1. Listen to the call of a lonely stranger
Who prays much but finds few to answer,
١. تَسَمَّعْ لِدَعْوَةِ ناءٍ غَرِيبِ
كَثيرِ الدُّعاءِ قليلِ المُجِيبِ
2. Who comes to you with courageous worries,
Yet shrinks from you in bashful veilings.
٢. يَهيمُ إِلَيْكَ بِهَمٍّ شُجاعٍ
ويَجْبُنُ عنكَ بِسَتْرٍ هَيوبِ
3. Certainty leads him to you,
Yet doubt makes him suspect illusion.
٣. ويقتادُهُ منكَ صِدْقُ اليقينِ
فيرتابُ منه بِظَنٍّ كَذُوبِ
4. Does your hearing grant me from afar,
When your gaze has entranced me from nearby?
٤. أَيَأْذَنُ سَمْعُكَ لِي من بَعيدٍ
ولحظُكَ قَدْ رابَنِي من قريبِ
5. How can the passions of a dear heart rejoice
In the playfulness of a blithe heart?
٥. وكيفَ بأَشجانِ قلبٍ عزيزٍ
فيُسْعِدُهُ لَهْوُ قلبٍ طَروبِ
6. So he called you amidst the darkness of neglect
And whispered to you in the shadows of adversities,
٦. فناداكَ من غَمَراتِ التَّناسِي
وناجاكَ فِي ظُلُماتِ الخُطوبِ
7. With eloquence honed for lofty aspirations
By the behests of the near one who answers.
٧. بِبالِغَةٍ للتَّرَاقِي حَدَتْها
إِلَيْكَ وَصاةُ القريبِ المُجيبِ
8. As commanded for a neighbor and wayfarer
And made incumbent on an oppressed stranger,
٨. بما خُطَّ للجارِ وابْنِ السَّبيلِ
وأُوجِبَ للمُسْتَضامِ الغريبِ
9. And for the sincere devotion the King granted you,
Testing you with the trials of ready blades,
٩. وَمَا قَدْ حَباكَ الرِّضا من مليكٍ
بلاكَ بلاءَ الحُسامِ الرَّسُوبِ
10. So He adorned you with the honor of His eyes
That you may advance His banners in wars,
١٠. فَحَلّاكَ إِكرامَهُ فِي العيونِ
لِتَقْدُمَ أَعلامَهُ فِي الحروبِ
11. And lit your lamp amidst the palaces
That your excellence may rise above the roads.
١١. وأَذْكَى سِراجَكَ وَسْطَ القصورِ
لِيُعْلي عَجاجَكَ خَلْفَ الدُّروبِ
12. Thus you shepherded the sincerity of a grateful freeman
Dressed in the allegiance of a repenting servant,
١٢. فأَرْعَيْتَهُ صِدْقَ حُرٍّ شَكُورٍ
تَسَرْبَلَ إِخلاصَ عَبْدٍ مُنِيبِ
13. And clad him in the advice of an unblemished bosom,
Trustworthy in returning the trusts of pockets.
١٣. وأَبْلَيْتَهُ نُصْحَ جَيبٍ سَليمٍ
وفِيِّ الضَّمانِ بِنُصْحِ الجُيُوبِ
14. You lead to him the hopes of the distant one,
And recite before him the praises of the near one,
١٤. تقودُ إِلَيْهِ رجاءَ البعيدِ
وتتلُو عَلَيْهِ ثناءَ القريبِ
15. And encounter on his behalf the faces of lovers
With good tidings of affection and the arrival of the beloved.
١٥. وتَلْقى وُجوهَ المُحِبِّينَ عنهُ
بِبِشْرِ المُحِبِّ ووَصْلِ الحبيبِ
16. How many platforms of loftiness God built for him,
The signs of the Cross shine for him in wars!
١٦. وكم مِنْبَرٍ للعُلا قَدْ بناهُ
لَهُ اللهُ من مُعظَماتِ الصَّليبِ
17. You defended his household with a zealous nose,
And embraced his widespread household with a spacious chest.
١٧. حَمَيْتَ ذُرَاهُ بأَنْفٍ حَمِيٍّ
ورَحْبَ ذَرَاهُ بصدرٍ رَحيبِ
18. Straitened is he who heard injustice against him,
So excellent the martyr of tribulations!
١٨. وضاقَ بِمَنْ أَسْمَعَ الضَّيْمَ عَنْهُ
فيا لخطيبٍ صريعِ الخُطوبِ
19. Near is he to every distant horizon,
Far away from mentioning the Near Lord.
١٩. قريبٌ إِلَى كلِّ أُفْقٍ بعيدٍ
بعيدٌ عَلَى ذِكْرِ مولىً قريبِ
20. East and West have unveiled for him
Stars that orbit without setting,
٢٠. وَقَدْ أَطْلَعَ الشرقُ والغربُ عنهُ
كواكِبَ تهوي لغيرِ الغُروبِ
21. Lights illuminated in the heaven of speech for him
Except the position of the Preacher.
٢١. نجوماً أَضاءَتْ بِفَصْلِ الخطابِ
لَهُ الدَّهْرَ إِلّا مكانَ الخطيبِ
22. And for him you bent the bow of struggle,
Spreading for it every piercing arrow.
٢٢. وعنهُ تَنَكَّبْتَ قوسَ النِّضالِ
فَرِشْتَ لَهَا كلَّ سَهْمٍ مُصيبِ
23. You strung it to the hearts of enemies
And drowned in it the castings of suspicions.
٢٣. فأَوْتَرْتَها لقلوبِ العُداةِ
وأَغْرَقْتَ فِيهَا لِرَمْيِ الغُيُوبِ
24. So why are you distracted from a purpose like the morning,
Dawning on the horizons of dawn and dusk?
٢٤. فما لَكَ عن غَرَضٍ كالصَّباحِ
تجلَّلَ أُفْقَ الصَّبا والجَنُوبِ
25. Smiling in the garden of my thoughts with my remembrance,
Flowers of light with pure lights.
٢٥. يضاحِكُ من رَوْضِ فِكْرِي بِذِكْرِي
أَزاهِيرَ نَوْرٍ بِنُورٍ مَشوبِ
26. So to God belongs the shining of that youth,
Gleaming in the beauty of those white hairs!
٢٦. فلِلَّهِ إِشراقُ ذَاكَ الشبابِ
تأَلَّقَ فِي حُسْنِ ذَاكَ المَشيبِ
27. Thus the scent of this overwhelmed my loss,
As the rising of this overwhelmed my setting!
٢٧. فَفَاحَ تَضَوُّعُ ذا من ضَياعِي
كَمَا لاحَ مَطْلَعُ ذا من غُرُوبِي
28. Those are the contradictions of my endeavor and bliss,
Calling: O most wondrous of wonders!
٢٨. فتِلْكَ نقائِضُ سَعْيِي وسَعْدِي
يُنادِينَ يَا لَلْعُجابِ العَجيبِ
29. And those are the wares I strewed in prose and verse,
Wandering the land, is there any who would buy?
٢٩. وتلكَ بضائِعُ نثري ونظمي
ضوارِبُ فِي الأَرْضِ هَلْ من ضَريبِ
30. O people, is there any equal,
O records, is there any answer?
٣٠. ويا للخلائِقِ هلْ من مُساوٍ
ويا للدَّواوينِ هل من مُجيب
31. O my upbringing, servant of a sun,
And whom Hashim followed with succession!
٣١. ويا نَشْأَتِي عبْدِ شَمسٍ
ومن أَعْقَبَتْ هاشِمٌ من عَقِيبِ
32. No mark has surpassed what that Prince penned,
No noble has transcended what that Arab inscribed!
٣٢. وَمَا خَطَّهُ أَثَرٌ عن أَميرٍ
وسَطَّرَهُ أَرَبٌ عن أَرِيبِ
33. So is there in the earth besides an honest witness,
Each insightful heart responds to it?
٣٣. فَهَلْ فِي الوَرى غَيْرُ سَمْعٍ شهيدٍ
يُلَبِّيهِ كُلُّ فؤادٍ لَبيبِ
34. And other than a truthful tongue of clarity,
Each unfounded claim admits it?
٣٤. وغيرُ لسانٍ صدوقِ البيانِ
يُقِرُّ لَهُ كلُّ زَعْمٍ كَذُوبِ
35. That before it, the kingdom of no ruler advanced
With a spark like the spark of Two Answering Kings.
٣٥. بأَنْ لَمْ يَفُزْ قَبْلَها مُلْكُ مَلْكٍ
بِقِدْحٍ كَقِدْحِ مَلِيكَيْ تُجِيبِ
36. So take pride in its inheritor from the King,
And be delighted in its inheritor from the Esteemed one!
٣٦. فأَنْجِبْ بِمُورِثِهِ من مَليكٍ
وأَسْعِدْ بوارِثِهِ من نَجِيبِ
37. And marvel at the most faithful King who lost
The most fulfilling share of mention and pride!
٣٧. وأَعْجِبْ بأَوفى مليكٍ أَضاعَ
من الذِّكْرِ والفخرِ أَوْفى نَصِيبِ
38. The banner of glory towering like the clouds' lightning,
To which the banner of wars rushes.
٣٨. لواءَ ثناءٍ كَبَرْقِ الغَمامِ
يُهِلُّ إِلَيْهِ لواءُ الحروبِ
39. The good and sea are clothed with its mention
With every beauty and blessing.
٣٩. وَمَا قَدْ كَسَا كُلَّ بَرِّ وبَحْرٍ
بذكراهُ من كُلِّ حُسْنٍ وَطِيبِ
40. Gardens of brilliant minds' blossoms
Wafting to the fruits of hearts.
٤٠. حَدَائِقَ من زَهَرَاتِ العُقولِ
تفوحُ إِلَى ثَمَرَاتِ القُلُوبِ
41. Maidens sing of it in the rooms,
And masters challenge each other about it on the plains.
٤١. تَغَنَّى العذارى بِهَا فِي الخُدورِ
وتُحدَى المهارى بِهَا في السُّهوبِ
42. Grief and prairie flourished from it,
Drinking sins that erased my sins.
٤٢. وَقَدْ أَيْنَعَ الحَزْنُ والسَّهْلُ منها
بِشِرْبِ ذَنوبٍ مَحا من ذُنُوبِي
43. The deliverance of a life I shunned from it,
To the staff of the tent and narrow path!
٤٣. بلاغُ حياةٍ وأَحْجَمْتُ عنهُ
لعودِ الخِباءِ ولِلْعَنْدَلِيبِ
44. As the flies seized the prey of eagles,
And the sparrows hunted ostriches,
٤٤. كما ابْتَزَّ صَيْدَ العُقابِ الذُّبابُ
وصادَ النَّعامَ حَسيرُ الدَّبيبِ
45. So the strong overpowered the weak in these,
The claws of a lion, the fangs of a wolf!
٤٥. وذُلِّيَ أَوْدَعَ هَذَا وهذا
أَظافِيرَ لَيْثٍ وأَنيابَ ذيبِ
46. Oppressions darkened the rights of the oppressed,
And doubts shone in the suspected.
٤٦. مظالِمُ أَظْلَمَ حَقُّ المُحِقِّ
بِهِنَّ وأَشْرَقَ رَيْبُ المُرِيبِ
47. You are the eyewitness to these,
And your judgement in them is obligatory.
٤٧. وأَنتَ عليها شهيدُ العِيانِ
وحكمُكَ فِيهَا صريحُ الوُجوبِ
48. Your promise bound me more than your offspring,
The union of the lover, and the watch of the keeper.
٤٨. ووَعْدُكَ أَلزَمَنِي من ذَرَاكَ
وِصالَ المُحِبِّ ورَعْيَ الرَّقِيبِ
49. So when you opened with mighty victory,
Foretelling your near conquest,
٤٩. فحِينَ افتَتَحْتَ بنصرٍ عزيزٍ
يُبَشِّرُ عنكَ بفتحٍ قريبِ
50. You ascended the plateau of glory away from me,
And plunged me into a sloping dune.
٥٠. تَرَقَّيْتَ فِي هَضْبَةِ العِزِّ عَنِّي
وأَهْوَيْتَ بي لِمَهيلٍ كَثيبِ
51. The branches of bliss coiled around you below me,
And I was left roaming a barren plain.
٥١. ولَفَّتْكَ دُونِي غصونُ النعِيمِ
وأُسْلِمْتُ ضاحِيَ مَرْعىً جَديبِ
52. You made it into a garden that never ceases
To be watered with ample thriving provision,
٥٢. فَمُلِّيتَها جَنَّةً لا يزالُ
يُمَدُّ بِهَا كُلُّ عيشٍ خَصِيبِ
53. Which birds of joy do not stop populating,
Swaying on every fresh branch.
٥٣. ولا بَرِحَتْها طيورُ السرورِ
يَميدُ بِهَا كلُّ غصنٍ رطيبِ
54. And if a breeze of its youth saddened me,
Relieving me with the breath of breezes,
٥٤. وإِنْ شاقَني من صَباها نسيمٌ
يُفَرِّجُ عنِّي بُرُوحَ الهَبُوبِ
55. I was led in thirst to sweet water,
Where the saliva of the beloved mixes.
٥٥. وأُظْمِيتُ منها إِلَى رَشْفِ ماءٍ
يُمَثَّلُ لي فِيهِ رِيقُ الحبيبِ
56. How many of its leaves have I borne in the winds
To wipe in them the disgrace of miserable rags,
٥٦. وكم سُمْتُ أَوْراقَها فِي الرِّياحِ
لأَخْصِفَ فِيهَا لعارٍ سَليبِ
57. And wipe them on the cheeks of burning eyes,
My lasting irritation, wounds of my setting!
٥٧. وأَمْسَحَها فِي مآقي جُفونٍ
دَوَامِي القَذَى قَرِحاتِ الغُرُوبِ
58. With what the enemies' arrows have ripped in them,
And what the humiliation of a stranger scratched!
٥٨. بما فَتَّ فيهنَّ رَمْيُ العُداةِ
وَمَا غَضَّ منهُنَّ ذُلُّ الغريبِ
59. So if they grew dim, little for an eye
Turning them with a gloomy heart's agony.
٥٩. فإِنْ رَمِدَتْ فقليلٌ لِعَيْنٍ
يُقَلِّبُها شَجْوُ قلبٍ كئيبِ
60. And if they sparked wildly in the thickets,
Embers for the fire of tribulations
٦٠. وإِنْ قَدَحَتْ بالحَشا فِي الحشايا
فَزَنْدَا ضِرامٍ لنارِ الكُروبِ
61. Which the regrets of neglect kindle,
And the moans of weeping fan.
٦١. تُؤَجِّجُها حَسَرَاتُ التَّناسي
وتَنْفُخُها زَفَرَاتُ النَّحِيبِ
62. I endured some with beautiful patience,
And held back some with pouring tears,
٦٢. وكُلّاً وَسِعْتُ بصبرٍ جميلٍ
وبَعْضاً كَفَفْتُ بدمعٍ سَكوبِ
63. To light from them the lamps of ember
Revealing to you the secret of the unseen.
٦٣. لأُوقِدَ منها مصابِيحَ جَمْرٍ
تُنِيرُ إِلَيْكَ بِسِرِّ الغُيوبِ
If your knowledge missed a thirsty sea,
٦٤. ولو غابَ عِلْمُكَ عن بَحرِ ظِمءٍ
وَمَا غِيضَ من شربِه فِي الشُّروبِ
65. Unquenched by drinking in gulps,
The withering of harvest in its withering
٦٥. لأغناكَ عن شُبْهَةِ الشَّكِّ فِيهِ
ذُبُولُ الجنى فِي ذُبولِ القضيبِ
66. Would suffice you instead of doubting.
You suffice me, a noble and generous freeman,
٦٦. وحَسْبي لَهَا منكَ حُرٌّ كريمٌ
وفيُّ الشهودِ أمين المَغِيبِ
67. Trustworthy in absence, treasuring the unseen.
I hope for a sick one, for curing illness,
٦٧. وأرْجى عَليلٍ لِبُرْءِ السَّقَامِ
عليلٌ تَيَقَّنَ يُمنَ الطَّبيبِ
68. A sick one certain of the healer's gift of wellbeing.
Good thoughts for true certainty
٦٨. وحُسْنُ الظُّنونِ لِصدْقِ اليقينِ
نسيبٌ ولا كالنسيبِ الحسيبِ
69. Are relatives, but not like a judicious relative.
So if you deny me, the most rightfully rewarded
٦٩. فإنْ تُنهِ عَنِّي فأولى مُجابِ
دَعا للمكارِمِ أهدى مُجيبِ
70. Who appeals to nobilities, the most answering guide!
By that you would gain the most rewarded favor,
٧٠. وكُنتَ بذلِكَ أحظى مُثابٍ
لَهُ من ثَنائِيَ أوفى مُثيبِ
71. For which my praise will give the fullest reward.
He who denies the guest the breadth of shelter
٧١. ومن يَمْنَعِ الضَّيفَ رَحْبَ الفِناءِ
فقد قادَهُ للفضاءِ الرَّحِيبِ