1. Good tidings to you, O world, and good tidings to us!
Justice has revived those once tranquil in safety.
١. بُشراكِ أَيَّتُها الدُّنيا وبُشرانا
أَحياكِ بالعدْلِ منْ بالأَمْنِ أَحْيانا
2. Perhaps our hopes in God were truthful,
And the promise of His victory has come true.
٢. لعَلَّ آمالنا فِي اللهِ قَدْ صدَقَتْ
وصِدْقَ موعِدِهِ بالفتحِ قَدْ آنا
3. A return marked by pardon and well-being,
A call requiring forgiveness and mercy.
٣. وعودةً تمتري عفواً وعافيةً
ودعوةً تقتضي صفحاً وغفرانا
4. Inhale the spirit of God, life-giving,
With the abundance of His mercy pouring down.
٤. تنسَّمي ريحَ رَوْحِ اللهِ مُنشِئةً
غُيوثَ رحمتِهِ سَحّاً وتَهتانا
5. Welcome the blossom of victory illuminated
By light in a garden trembling with bliss.
٥. واستَقبِلي زَهْرَةَ العقبى مُنوِّرَةً
بالنُّورِ فِي رَوْضَةٍ تَهتزُّ رِضْوانا
6. The tree of life will bloom leaves for us
In its prosperity, and the land will pour forth springs.
٦. لَتورِقَنْ شجرُ الدُّنيا لَنَا وَرِقاً
بسعدِها وتُريقُ الأرْضُ عِقيانا
7. The land will be fragrant with musk and ambergris,
The clouds will rain pearls and coral.
٧. وتعبقُ الأَرْضُ من مسكٍ وغاليةٍ
وتُمطرُ المُزْنُ ياقوتاً ومرجانا
8. Tell those who have lost sight of the rising sun -
Do not travel lost in the night after it sets.
٨. وقُلْ لِمنْ قَدْ أَضَلَّ الشمسَ طالِعةً
لا تَسْرِ من بعدِها فِي لَيلِ حَيرانا
9. O lonely exile, far from your home -
Return, and a thousand lands will delight in you.
٩. ويا غريباً شريداً عن مواطنِهِ
لِتَهنكَ الأرضُ أُلّافاً وأَوْطانا
10. O terrified dove, ejecting his groans -
Marry the almond blossoms, and rest in safety and faith.
١٠. ويا مَرُوعَ الضُّحى يُزْجي ظَعائِنَهُ
عَرِّسْ بجوَزِ الفلا أمْناً وإِيمانا
11. Behold the sun of guidance at its happiest ascent,
Our religion shining gloriously in the world.
١١. هاتِيكَ شَمسُ الهُدى فِي بُرْجِ أَسعُدِها
وَدِينُنا مُشرِقٌ فِي عِزِّ دُنيانا
12. The oasis of God has purified its plants, so they thrive -
Bearing fruit, shade, trees, and branches.
١٢. ودَوْحَةُ اللهِ زَكَّى غَرْسَها فزَكَتْ
أُكْلاً وظِلّاً وأَشْجاراً وأَغصانا
13. Through it, the blessing we long for will revive us -
From blindness into insight, and good into goodness.
١٣. أوشِكْ بِهَا نِعمةً راقَتْ لِتُحييَنا
نُعمى ويُثمِرَ ذَاكَ الحُسنُ إِحسانا
14. The caliphate of God in the dwelling of his prophecy -
He has undertaken its protection, who protects us.
١٤. خلافَةُ اللهِ فِي مثوى نُبوَّتِهِ
وحِفظهُ قَدْ تَولَّى من تَولّانا
15. A state that surpassed our hopes in nobility -
As though it was exactly what we wished for.
١٥. ودَولةٌ سبقتْ آمالَنا كَرَماً
كَأَنَّ مَا قَدْ تمنَّينا تمنَّانا
16. A call the caller announced - so hear it! -
From Cordoba to the furthest parts of Khurasan.
١٦. ودَعوةٌ أعلنَ الدَّاعي فأَسْمعَها
من قَصْرِ قُرْطُبةٍ أَقصى خُراسانا
17. A pledge all Islam recognizes through its signs -
Deaf and blind did not hesitate to answer it.
١٧. وبَيعةٌ عَرَفَ الإِسلامُ آيتَها
فلم يَخِرُّوا لَهَا صُمّاً وعُميانا
18. It nearly inspired speech in trees,
Calling out, and ears in stones hearing it.
١٨. كادَتْ تُحرِّكُ للأَشجارِ ألسِنةً
تَدْعو وتَخرِقُ للأَحجارِ آذانا
19. For al-Qasim the upright, the guide -
To him our obedience, in public and secret, was guided.
١٩. للقاسِمِ القائِمِ الهادي الَّذِي هُديَتْ
إِلَيْهِ طاعتُنا سِرّاً وَإِعْلانا
20. The son of one for whom obedience was prescribed
In the tablet - and proximity to God his offering.
٢٠. وابن الَّذِي كُتِبتْ فِي اللَّوْحِ طاعَتُهُ
وَوُدُّ قرباهُ عندَ اللهِ قُربانا
21. Our Imam, son of the one God placed in charge
Of the people of heaven and earth who obeyed him.
٢١. إِمامُنا وابنُ مَنْ أَمَّ الإِلهُ بِهِ
أَهلَ السماءِ ومَنْ فِي أَرْضِهِ دانا
22. Those pulpits were not established
Until adorned by mention of him with crowns.
٢٢. تِلْكَ المَنابِرُ لَمْ تثْبتْ قواعِدُها
حَتَّى تحلَّينَ مِنْ ذكراهُ تيجانا
23. Nor were the regiments unfurled their banners
Until they saw him as the title for God's opening.
٢٣. بلِ الكتائِبُ لم تُنشرْ صحائفُها
حَتَّى رأَتْهُ لِفتحِ اللهِ عُنوانا
24. Girded with the Yemeni sword for empowerment and ability
In peace and war, firmness and possibility.
٢٤. مقلَّداً نصلَ هَذَا السيفِ مِنْ يَمَنٍ
فِي السَّلمِ والحَرْبِ تمكيناً وإِمكانا
25. An advice encompassing the world and its inhabitants
With light, while the enemies kindled fires.
٢٥. نصيحةٌ عَمَّتِ الدُّنيا وَساكِنَها
نُوراً وأَضرمَتِ الأَعداءُ نِيرانا
26. So the warner became victorious, and the protector,
And al-Qasim the King, al-Ma'mun our Master.
٢٦. فأَصبحَ المُنذِرُ المَنصورُ واليَنا
والقاسِمُ المَلكُ المأْمونُ مَولانا
27. After an era of time we wished would never
Be called an era.
٢٧. من بعدِ فترَةِ أَزْمَانٍ مَطَلْنَ بِهِ
وَدِدْنَ أَلّا نُسمِّيهنَّ أَزْمانا
28. His success lies in establishing justice,
With God the scale and balance for his actions.
٢٨. يُمناهُ فِي قائِمِ السيفِ المُقامِ لَهُ
فِي العَدْلِ والقِسطِ عندَ اللهِ ميزانا
29. God returned to him his father's right,
So every right, through him, was returned to its people.
٢٩. رَدَّ الإِلهُ إِلَيْهِ حقَّ والدِهِ
فكُلُّ حَقٍّ بِهِ ردٌّ لمَنْ كَانَا
30. Through him the right of the first of Yahya's sons
Was revived, affirming and submitting to the truth.
٣٠. أَحْيا بِهِ لابنِ يَحيى حَقَّ أَوَّلِهِ
فِي نُصْرَةِ الحَقِّ إِقراراً وإِذْعانا
31. Judging as God's testimony and distinction spoke,
The Quran and Furqan were sincere.
٣١. حُكماً بما نطقت فِيهِ وَمَا صدقت
شهادة الله تنزيلاً وفرقانا
32. An example in the Messenger of God, his father,
In those he chose as supporters and neighbors.
٣٢. وَأُسْوَةً برَسُولِ اللهِ والِدِهِ
فيمنْ تخَيَّرَ أنصاراً وجيرانا
33. The virtue of the champion of this rule and its ministry
Is enough, and the proponent of this religion has proof.
٣٣. فَحَسْبُ مُؤْثِرِ هَذَا الحُكمِ مَعدِلَةً
وَحَسبُ ناصِرِ هَذَا الدِّينِ بُرْهانا
34. A young man whom ancestry raised to uphold guidance -
The full moon would be adorned if made his crescent.
٣٤. فَتى نَماهُ إِلَى نَصرِ الهُدى نَسبٌ
لَوْ قُدِّرَ البدْرُ ليلَ التِّمِّ لازدانا
35. Of those whose pledge to God was fulfilled
With loyalty, faith, and oaths kept.
٣٥. مِنَ الَّذِينَ وَفتْ للهِ بَيْعَتُهُمْ
فأَخلصوا العهدَ إِيماناً وأَيمانا
36. They sold their souls to their Lord, so they won
Eternal glory, and eternity their price.
٣٦. باعوا نُفوسَهُمُ من ربِّهِمْ فَجُزُوا
خُلْدَ الثَّناءِ وخُلدَ الفوزِ أَثْمَانا
37. Through their guidance the paths of life shone,
And the land shone, its idols and statues gone.
٣٧. فأَشرَقَتْ سُبُلُ الدنيا بهدْيِهِمُ
والأَرْضُ قَدْ شَرِقَت كُفراً وأَوْثانا
38. In peace their youth speak with the wisdom of old age,
And their old age in war as fearless youth.
٣٨. تَلقى شبابَهُمُ فِي السَّلمِ إِنْ نَطقوا
شِيباً وشيبَهُمُ فِي الحَرْبِ شُبَّانا
39. They are the answerers when their prophet called "O Lakhm,"
And the distinguishers of the stars of rule when it faded.
٣٩. همُ المُلبُّونَ والأَبصارُ ناكِصَةٌ
نَبِيَّهُمْ يَومَ نادى يَا لَقَحطانا
40. The guarantors of the glory of truth when it was weak;
They have precedence at Badr, Uhud, and both wars of Qais and Ailan.
٤٠. والمُطْلِعُونَ نُجومَ المُلكِ إِذْ أفلتْ
والكافِلونَ بعِزِّ الحقِّ إِذْ هانا
41. At Tabuk, Autas, and Mustaliq,
And those who disobeyed God from the sons of Adnan.
٤١. لَهم مَدى السبقِ فِي بَدْرٍ وَفِي أُحُدِ
وَآلِ حَرْبٍ وحِزْبَيْ قَيسِ عَيلانا
42. Theirs is the acquittal and spoils when it was sealed,
And half the share, their portion from the family of Imran.
٤٢. وفي تَبوكَ و أَوْطاسٍ و مُصطَلقٍ
ومَنْ عَصى اللهَ من أَبناءِ عَدْنانا
43. At Siffin, your swords did not fail
The Prophet's family - O family of Hamdan!
٤٣. لهُم بَرَاءةُ والأَنفالُ إِذ خُتِمَتْ
والنِّصفُ قِسمُهُمُ من آلِ عِمْرانا
44. So may the victory of the one who guided guidance to you bring joy,
And the victory of his sons after him, now.
٤٤. ويومَ صِفِّينَ لَمْ تَخْذُلْ سُيوفُكُمُ
آلَ الرَّسُولِ بِهِ يَا آلَ هَمْدانا
45. The endeavor of those who sheltered and supported,
And raised a helper of the religion, was fruitful.
٤٥. فَليَهْنِكُمْ نصرُ من أَهْدى الهُدى لكمُ
ونَصرُ أبنائِهِ منْ بعدِهِ الآنا
46. Boldly marching to frighten our fears away,
And courting death to pave the way to life.
٤٦. سَعيَ الَّذِينَ هُمُ آوَوْا وهُم نصروا
وأَنجبوا ناصِراً للدِّينِ آوانا
47. Exhausting horses for our comfort,
And spending wealth to honor guests.
٤٧. أَسْرى إِلَى الرَّوْعِ فِي تأْمين رَوْعَتنا
وساوَرَ المَوتَ فِي تمهيدِ مَحيانا
48. As though he found no home but danger,
No intimate but the treasures he possessed.
٤٨. وأَتعبَ الخَيلَ إِيثاراً لِرَاحَتِنا
وفرَّقَ المالَ إِكْراماً لمَثوانا
49. A sword - but only judging the enemies by it.
A sea - but only to the thirsty a thirsty man.
٤٩. كَأَنَّهُ لَمْ يَجِدْ غَيْرَ الوَغى وَطَناً
وَلا سِوانا لما يَحوِيهِ خُزَّانا
50. He gave freely until he nearly convinced us
That if asked, he would give all he had.
٥٠. سَيفاً ولَكنْ عَلَى الأَعداءِ مُحتكِماً
بَحراً ولكن إِلَى الظَّمآنِ ظَمآنا
51. He contended with fate until his hands left
No equal in generosity or war.
٥١. أعطى الرَّغائِبَ حَتَّى كادَ يُوهِمُنا
لَوْ سائِلٌ سَالنا منه لأعطانا
52. When positions wavered in their pillars
And the banners of the elite trailed on the ground,
٥٢. وساجَلَ الدَّهْرَ حَتَّى لَمْ تَدَعْ يدُهُ
فِي الجودِ كُفءاً ولا فِي الحرْبِ أقرانا
53. Gather them close to you in submission;
Rightfully, for your efforts - not by compulsion or aggression.
٥٣. إِذا المراتِبُ جالت فِي أَعِنَّتِها
وجَرَّرَتْ خُطَطُ العلياءِ أَرسانا
54. How often you launched raids and attacks!
With white swords and brown, striking and lunging.
٥٤. فاضْمُمْ إِليكَ أَقاصِيهِنَّ مُذْعِنةً
حقّاً لِسَعيِكَ لا بغياً وعُدوَانا
55. How often you outstripped and encompassed
Vast lands, making sincerity the field.
٥٥. فَكم ضَربْتَ عليها من قِداحِ وغىً
بالبيضِ والسُّمرِ ضَرَّاباً وطَعَّانا
56. Two dominions like two moons in years
And two springs in spirit and breeze.
٥٦. وكم سَبقتَ إِليها واحتوَيتَ لَهَا
مَدىً جَعلتَ إِليها الصِّدْقَ ميدانا
57. A crown of victory, magnificence and honor
You wore over the secure land.
٥٧. رياسَتينِ كَمِثلِ الشعرَيَينِ سَناً
وكالرَّبيعَيْنِ روحاناً وريحانا
58. If you birth for it moons of kingdoms -
Lions of battle, lions and steeds -
٥٨. وتاجَ نصرٍ وإِعظامٍ وتكرِمَةٍ
حَلّاكَها من بأَمْنِ الأَرْضِ حَلّانا
59. Then you have removed for Yahya the veil from it,
Enveloped by you in honor and authority.
٥٩. فإِن ولَدْتَ لَهَا أَقمارَ مَمْلَكَةٍ
أَسباطَ مَلحمَةٍ أُسْداً وفُرْسانا
60. Then rule of twin thrones and ministries encompassed it -
So you won the heights, two yet one.
٦٠. فقد خَلعْتَ عَلَى يحيى حِجابَتها
مَحفوفَةً منكَ إِعْزازاً وسُلطانا
61. Each of you the Commander of the Faithful favored,
As the Merciful drew you near in affection.
٦١. ثُمَّ احتوى حَكَمٌ مثنى وَزارَتِها
فَفُزْتُمُ بالعلا مثنىً وَوِحْدانا
62. An advantage which found none equal in the world but you
For the souls of kings to inhabit.
٦٢. كلٌّ حَباكُم أَميرُ المؤمنين بِهِ
كما بقربكُمُ الرَّحْمنُ حابانا
63. An ambition, O Mansur, that did not rest
Until seeing you as the eye of the faith.
٦٣. مَزِيَّةٌ جالتِ الدُّنيا فما وَجَدَتْ
سِواكُمُ لِنفوسِ المُلكِ أَبدانا
64. It demolished the structure of enmity into fragments,
And built for you above the stars a structure.
٦٤. وهِمَّةٌ لَكَ يَا منصورُ مَا هَدَأَتْ
حَتَّى رأَتْكَ لِعَينِ الدِّينِ إِنسانا
65. Your building makes us forget Sana'a - nay, Iram -
The many-columned, and Sindad and Ghumdan,
٦٥. فَهدَّمَتْ بك بُنيانَ العِدى فَرَقاً
وشيَّدَتْ لَكَ فَوْقَ النجمِ بُنيانا
66. And al-Ablaq the unique, and the tower of Aja,
And the Sailahin, and the dam that was what it was,
٦٦. يُنسي بناءَكمُ صَنعَاءَ بلْ إِرَماً
ذاتَ العِمادِ وسِنداداً وغُمْدانا
67. With a lineage from God's Messenger that tightened
For guidance and religion pillars held by God.
٦٧. والأَبْلقَ الفرْدَ والأَبْراجَ من أَجَأٍ
والسَّيلَحِينَ وسدّاً كَانَ مَا كَانَا
68. A son-in-law whose attributes, now appearing,
Nearly inspire the ages to fluent speech.
٦٨. بنِسبةٍ من رسولِ اللهِ شدَّ بِهَا
ربُّ العُلا للهدى والدِّين أَرْكانا
69. Your Lord's reward is bounty to one banned from sanctity,
Yet protective of the sanctuaries of Islam.
٦٩. صِهراً يكادُ وَقَدْ لاحَتْ معالِمُهُ
يَشدُو بِهِ الدَّهْرُ إِفصاحاً وتِبيانا
70. Protection from one who never ceased to protect us with justice,
And care from one who never ceased to shepherd us in righteousness.
٧٠. جزاءُ رَبِّكَ بالحُسنى لذي حُرَمٍ
أَضْحى عَلَى حُرَم الإِسلامِ غَيرانا
71. Truth in the nobility you have pledged,
Even if equals could not be found - so be trustees.
٧١. وحفظُ مَنْ لَمْ يَزَلْ بالعدلِ يحفظنا
ورَعْيُ من لَمْ يزل بالبرِّ يَرعانا
72. May a blessing bring joy through which happiness thrives,
And a felicity whose time has come.
٧٢. وَصِدْقُ مَا قَدْ عهدْتُم فِي كَرائِمكمْ
إِنْ لَمْ يُمَلَّكْنَ أَكْفاءً فأَكفانا
73. Victorious are those who pledged allegiance to you,
While Hayyan ibn Bayyan came to ruin.
٧٣. فَلْتَهْنِكمْ نِعمةٌ يحيا السُّرورُ بِهَا
وغبطةٌ حانَ فِيهَا يومُ مَنْ حانا
٧٤. ففازَ بالعِزِّ من نادى بِبَيْعَتِكُمْ
وبَاءَ بالخِزْيِ هَيَّانُ بنُ بَيَّانا