
When a land is watered, another land rejoices,

إذا سقيت أرض فقد بشرت أرض

1. When a land is watered, another land rejoices,
And when rain falls on all, some still hope for more.

١. إذا سُقِيَتْ أرضٌ فقد بُشِّرت أرضُ
وعِندَ عُمومِ الكُلِّ ينتظرُ البعضُ

2. Though one flower has withered in your garden of generosity,
Your praise remains ever fresh and green.

٢. وقد ذَبُلَت فِي رَوضِ جُودِكَ زَهرَةٌ
ثناؤكَ منها فِي الورى يانِعٌ غَضُّ

3. A star has darkened in your high heaven,
Yet it glows brightly when your name is spoken.

٣. وأَظلَمَ فِي عُلْيا سمِائكَ كوكَبٌ
يُسامِي بذكراكَ الظَّلامَ فَيَبيَضُّ

4. Your healing hand has been extended to the army,
But my tardiness and reluctance have prevented me from taking it.

٤. وقد بَسَطَتْ للجُندِ منكَ شفاءَها
يَدٌ شَفَّني منها التَّأخُّرُ والقَبضُ

5. And though my troops of gratitude cannot encompass you,
Neither length nor breadth on earth can elude them.

٥. وأجنادُ شُكرِي لَمْ تَفُتكَ بِعَرضِها
ولا فاتها فِي الأرضِ طُولٌ ولا عَرضُ