
The sons of Bacchus were grieved

أبناء باخوس غدوا في لوعة

1. The sons of Bacchus were grieved
When Joseph that young man left the dwelling

١. أبناء باخوس غدوا في لوعة
إذ يوسف ذاك الفتى هجر الحمى

2. A courageous leader, rather a noble scholar
Through his virtues the East and West sang his praises

٢. شهم امامٌ بل اديب فاضلٌ
فبفضله شرقاً وغربا رَنما

3. Lebanon was first in pride and glory
For his people, he wished the best whenever

٣. لبنانَ اولى عزةً وتفاخراً
فلقومه منهُ نواه كلَّما

4. For his loss, his brother the knight
Became distraught and shed tears when

٤. لفقده امسى اخو فارس
بتفجعٍ واسال دمعاً عندما

5. Cease your crying, then sorrow O his family
For his soul to his God he has surrendered

٥. كفُّوا البكا ثمَّ الاسى يا آله
اذ روحهُ لالهه قد سلَّما

6. So He gifted him eternal kingdom in heaven
To enjoy what he has blessed him with

٦. فحباهُ ملكاً في السماء مؤبداً
متمتعاً فيما عليهِ انعما

7. Happiness and glory adorn his resting place
With might he became the heir of a king

٧. سعداً ومجداً ارخوا حاوٍ بها
بالعزَ اضحى وارثاً ملك