
Like the full moon fading into the sun

كذا ينتهي البدر المنير إلى الشمس

1. Like the full moon fading into the sun
And the noble soul merging with the soul

١. كَذا ينتهي البَدْرُ المُنيرُ إلى الشمْسِ
وتَمْتَزجُ النفسُ الكريمةُ بالنَفْسِ

2. And lineages coming together after their separation
And estranged hearts drawing near to intimacy

٢. وتَلْتَحِمُ الأنسابُ من بَعْدِ بُعْدِها
وتدنو القلوبُ المُوحشاتُ إلى الأنسِ

3. And the garment of connection being sewn from the shreds of separation
And the banner of union being raised from the place of dejection

٣. ويُجْمَعُ شملُ الوَصْلِ من فُرْقَةِ القِلى
ويُرْفَعُ بَنْدُ الوَصلِ من مَصْرَعِ النِّكْسِ

4. Like Solomon the Prophet gathering
Those from Yemen, Syria, Jinn and Mankind

٤. كجمعِ سُلَيْمانَ النبيِّ بصِهْرِكُمْ
ذوي يَمَنٍ والشامِ والجِنِّ والإنسِ

5. And Dhu al-Qarnayn when the honored daughter of
Rome and Persia was betrothed to him

٥. وتأليفِ ذِي القرْنَينِ إذ هُدِيَتْ لَهُ
كرِيمةُ دارَا دَعوَةَ الرُّومِ والفُرسِ

6. Welcome O esteemed crown from the ancestors of glory
To the son of those crowned in days gone by

٦. فأْهلاً بذاتِ التَّاجِ من سَلَفِ العُلا
إلى ابنِ ذَوي التِّيجانِ فِي سالِفِ الحَرْسِ

7. To the heir of Hud and Tubba
Who built glory through faith like a structure upon a foundation

٧. إلى وارِثِ الأحسابِ هُوداً وتُبَّعاً
وباني العُلا بالدِّينِ سَمْكاً عَلَى أُسِّ

8. Wearing forbearance that has transcended all boundaries
And wielding authority that has surpassed the horizon

٨. ولابِسِ حِلْمٍ قَدْ تناهى مَدى النُّهى
وحاجِبِ مُلكٍ قَدْ عَلا حاجِبَ الشَمْسِ

9. O Lord of war whom she has heard in her prayers
In Hindi, Arabic and the tongues of the mute

٩. ويا رُبَّ حَرْبٍ أسْمَعَتهُ دعاءها
بِهِنْدِيَّةٍ عُرْبٍ وألسِنَةٍ خُرْسِ

10. How much distress has it removed and how much blindness cured
How much spirit revived and how much soul eased

١٠. فكم سَلَّ من كَرْبٍ وأنْقَذَ من عَمىً
وَروَّح من رُوحٍ ونفَّسَ من نَفْسِ

11. How much rain poured and how much hand filled
And how many shackles unlocked and prisoners freed

١١. وأسْبَلَ من غَيْثٍ ومَلَّأَ من يَدٍ
وكم فَكَّ من غُلٍّ وأطْلَقَ من حَبْسِ

12. Pure are its branches in the progeny of Dhu al-Nun
Thereby fruits have flourished in the barren grove

١٢. زكا فَرعُها فِي آلِ ذِي النُّونِ سُنَّةً
بِهَا رَاقَتِ الأثمارُ فِي يابِسِ الغرسِ

13. For God has prepared peers who have come together in an alliance
Of marriage that is free of loss and disgrace

١٣. فلِلَّهِ أكْفاءٌ تدانَوْا لِصَفْقَةٍ
من الصِّهْرِ قَدْ جلَّتْ عن الغَبنِ والوَكسِ

14. And the day of faltering reminded them of their day
Of covenants that they used to revive in the past

١٤. وذكَّرَهُمْ يومُ التخاذُلِ يَوْمَهُمْ
بموتِ عهودٍ كُنَّ يَحْيَيْنَ بالأمسِ

15. So the caller to generosity and courage made them heed
The caller to bounty and valor

١٥. فأسمَعَهُمْ داعي تُجيبَ فمثَّلوا
الدَّاعِي إلى الجودِ والبأسِ

16. O oath of kinship which has been bound
By the seal of verses, the verse of the Throne

١٦. فيا ذِمَّةَ الصِّهر الَّذِي شَدَّ عَهْدَها
بخاتِمَةِ الآياتِ من آيةِ الكُرسِي

17. So the ways of betrayal have been covered from the face of the land
And loyalty to the covenant etched across the tablet of the sun

١٧. فَعَفّتْ رسومَ الغَدْرِ من ظاهرِ الثرى
وخَطَّتْ وفاءَ العهدِ فِي صَفْحَةِ الشَّمسِ

18. It has drawn from favor, guidance and righteousness
Swords that cannot be bent by shields or armor

١٨. وسلَّتْ منَ الإقبالِ والهَدْي والهُدى
صوارِمَ لا تُثْنى بِدِرْعٍ ولا تُرْسِ

19. When victorious it brings you security and desire
And if wrathful it carves the obstinate and unfortunate

١٩. إذا غَنِمَتْ جاءَتكَ بالأمنِ والمُنى
وإن غضِبتْ أنحَتْ عَلَى الشُومِ والتَّعْسِ

20. In prosperity for what God has affirmed or erased
And in adversity for what God nullifies or makes forgotten

٢٠. بسَرَّاءَ مِمَّا ثَبَّتَ اللهُ أو مَحا
وشَحناءَ مما يَنْسخُ اللهُ أو يُنسي

21. It has eyes more guided to truth than a wild cat
And tongues more eloquent in peace than a soothsayer

٢١. لها أعيُنٌ أهْدى إلى الحَقِّ من قَطاً
وألسِنةٌ بالسَّلْمِ أخطبُ من قَسِّ

22. It did not fall short of the peacemakers of Murra's progeny
In reconciling Dhubyan and Hayy from Abs

٢٢. وما قَصَّرَتْ عن ساعِيَيْ آلِ مُرَّةٍ
لصُلْحِ بني ذُبْيانَ والحَيِّ من عَبْسِ

23. By God, legions were not dispatched to Yahya
Frightful in their daring, intimidating in their clamor

٢٣. ولله مَا زُفَّتْ ليحيى كتائِبٌ
مُرَوِّعَةُ الإقدامِ مُرْهِبَةُ الجَرْسِ

24. Their greatness illuminates the gloom of night
And their might makes piercing insight and perception fade

٢٤. يُضِيءُ الدُّجى من عِزِّ من حَلَّ وَسْطَها
ويُظْلمُ عنها ثاقِبُ الوَهْمِ والحِسِّ

25. They are veiled by standards on the horizon of dawn
And appear luminous in the darkness before dawn

٢٥. ويُحجَبُ بالرَّاياتِ فِي مُشرقِ الفَلا
ويُشْرقُ بالإعظامِ فِي الظُلَمِ الدُّمْسِ

26. Their domes are erected like impenetrable fortresses
Upon garments of protection, purity and sanctity

٢٦. وقد رُفِعَتْ رَفْعَ الحصونِ قِبابُها
عَلَى حُلَلِ الإحصانِ والطُّهْرِ والقُدْسِ

27. Armored with mail and spears adorned with pearls and rubies
Wise guides who have shown the ways of desires and passions

٢٧. وحُلِّيَتِ البيضُ الصَّوارم والقنا
عَلَى الدُّرِّ والياقوتِ لُبساً عَلَى لُبْسِ

28. Spreading the dead of peace from the darkness of corruption
And the day they built the joys of desire

٢٨. هِداءٌ هَدى سُبْلَ الرَّغائِبِ وانْتَحى
يُنَشِّرُ مَيْتَ السَّلْمِ من ظُلَمِ الرَّمْسِ

29. With a wedding from which virtues were born in celebration
We summoned on earth, welcome to the mentioned locale and wondrous sight

٢٩. ويومُ بِناءٍ قَدْ بَنى فرْجَةَ المُنى
بعُرْسٍ غَدَتْ منه المكارِمُ في عُرْس

30. Which shows you stars of people, jugs, cups and goblets
And drinks that make one forget how habit makes them banal

٣٠. وقد أذَّنا فِي الأرضِ حَيَّ ومَرْحَباً
إلى المَشهَدِ المذكورِ والمَنظَرِ المُنْسي

31. With a taste that has the impact of life upon the soul
Its waters are roses in the meadows

٣١. يُريكَ النجومَ الزُهْرَ فِي مَجْلِسِ القِرى
من الطَّاسِ والإبريقِ والجام والكأسِ

32. Quenching the burning thirst from the tax of a fifth
And clouds of fragrant aloeswood have gathered

٣٢. وسَقْيٌ يُنَسِّي الإلفَ ريقةَ إلفِهِ
وطعْمٌ لهُ وقعُ الحياةِ من النَّفْسِ

33. In copious amounts as if tangible to the touch
And beauties that cloak the aged with their youth

٣٣. وأمواهُ وَرْدٍ فِي وُرُودِ حِياضِها
شفاءُ الظِّماءِ الهِيمِ من غُلَّةِ الخِمسِ

34. And make black hair grow on faded cheeks
Virtues have become spoils for men without effort or share

٣٤. وغَيمٌ من العُودِ الذَّكيِّ تراكَمَتْ
أعاِليهِ حَتَّى كِدْنَ يُوجَدْنَ باللَّمْسِ

35. If thereafter the hand of strife bears a sword
Then the five fingers will not cling to its handle

٣٥. وغالِيَةٌ تكسو المشيبَ شَبابَهُ
وتُنَبِتُ سُودَ العُذْرِ فِي الأوْجُهِ المُلْسِ

36. And if it draws a bow against a Muslim
Then it will not release from the grip or bowstring

٣٦. مكارمُ أضحت للرجال مغانماً
بلا نصب المغزي ولا سُنَّةِ الخُمْس

37. Lineages will not be lost through betrayal or estrangement
Nor merits sold for a paltry price

٣٧. فإنْ حَمَلَتْ من بعدِها سَيْفَ فِتْنَةٍ
يَدٌ فَتَخَلَّتْ من أنامِلِهَا الخَمْسِ

38. That which you hope for will remain closer than tomorrow
And that which you fear will remain farther than yesterday

٣٨. وإن أوْتَرَتْ قَوساً إلى رَمْيِ مُسْلِمٍ
فلا انْفَصَلَتْ عن مَقْبِضِ العَضْمِ والعَجْسِ

٣٩. ولا ضاعَتِ الأنسابُ بالغَدر والقِلى
ولا بِيعَتِ الأحسابُ بالثَّمَنِ البَخْسِ

٤٠. ولا زالَ مَا ترْجُوهُ أقْرَبَ من غَدٍ
ولا انْفَكَّ مَا تخشاهُ أبْعَدَ من أَمْسِ