1. Peace upon the abode of that fever and those dwellings,
Peace greeted by the morning and notes of song.
١. على رسم ذياك الحمى والمنازل
سلام يُهادى بالضحى والأصائل
2. Peace, and would that the winds had borne
To it my heart and love had carried me!
٢. سلام ويا ليت الرياح تحمَّلت
إليها فؤادي والهوى كان حاملي
3. I stood weeping with longing, for God a stand
Where my soul contests with me, and yearning kills me.
٣. وقفت بها وجداً ولله وقفة
أنازعها روحي ووجديَ قاتلي
4. I wept and my copious tears rained
For my state, my solitude and my wanton ways.
٤. بكيت وابكيت الرسومَ صبابةً
ورقّ لحالي خُلَّتي وعواذلي
5. My friend, the days of youth are short
And they are but a shifting kingdom.
٥. خليليّ ايامُ الشباب قصيرة
وما هي الاَّ دولة بالتداولِ
6. Friends mar them with estrangement and pining
And hopes cut through them like the stages of a journey.
٦. ينغصها الاحباب بالهجر والنوى
وتقطعها الآمال قطع المراحلِ
7. Our reunion was nothing but parting for a company
Bidding farewell to a waning moon, following a waning moon.
٧. وما وَصلنا الاَّ اجتماع لفرقةٍ
نودع بدراً آفلاً إثر آفلِ
8. God has decreed I should not forget the past
And so I have made light of their troth, even if loyalty fails me.
٨. ابى الله أن انسى على البعد عهدهم
واسلو ولو كان الوفاء مماطلي
9. By God, may my oath forget me when I ask
My heart for the love of generous souls!
٩. وبالله تنساني يميني اذا سلا
فؤادي ودادَ الشهم فرع الافاضلِ
10. Ask about me of my watcher though he stays
My heart, and would my heart had been my questioner!
١٠. أسائل عنّي ناظري وهو ساكن
فؤادي ويا ليت الفؤاد مواصلي
11. Never did I cease to make your rare qualities
A spring to which every eminent one comes down to drink.
١١. فلا فتئت اوصافك الغرّ مورداً
يخفُّ اليها للعلى كلُّ ناهلِ