1. The ranks have been ennobled by their structures,
And determination and resolve are inherent to their nature,
١. هي المراتب قد عزّت مبانيها
والحزم والعزمُ طبعا من ماديها
2. He who aspires to glory, if he comprehends them,
Will gain glory and excellence through earnestness.
٢. وذي المعالي فمَن دام الدّراك لها
بالفخر فالجدُّ يُؤتيه معاليها
3. Glory is only attained by a valiant knight,
And none can lead to glory but its governor,
٣. لا يدرك المجدَ الاَّ فارسٌ بطل
ولا يؤمُّ المعالي غيرُ واليها
4. Glory requires valor and perceptiveness,
With which glory shines at its heights.
٤. لا بدَّ للمجد من شهم ومن نبَهٍ
يُزهى بهِ المجد في عليائهِ تيها
5. Like the unique elite whose glory has wandered,
The ranks of glory, both near and far.
٥. كالفرد صَفوتَ من تاهت بعزَّتهِ
مراتب المجد دانيها وقاصيها
6. He is the minister whose feats have spread
In glory, which history never ceases to recount,
٦. هو الوزير الذي شاعت مآثره
في المجد لا يبرح التاريخ يرويها
7. And the poets of the time have come to chant them
As the rhymes unlock their meanings.
٧. واقبلت شعراء العصر تنشدها
وتستهلّ القوافي من معانيها
8. Thanks and gratitude to our noble lord
For his blessing when he gave the bow its arrow,
٨. حمداً وشكراً لمولانا العزيز على
إِنعامهِ حين اعطى القوسَ باريها
9. Our Sultan, holder of the world in his grip,
Refuge of the caliphate, its successor and protector,
٩. سلطاننا المالكالمالك الدنيا بقبضتهِ
مولى الخلافة ملجاها وكاليها
10. O Lord, may you eternalize the span of his reign
And safeguard his justice, answering the oppressed,
١٠. يا ربّ خلَد مدى الايام شوكتهُ
واحفظ عدالتهُ ورداً لظاميها
11. O Lord, bless his subjects with his kindness,
And may the rain of his grace never cease to revive them.
١١. يا ربّ نعم رعاياه برأفته
وغيث نعمته لا زال يحييها