1. The nations came to you submissively bowing their necks,
Submitting to your decree and judgment.
١. جاءَتْكَ خاضِعَةً أَعناقُها الأُمَمُ
مُسْتَسلِمِينَ لِمَا تُمْضِي وتَحْتَكِمُ
2. The kings of the earth have pledged themselves to you,
However much valor exhausted itself or generosity amassed.
٢. واسْتَرْهَنَتْكَ ملوكُ الأَرضِ أَنْفُسَها
مَا استنفَدَ البَأْسُ أَوْ مَا اسْتَدْرَكَ الكَرَمُ
3. Then let your sword be gentle, for unbelief is broken
By its flashes, and religion established and organized.
٣. فَلْيَهْنِ سَيْفَكَ أَنَّ الكُفْرَ مُنْقَصِمٌ
بهبَّتَيْهِ وأَنَّ الدينَ مُنتظِمُ
4. Do you see any trace of injustice left in the land
Other than the sobbing of the bereaved amidst the ruins?
٤. فهل تَرى لِلْعِدى فِي الأَرضِ باقيَةً
إِلّا حُشاشَةَ من يَبْكِي ويَلْتَدِمُ
5. These are the tips of the polytheists' spears bowing down,
Admitting and knowing that polytheism is condemned.
٥. هذِي قَوَاصِي ملوكِ الشِّرْكِ مُذْعِنَةٌ
تُنْبَا وتُعْلَمُ أَنَّ الشِّرْكَ يُصطَلَمُ
6. The mountain peaks inform us, as their thrones collapse,
That the mighty cliff is demolished.
٦. وراسياتُ جِبالِ الكفْرِ يُخْبِرُنا
هُوِيُّها أَنَّ ذَاكَ الطودَ مُنْهَدِمُ
7. May your sword be sharp in the furthest reaches of their lands!
By you they sought refuge and from your troops they fled defeated,
٧. فَلٌّ لسَيْفِكَ فِي أَقصى بلادِهِمُ
بكَ استعاذُوا ومن كَرَّاتِكَ انْهَزَمُوا
8. So the swift pursuer with dread dispersed them,
Until the Sanctuary gave them protection in your shade.
٨. فَشَلَّهُمْ طارِدُ الذُّعْرِ المُطِيفُ بِهِمْ
حَتَّى أَجارَهُمُ فِي ظِلِّكَ الحَرَمُ
9. Roaming the plain of the earth, they remained ignorant
Of any settled territory of all the regions.
٩. مُعْتَسِفِينَ سُهوبَ الأَرضِ قَدْ جَهِلُوا
من كلِّ آنِسَةِ الأَقطارِ مَا عَلمُوا
10. Wherever you halted the horses, they turned back
Like the winds, erasing their traces.
١٠. معاهِدٌ قُدْتَ فِيهَا الخيلَ فانْقَلَبَتْ
مثلَ الرُّبوعِ مَحا آثارَها القِدَمُ
11. Their landmarks vanished after them into drifting clouds
Facing the keen swords and the levelled spearheads.
١١. عَفَتْ معالِمها من بعْدِهِمْ سُحُبٌ
صوبُ الصَّوارِمِ مِنها والقَنا دِيَمُ
12. They ask those ruins no favour but
The dismembered corpses and rubble reply to them.
١٢. لا يسأَلُونَ لَهَا رَسْماً بقاطِنِهِ
إِلّا أَجابَتْهُمُ الأَشلاءُ والرِّمَمُ
13. Nor do their steeds tread upon any land
Except that their slightest touch ignites the embers within it.
١٣. ولا تَخُبُّ مطاياهُمْ عَلَى بَلَدٍ
إِلّا استُنيرَتْ بأَدنى وَخْدِها اللِّمَمُ
14. You left them desolate after making them settled,
While the earth lies empty of them due to their injustice.
١٤. غادَرْتَها مُوحِشاتٍ بعدَ آنِسِها
والأَرضُ خاوِيَةٌ منهم بما ظَلَمُوا
15. If the horizon stretches away with them until they weary of it,
Their zeal will impel them back towards you.
١٥. لئِنْ تناهى بِهِمْ أُفْقٌ فَشَطَّ بِهِمْ
لَشَدَّ مَا حَمَلَتْهُمْ نحوَكَ الهِمَمُ
16. Until they cast away the staff of travel and clung
To a covenant of protection from the victorious King.
١٦. حَتَّى رَمَوا بعصا التَّسيارِ فامْتَسكوا
حبلاً من الملِكِ المنصورِ واعتصموا
17. They surrendered themselves with hands of humiliation and believed
A treaty inviolable to them has been made binding.
١٧. أَلقَوْا إِلَيْكَ بأَيدِي الذُّلِّ فاعتقدوا
عهداً من الأَمنِ مَحفوظاً لَهُ الذِّمَمُ
18. They begged for his pardon for souls that knew
Life for them was possible through some of what they gained.
١٨. وجاهدُوا عفوَهُ عن أَنْفُسٍ عَلِمَتْ
أَنَّ الحياةَ لَهَا من بعضِ مَا غَنِمُوا
19. They walk in the shade of banners reminding them
Of days when they were shrouded by vultures and eagles,
١٩. يمشونَ فِي ظُلَلِ الرَّاياتِ تُذْكِرُهُمْ
أَيامَ تغشاهُمُ العِقْبانُ والرَّخَمُ
20. Safe from every fearsome forewarning
That sometimes rides the wind and devours at random,
٢٠. من كُلِّ أَغلبَ محذورٍ بوادِرُهُ
يساوِرُ الرِّيحَ أَحياناً ويَلْتَهِمُ
21. And from every vanished vanity whose extent of folly
Was as if towards the entrails of the foe it lunged,
٢١. وكلِّ فتخاءَ ماضٍ حَدُّ مِنْسَرِها
كَأَنَّهُ نحوَ أَكبادِ العِدى قَرِمُ
22. And from the writhing of tent ropes towards their heads,
As if about to snap them up in mid-air,
٢٢. وأَرقَمٍ يتلَوَّى نحو أَرْؤُسِهِمْ
حَتَّى يكادُ لَهَا فِي الجو يَلْتَقِمُ
23. With the lions roaring and the banners fluttering
As if fixed in their hearts,
٢٣. والأُسْدُ تزْأَرُ والراياتُ خافِقَةٌ
كَأَنَّها مُثْبَتاتٌ فِي قُلُوبِهِمُ
24. And the horses strung together by horses, not lines
Of ink, for the purpose of effort, not payment of blood-money.
٢٤. والخيلُ منظومَةٌ بالخيلِ لا كتبٌ
منها لغايَةِ ذِي سَعْيٍ ولا أَمَمُ
25. The earth is a table spread by the awe of the heroes
And the atmosphere filled by the neighing of horsemen.
٢٥. والأَرضُ من رهبةِ الأَبطالِ مائِدَةٌ
والجوُّ من رَهَجِ الفرسانِ مُزْدَحِمُ
26. The swords flash among the play of lances
And the blades blaze in the thick of scabbards,
٢٦. والسُّمْرُ فِي هَبَواتِ النقعِ ثاقبةٌ
والبِيضُ فِي قُرُبِ الأَغْمادِ تضطرِمُ
27. As if they had filled the vastness of space around them
With the gloom of phantoms, forests, and thickets.
٢٧. كَأَنَّما ملأَتْ رَحْبَ الفضاءِ لَهُمْ
غُلْبُ الضَّراغِمِ والغاباتُ والأَجَمُ
28. The supporters of guidance and religion took cover
Behind faces smiling at the dignity of events.
٢٨. وأَولياءُ الهُدى والدينِ قَدْ سَتَرُوا
من أَوْجُهٍ بِسَناها الخطبُ يَبْتَسِمُ
29. They wrapped themselves in the raiment of the sun’s protection
And donned the fine garb of restraining vain mirage.
٢٩. تَعَمَّمُوا بإِياةِ الشمسِ واشتملوا
رقراقَ نَهْيِ سرابِ البيدِ والْتَثمُوا
30. As if flashes of aid from you gleamed upon their heads,
Since they were united in purpose and bonds of brotherhood.
٣٠. كَأَنَّما تَتلالا فِي رُؤُوسِهِمُ
وَقَدْ توافَوْا أَيادٍ منكَ أَوْ شِيَمُ
31. While the adherents of unbelief walk in pairs, doubting
The livelihood, at times, and even accusing one another.
٣١. وشيعَةُ الكفرِ فِي مَثْنَى حبائِلِهِمْ
تُصَدِّقُ العيشَ أَحياناً وتَتَّهِمُ
32. Until they see you from the furthest end of the plain
Where the dove of peace has alighted and the sword of pardon rules.
٣٢. حَتَّى تراءاكَ من أَقصى السِّماطِ وَقَدْ
شِيمَ الحِمامُ وسَيْفُ العفوِ مُحتكِمُ
33. What their burnished blades were accustomed to
Is portrayed among their valleys and hilltops.
٣٣. مُمثَّلٌ فِي هوادِيهِمْ وأَرْؤُسِهِمْ
مَا عُوِّدَتْ منهُمُ المصقولَةُ الخُذُمُ
34. When you bared it in parting from them,
The necks and the summit bowed down prostrate before you.
٣٤. لما انتضَيْتَ سناها فِي مفارِقِهِمْ
خرَّتْ سُجُوداً لَكَ الأَعناقُ والقِمَمُ
35. With faces humbled in the dust submissively,
As if each brow of theirs was a footstool.
٣٥. وأَوْجُهٌ عفَّروها التُّرْبَ خاضِعَةً
كَأَنَّ كلَّ جبينٍ منهُمُ قَدَمُ
36. If your life-giving sea surges into flood for them,
They breach the ranks, and the waves of panic break apart.
٣٦. فإِنْ يَفِضْ بحرُكَ المُحْيِي لَهُمْ فلقد
جازُوا الصُّفوفَ وموجُ الذُّعْرِ يَلْتَطِمُ
37. Or if they behold the full moon in its highest station,
Beyond it, shadows envelop them all around.
٣٧. أَوْ عايَنُوا البدرَ فِي أَعلى منازِلِهِ
فقد أَحاطَتْ بِهِمْ من دونِهِ ظُلَمُ
38. If you pardon, the All-Merciful is reconciled,
If you punish, the All-Merciful takes vengeance.
٣٨. فإِنْ عفوتَ ففي الرَّحمنِ مؤتَلَفٌ
وإِنْ سَطَوْتَ ففي الرحمنِ مُنْتَقَمُ
39. Make peace! No vengeance remains with us against them.
It oscillates among them while bounty and blessing are yours.
٣٩. واسْلَمْ ولا بَرِحَتْ فيهمْ لَنَا نِقَمٌ
تَتْرى بِهِمْ ولكَ الآلاءُ والنِّعَمُ