1. I greet the days with hope and hopes fulfilled,
With the advent of victory from a conquering king,
ูก. ุณูุงู
ู ุนูููู ุงูุฃููููุงู
ู ุชุณููู
ู ุฅูููุจุงูู
ุงูู ุชุญูููู ูุชุญูููู ุขู
2. And the omens of triumph in the dawn of destiny,
And a kingdomโs splendor shining in a glorious crown,
ูข. ุจู
ู ูุชุญู ู
ู ู
ูููู ู
ูุฃูููุจูุฉู ููุตูุฑู ููู ุชุจุงุดููุฑู ุฅูููุจุงูู
3. Greeted with reverence and graced with majesty,
A treasure of dominions and allegiance of subjects,
ูฃ. ูุดุงูุฏู ู
ููููู ูุงุญู ููู ุชุงุฌู ู
ูุญููููุงู ุจุฅูุนุธุงู
ู ู
ูุญูููููู ุจุฅูุฌูุงูู
4. The elite of eras and the legacy of generations.
Rejoice, O World, at the one whose voice
ูค. ุฐุฎูุฑุฉู ุฃูู
ูุงูู ูุนููููู ุชูุจุงุจูุนู
ูุตููุฉู ุฃูุฐููุงุกู ูู
ูุฑุงุซู ุฃููููุงูู
5. Archangel Gabriel extolled as a bearer of good news.
Rejoice at the coming of a land whose life
ูฅ. ูุจูุดูุฑูุงูู ููุง ุฏูููุง ุณูู
ูููู ุงูููุฐูู ุจููู
ุนููุง ุตูุชู ุฌูุจูุฑูููู ุจูุดูุฑุงู ูู
6. Bears truth and fortune in his name.
And here a sky of grace raining with favor,
ูฆ. ูุจุดุฑุงูู ุจุงุณุชูุจุงูู ุฃูุฑุถู ุญููุงุชููุง
ุง ููู ุงุณู
ููู ู
ู ุตุงุฏููู ุงูุธููููู ูุงููุงูู
7. And here the glitter of pride beaming with brilliance,
And here the beauty of time adorned with grace.
ูง. ููููุฐูู ุฑููุงุถู ุงูุฃูู
ูู ุชูุฒูููุฑู ุจุงูู
ููุฐูู ุณู
ุงุกู ุงููุถูู ุชูููู
ูู ุจุฅูููุถุงูู
8. By the one who dispelled the disaster that darkened the morn
And confounded minds with the wilderness of misguidance,
ูจ. ููุฐุง ุณูุงุกู ุงููุฎุฑู ููุดูุฑููู ุจุงูุณูููุง
ููุฐุง ุฌู
ุงูู ุงูุฏูุฑู ููุฒููู ุจุฅูุฌูู
9. Who mended the schism that stumped all creation,
Leaving it no trickery by which to scheme,
ูฉ. ุจูู
ููู ููุดููู ุงูุฎูุทูุจู ุงูููุฐูู ุฃูุธูููู
ู ุงูุถููุญู
ูุฃูููู ุนูููู ุงูุฃููุจุงุจู ุญูููุฑูุฉู ุฅูุถููุงูู
10. Who revived in the body of virtues its soul,
So none can lament nor victims complain;
ูกู . ูู
ู ุฑูุชููู ุงููุชููู ุงูููุฐูู ุฃูุนูุฌูุฒู ุงููุฑู
ู ููููู ุงูุฏููููุฑู ุญููููุฉู ู
11. Who made Islam a refuge for the blessed,
And hostility for those astray;
ูกูก. ูู
ู ุฑูุฏูู ููู ุฌุณู
ู ุงูู
ู ุฑููุญููู
ููุง ุนูุฐูุฑู ููุจุงููู ููุง ุฐูููุจู ููุณููุงูู
12. Who boarded the ship that sails through tumult
Into every awesome abyss and its horrors,
ูกูข. ูู
ููู ููุณูุนู ุงูุฅุณูุงู
ู ุฑูุฃูููุฉู ู
ูููููุฃู ููุฅูุดุฑุงูู ุนูุฏูููุฉู ุฑูุฆูุจูุงูู
13. And raised banners that flap as though
To shake the signs of misbelief with tremors;
ูกูฃ. ูู
ู ุฑููุจู ุงููููููู ุงูุณูููุงุจูุญู ููู ุงููุบูู
ุฅูููู ูููู ูููููู ููุชุญููู ุจุฃูููุงูู
14. Who paraded the steeds as though the earth
Walked with the strut of a prancing camel;
ูกูค. ูุฑูููุนู ุฃูุนูุงู
ุงู ููุฃูููู ุฎูููููุง
ุนูููู ุนูููู
ู ุงูุฅูุดุฑุงูู ุฅูุฑุฌุงูู ุฒูููุฒูุงูู
15. He marched by night in December's chill
As praises showered him amid the darkness.
ูกูฅ. ูุณุงู
ูุฑู ุจุงูุดููุนูุฑู ุฎูููุงู ููุฃููููู
ูุดููู ุจูููููู ุงูุฃูุฑุถู ู
ูุดูููุฉู ู
16. None but the flames of his spears kept him warm,
No other fire comforted him in the bitter cold,
ูกูฆ. ุณุฑู ูููู ูุงููููููููู ูุงูุฏููุฌููู ุฐุงุฆูุจู
ุนููููููู ุจุญู
ุฏู ููู ุฏูุฌู ุงููููู ู
17. With an army that mirrored his eyes
When he marched at dawn or dusk.
ูกูง. ููููููุณู ุณููู ูุงุฑู ุงูุทููุนุงูู ูููู ุตูููู
ููุง ุบูููุฑููู ููู ุญูุฑูู ุฃูููููููุง ุตุงูู
18. So the stars of high heavens are your army's stars
And the sunโs glow is the most radiant image of you,
ูกูจ. ุจุฌู
ุนู ููุฃูููู ุงูุฌูููู ู
ุฑุขุฉู ุนููููููู
ุฅูุฐูุง ู
ูุง ุณูุฑู ุฃููู ุจุงูุบูุฏูููู ูุงูุขุตุงูู
19. As though you made the dunes and wilds verdant
And the valleysโ acacias flower and thrive,
ูกูฉ. ููุชูู
ูุซุงูู ุฃูุทุฑุงูู ุงูุนูุงูู ููุฌููู
ูุณู ุถุญุงูู ู
ููู ุฃูุจููููู ุชูู
20. Where the touch of your hands has reached
Joining dusk and dawn, plateau and mountain.
ูขู . ููุฃูููููู ุนููููุถูุชู ุงูุฃูุจุงุทูุญู ูุงูุฑููุจู
ูุดูุฌู ุงูููุง ู
ู ู
ูููุจูุชู ุงูุณููุฏูุฑู ูุงูุถููุงูู
21. How the wilds have worn, thanks to you, the turbans of prosperity,
And the desert trails the train of abundant fortune!
ูขูก. ูู
ุง ุนูู
ูููุง ุฌูุฏููู ููุฏููููู ููุตููููุชู
ุณุงุกู ุจุฅูุตุจุงุญู ูุณููููุงู ุจุฃูุฌูุจุงูู
22. Gardens of bliss smile amid the shadows,
When the breeze of victory blows, blooming
ูขูข. ูููู
ู ุฃููุจูุณูุชู ุดูู
ูู ุงูุฑููุจู ู
ู ุนู
ูุฌูุฑููุชู ุนูููู ุงูุจูุฏุงุกู ู
ู ููุถููู ุฃูุฐููุงูู
23. With bright oleanders and dark myrtles.
The gushing of springs in rich oases
ูขูฃ. ุญุฏุงุฆููู ู
ุงุฐูููู ููุถุงุญููู ููู ุงูุฏููุฌู
ุญุจููุงู ููููู
ูุนู ุงูุดู
ุณู ููู ุฑููููู ุงูุขูู
24. And flowers shining in meadows of greens,
The trade of conquest paying deeds for spoils
ูขูค. ุฅูุฐูุง ููุจูู ุฑูุญู ุงููุตุฑู ูููููุง ุชูููุชููุญูุชู
ุจุฃูุจูููุถู ููุถููุงุจู ูุฃูุณูู
ูุฑู ุนูุณููุงูู
25. Fulfilling rights and claiming debts.
God, how your hands made the blood of Muslims dear
ูขูฅ. ูุทุงููุฉู ููุจุนู ูู ุจูุงูู ู
ููุฒูููุฑูุฉู ููููุฑู ููู ูููุงููุฉู ููุจููุงูู
26. And cheapened in their foes blood however dear!
You delivered to Islam therein wares
ูขูฆ. ุชุฌุงุฑูุฉู ุบูุฒููู ููููุฏููุง ุงูุจููุถู ูุงูููุง
ูุถุงุกู ุญููููู ูุงูุชูุถุงุกู ูุขุฌุงูู
27. That bring manifold profit and matchless gain.
Son of Shanj's capture of captives suffices you
ูขูง. ูููููููู ูู
ุฃูุบููููุชู ู
ู ุฏูู
ู ู
ูุฃูุฑุฎูุตูุชู ููู ุฃูุนุฏุงุฆููู ู
ู ุฏูู
ู ุบุงูู
28. As the prime specimens and signs of those specimens.
You bought a king and all his court for some of him
ูขูจ. ูุฃูุณููู
ูุชู ููุฅูุณูุงู
ู ูููููุง ุจุถุงุนูุฉู
ุชุนูุฏ ุจุฃูุถุนุงูู ูุชููู ุจุฃูู
29. And profited with a pound sold for a few grams.
No conqueror gained spoils like it,
ูขูฉ. ูุญุณุจููู ูููููุง ุจูุงุจููู ุดูููุฌู ูุฌูููุฏููู
ู ุงูุณููุจููู ุฃูุจูุฏุงูุงู ูุฃููููุฉู ุฃูุจุฏุงูู
30. Nor did any captor seize captives so fine.
You did not sell them into slavery, postponing
ูฃู . ู
ูููุงู ููู
ูุง ูุญูู ุดูุฑูููุชู ุจูุจูุนูุถููู
ูุฃูุฑูุจูุญู ุจููููุทุงุฑู ููุจุงุนู ุจู
31. Or excusing payment, but paid forthright
With acknowledgment of submission and submissionโs humiliation,
ูฃูก. ูู
ุง ุญุงุฒู ุบุงุฒู ู
ุซูููู ููููุกู ู
ููุง ูุงูู ุณุงุจู ู
ุซูููุง ุณูุจููู ุฃูููุงูู
32. And admission, by one who seeks no refuge from you,
That without your sword he has no ally;
ูฃูข. ูู
ุง ุจุนุชู ุฑูููู ุงูู
ูููู ู
ู ููุณููุฆูุฉู
ููุง ู
ูุณุชุฌููุฒูุงู ูุงููุฆู ุงูุฏูููููู ุจุงูููุงูู
33. Return, then, with the keys to your past victories
That opened what was locked tight in the shackles of betrayal,
ูฃูฃ. ูููููู ููุฏุงู ูุงุฌูุฒุงู ููู ุฑููุงุจูููู
ุจุฅูุฐูุนุงูู ุชูู
ูููููู ูุฅูุฐูุนุงูู ุฅูุฐูุงูู
34. By the man whose abhorrence of you was not sated by distance,
Who did not avert his eyes in disdain after you
ูฃูค. ูุฅููุฑุงุฑู ู
ู ูุง ูุจุชุบู ุนููู ู
ููููููุณู ูููู ู
ู ุฏููู ุณููููู ู
ููู ูุงูู
35. Took from him the next morning the cost of your horses
In steeds unlike any destrier;
ูฃูฅ. ููุนูุฏู ุจู
ูุงุชููุญู ุงููุชูุญู ุงูููุชูู ุดูููุชู
ุนูููู ุบููููู ู
ู ุบูุฏูุฑูุฉู ุชุญุชู ุฃูููุงูู
36. An enemy was born to a mother you impregnated,
Whose belly contained the spawn of a wicked schemer;
ูฃูฆ. ุจู
ููู ููู
ู ููุณูุบููู ููุฑูููู ุจูุนูุฏู ููุฑูููู
ููุง ุฑูุฏูู ู
ู ุนููููููููู ููุธูุฑูุฉู ุฅูุฌูุงูู
37. When dread of you hits him, it leaves him
Scattered like a garden wrecked amid the ruins of homesteads;
ูฃูง. ุบุฏุงุฉู ุชูุงุถู ู
ูู ุฃูููุงูู ุฎููููู
ุจุฃูุฌูุงุฏู ุฎููู ูุง ุชูููุฑูู ุจุฃูููุงูู
38. It healed a paradise whose fruits were never savored
Until war let it reap the flames of hell and its anguish.
ูฃูจ. ูุฃููููุญู ู
ููู ุจูุทููู ุฃูู
ูู ุทูููุชู ุจููู
ูุฉู ุดููู
ู ุฌูุงูู ููู ุณูุฎูุฏู ุฃูููุฌุงูู
39. He flips his palms in the despair of one devastated,
His eyes brimming with the tears of one distraught,
ูฃูฉ. ุฅูุฐูุง ุฃูุณูููุทูุชููู ุฑูููุนูุฉู ู
ููู ุฑุงุนููู
ู ุฑูุงุถู ููู ุฏูุงุฑูุณู ุฃูุทูุงูู
40. A cultivator of gardens ravaged by enmity,
Which you replaced for him with towering peaks.
ูคู . ุดููุง ุฌููููุฉู ููู
ู ุชูุฌููู ุญูุชููู ุฌููู ููููุง
ุญุฑูุจุงู ุฌููุงูุง ู
ู ุฌุญูู
ู ูุฃููููุงูู
41. What walls withstand when your advice is their secret?
What trees flourish when your well-being waters them?
ูคูก. ูููููุจู ูููููููู ุจุญูุณูุฑูุฉู ุญุงุณูุฑู
ุนููููููุง ูุนูููููููู ุจุนุจุฑุฉู ุฅูุนููุงูู
42. He protected them, raising them high,
Though none has seen a place loftier than yours,
ูคูข. ู
ุตุงููุนู ุฑูููุถุงุชู ุฑูุนู ุงูุจูุบููู ููุจูุชููุง
ูุนููููุถููู ู
ููุง ุดูุงูููู ุฃูููุนุงูู
43. He constructed them tall, but how many like them
Have you lamented over when rubble remained?
ูคูฃ. ูุฃููููุฉู ุฃูุณูุงุฑู ูููุตูุญููู ุณูุฑูููุง
ุฅูููู ุฃูู ุทูู ุบูููุงู ูุฃููููุฉู ุฃูุบูุงูู
44. He disabled them of your loyal counsel,
Bent on destructionโmarvel at the days for one who damages!
ูคูค. ูุฃููููุฉู ุฃูุดุฌุงุฑู ูุณูููู
ููู ุณููููููุง
ุฅูููู ุฃููู ุจูุบู ูููููุง ูุฃููููุฉู ุฃูุฌูุฐุงูู
45. You crown them with siege, your troop's circled around,
A space filled with regiments of horsemen and heroes.
ูคูฅ. ุญูู
ุงูุง ูุฃูุนููุงูุง ุจููุงุกู ููู
ูุง ุฑุฃู
ูุงูููู ููุนูููู ููููู ุฐู ุดูุฑููู ุนุงูู
46. By night, they are his bedcover and pillow,
By day, amid coats of mail and armor.
ูคูฆ. ูุดูููุฏููุง ุนูุฌูุจุงู ููุง ุฑูุจูู ู
ุนูููู ู
ูุซูููุง ุฃูุจูููุชู ู
ู ุทูููู ุจุงูู
47. As the Kindite described his lover's husband
Upon him the dark suspicions and omens of ruin.
ูคูง. ูุนูุทูููููุง ู
ู ุญููููู ููุตูุญููู ุจุงุบููุงู
ููุง ุนูุฌูุจู ุงูุฃููุงู
ู ููุนุงุทููู ุงูุญุงูู
48. So unleash against it the power of unwavering son and advice
For no coward reached its vulnerability like the aggressor,
ูคูจ. ููุชููููุฌููุง ุจุงููููููุนู ููุธูู
ููู ุญููููุง
ุฌุงูู ุนููููุฏู ู
ู ุฎูููู ูุฃูุจุทุงูู
49. No guardian defended warโs secrets like her husband,
No watcher over lions resembled the usurping cub.
ูคูฉ. ูููู
ูุณู ููููุง ู
ููู ููุญุงูู ูู
ูุชูุตูุจูุญู ู
ูู ุจููููู ุฏูุฑูุนู ูุณูุฑูุจุงูู
50. Especially when a free man shone upon you like gathering clouds,
Sincere advice, neither wavering nor partisan,
ูฅู . ูู
ุง ููุตููู ุงูููููุฏูููู ุจูุนููู ููุชุงุชููู
ุนููููููู ุงูููุชุงู
ู ุณููููุกู ุงูุธููููู ูุงูุจุงูู
51. An loyal ally, not falling short of extremes,
Nor causing doubt between falling short and extremes.
ูฅูก. ูุฃูุจููู ููููุง ุจุฃูุณู ุงุจููู ุจุงูู ูููุตูุญููู
ุง ููู
ูุณู ุงูุฌูุฑูุจุงุกู ู
ูุซููู ููุฏู ุงูุทููุงููู
52. A bird of joy whose feathers forever
Arrive with determination and zeal,
ูฅูข. ููุง ุฃูุญูุตููู ุงูุญุฑุจู ุงูุนูุงูู ููุจูุนููููุง
ููุง ุฑุงุนู ุขุณุงุฏุงู ูุบุงุตูุจู ุฃูุดูุจูุงูู
53. With it, he repelled the steeds of enmity
As their necks bled, having despaired of kin or maternal unclesโ aid.
ูฅูฃ. ููุงุณููููู
ุง ุญูุฑูู ุฌููุง ูููู ุบูููู
ูุตูุญุฉู ูุง ูุงูู ูุฅูุดูุงูู ูุง ุขูู
54. He gave security against their aggression to all who feared
And impoverished their storage of people and money.
ูฅูค. ูุดููุนููููุฉู ูุง ู
ูููุตูุฑุงู ุนู ุบูููููููุง
ููุง ู
ูุดููููุงู ุจููููู ุงูู
ูุตููุฑู ูุงูุบุงูู
55. Indeed, the crescent moon gleamed from the edge of his sword
A guaranteed fulfillment dependent on him.
ูฅูฅ. ูุทุงุฆุฑู ููู
ููู ูุง ุชูุฒูุงูู ุชูุฑููุดููู
ู ุฅููุฏุงู
ู ูููููุถูุฉู ุฅูุนุฌุงูู
56. Succeeding in exaltation and submission.
The steeds do not shy from heading into fray,
ูฅูฆ. ุจูููุง ุฑูุฏูู ุฎููู ุงูุจุบูู ุชูุฏูู
ู ูููููู
ููููุฏู ููุฆูุณูุชู ู
ู ููุตูุฑูุฉู ุงูุนูู
ูู ูุงูุฎุงูู
57. Nor the warriors settling down and journeying.
ูฅูง. ูุฃูู
ูููู ู
ู ุนูุฏูุงูููุง ููููู ุฎุงุฆููู
ูุฃูุซููููุง ู
ูุณูุชูููุฏูุนู ุงูุฃูููู ูุงูู
ูฅูจ. ูุฅูููู ููุงูุงู ูุงุญ ู
ู ุญูุฏูู ุณููููู
ููู ุฅูุชู
ู ุนููููููู ูุฅููู
ูฅูฉ. ููุงูู ูุฌูู
ู ุงูุณููุนูุฏู ู
ู ููููู ู
ุชููุงูู ุจุชูุจูุฑู ุฅููููููู ูุฅูููุงูู
ูฆู . ููุง ุนูุฑูููุชู ู
ููู ุงูุฌูุงุฏู ุฅูููู ุงููุบู
ููุง ุงูุนูุณู ู
ู ุญูููู ุฅููููููู ูุชูุฑูุญุงูู