1. Does this age of glory congratulate you, or does glory
Congratulate this age, exalted, as its fortune shone?
١. يهنيك عصر المجد ام يهنأَ المجدُ
بعصرك معتزاً فطالعهُ السعدُ
2. The honor of days is through their people,
Their image shaped by the imprint of their deeds.
٢. وما شرف الايام الاَّ بأهلها
فصورتها من رسم افعالهم تبدو
3. A place for the strides of men and their merit,
Accompanied in attaining it by toil and effort.
٣. مجال لاقدام الرجال وفضلهم
يصاحبهم في نيله الكدًّ والجهدُ
4. A man may ascend in glory through his striving,
And attain what glory and striving cannot attain.
٤. وقد يترقى المرء مجداً بجدّه
ويدرك ما لا يدرك المجد والجدُّ
5. A youth is not one who encounters time effortlessly,
Without the resolve of his will, opposed and adverse.
٥. وليس الفتى من يلتقي الدهرعن قلىً
ودون مساعي عزمهِ الخلف والضدُّ
6. Seeking the heights is no easy matter, but rather
Its sweetness is patience, its firmness honey.
٦. فما طلب العلياء سهلاً وانما
حلاوتها صبر وعلقمها شهدُ
7. My covenant with it is it never breaks its promise and loyalty,
It has no covenant with any other than its companion.
٧. وعهدي بها لا تخلف الوعد والوفا
وليس لها من غير صاحبها عهدُ
8. It shone with pride and lofty station through him,
And delighted through him a soul, so its days are comfortable.
٨. تجلَت بهِ فخراً وجلّ مقامها
وطابت بهِ نفساً فأيَّامها رغدُ
9. We knew through him the merit of men and their perseverance,
For their perseverance is nothing but virtue and devotion.
٩. عرفنا بهِ فضل الرجال ودأبهم
فما دأبه الاَّ الفضيلة والزهدُ
10. We count among the generous their attributes,
And recite them with pride, and they have no limit.
١٠. نعدَد ما بين الكرام صفاتهِ
وننشدها فخراً وليس لها عدُّ
11. Through them my hopes were fulfilled and the goal of my pursuit,
No quest for the lofty peaks was thwarted by their magnanimity.
١١. بها جلَ آمالي وغاية مقصدي
فما خاب في عليا مكارمها قصدُ
12. I walk the expanse of time accompanied by them,
Glancing at them for guidance, so guidance makes me prosper.
١٢. اسير مدى الايام مستصحباً بها
أُرامقها رشداً فيسعدني الرشدُ
13. I have known only benevolence from them for my soul,
I have mentioned no merit that was not completed by their bounty.
١٣. فما عرفت الاَّ لها النفس منَّةً
ولا ذكرت فضلاً ولا عمّها رفدُ
14. This holiday congratulates you, for it is your holiday,
And its joys in fortune and dignity expand.
١٤. يهنَيك هذا العيد انك عيده
وافراحهُ بالحظّ والعزّ تمتدُّ
15. Never did I cease making your noble traits my goal,
Adorned by the lofty peaks, made prosperous by glory.
١٥. فلا برحت أوصافك الغر مقصداً
تزينها العليا ويسعدها المجدُ