَتَهُ نَفْسِي
22. Verily, contriving betrayal is from an envier,
To whom it is more trivial to dye the sun with blemish,
٢٢. وإِنَّ اختِلاقَ الغدرِ عَنِّي لِحَاسِدٍ
لأَدْنَى لَهُ أَن يَصْبِغَ الشمسَ بالنِّقْسِ
23. And verily, brother Ghassan to me is open handed,
Through you he bought my gratitude without deficiency,
٢٣. وإِنَّ أخا غَسّانَ عِندي لَذو يَدٍ
بِكَ ابْتاعَ مِنِّي شُكْرَها غَيْرَ ذِي وَكْسِ
24. On the morn when your mention appeared to me and thus manifested,
My ode's bride in you was witnessed at the wedding,
٢٤. غداةَ تَجَلَّى لي بذكرِكَ فاجْتلى
عَرُوسَ ثنائي فيكَ مشهودَةَ العُرْسِ
25. So my breast was not kindled by the quenched fire of longing,
For you, but it embraced a spark next to a spark,
٢٥. فلم يُلْفِ صدرِي خامداً نارُ شَوْقِهِ
إِلَيْكَ ولكِنْ ضَمَّ قَبْساً إِلَى قَبْسِ
26. And your spreading of knowledge did not increase me,
Except that preserving knowledge is most proven by study,
٢٦. ولا زادَني فِي حفظِ عهدِكَ بَسْطَةً
سِوى أَنَّ حفظَ العِلْمِ أَثْبَتُ بالدَّرْسِ
27. And my good words about you met a listener,
To the most eloquent bargain-maker and profitable bargainer,
٢٧. وطِيبُ حديثي عنكَ صادَفَ مُصْغِياً
لأَفْصَحِ مُقتصٍّ وأَرْبَحِ مُقْتَسِّ
28. So he corresponded spreading my writings in song with his chants,
And he entertained my praise of you cup after cup,
٢٨. فراسلَ نَشْري عنك شدواً بشَدْوِهِ
ونادَمَ حَمْدِي فيكَ كأْساً إِلَى كَأْسِ
29. Your hands are foremost in time and they,
Are closest to my remembrance and spreading than my evenings,
٢٩. أَياديكَ فِي أُولى الزَّمانِ وإِنَّها
لأَدْنى إِلَى ذكرِي ونشريَ من أَمْسِي
30. Nights in your abode are my wishes safe from evil,
And in your extended shade, my proliferation from spears,
٣٠. لَياليَ فِي مأْواكَ أَمْني منَ الرَّدى
وَفِي ظِلِّكَ الممدودِ نشْرِي من الرَّمْسِ
31. A bed of good sleep in the time of travel,
And a drink of fresh water at the edge of thirst,
٣١. ومَضْجَعُ طِيبِ النَّومِ فِي أَمَدِ السُّرى
ومشرَبُ عَذْبِ الماءِ فِي مُنْتهى الخِمْسِ
32. So God's faith in you remains in an impregnable refuge,
And the fish of truth in you is on a strong lead,
٣٢. فلا زالَ دينُ اللهِ منكَ بِمَعْقِلٍ
منيعٍ وسَمْكُ الحقِّ منكَ عَلَى أُسِّ
33. Destinies have not cast an adversary at you,
With overwhelming vanquished delusions and defeat,
٣٣. ولا رَمَتِ الأَقدارُ عنكَ مُعَانِداً
بأَفْوَقَ مفلُولِ الغِرارِ ولا نِكْسِ
34. None who followed you died of the estrangement of resolves,
Nor did any who opposed you live from the stumbling of misery,
٣٤. ولا ماتَ من والاكَ من غُرْبَة النَّوى
ولا عاشَ من عاداكَ من عَثْرَةِ التَّعْسِ