
We sought vengeance, so we killed

قد طلبنا بثأرنا فقتلنا

1. We sought vengeance, so we killed
All dissidents and obstinate among you

١. قَد طَلَبنا بِثَأرِنا فَقَتَلنا
مِنكُم كُلَّ مارِقٍ وَعَنيدِ

2. We killed you in Yahya's name, and never
Does God's rule return in vain

٢. قَد قَتَلناكُمُ بِيَحيى وَما إِن
كانَ حُكمُ الإِلَهِ بِالمَردودِ

3. You provoked, O slaves' sons, lions
Who never shirked from avenging

٣. هِجتُمُ يا بَني العُبودِ لُيوثاً
لَم يَكونوا عَن ثارِهِم بِقُعودِ

4. So they ignited its heat and the heat of swords
That blaze upon you like firewood

٤. فَاِصطَلوا حَرَّها وَحَرَّ سُيوفٍ
تَتَلَظّى عَلَيكُم كَالوقودِ

5. You continued to wrong it crookedly until
You met death, the worst of all meetings

٥. لَم تَزالوا تَبغونَها عِوَجاً حَت
تى وَرَدتُم لِلمَوتِ شَرَّ وُرودِ

6. To you came Majid, leading
Valiant youths like lions toward you

٦. جاءَكُم ماجِدٌ يَقودُ إِلَيكُم
فِتيَةً مِنهُم كَمِثلِ الأُسودِ

7. Majid strove for glory until
He attained the utmost summit of glory

٧. ماجِدٌ قَد جَرى إِلى المَجدِ حَتّى
نالَ بِالسَّبقِ غايَةَ التَّمجيدِ

8. And his growth for generosity, fathers of sincerity reared
And ancestors, none like his ancestors

٨. وَنَمتهُ لِلجودِ آباءُ صِدقٍ
وَجُدودٌ ما مِثلهم جُدودِ

9. A refined Hibrizi from Nuzr
And a pillar, none like him a pillar

٩. هِبرِزِيٌّ مُهَذَّبٌ مِن نِزارٍ
وَعَميدٌ ما مِثلُهُ مِن عَميدِ

10. Seeking vengeance, the vengeance of honorable folk
Who kept their word after their word

١٠. يَطلُبُ الثّارَ ثارَ قَومٍ كِرامٍ
أَخَذوا بِالعُهودِ بَعدَ العُهودِ

11. So he ravaged the Red, leaving none
Save Eyan bound in his chains

١١. فَاِستَباحَ الحَمراءَ لَم يُبقِ مِنهُم
غَيرَ عانٍ في قَيدِهِ مَصفودِ

12. We have killed thousands of you, but how can
Killing the noble equal killing slaves?

١٢. قَد قَتَلنا مِنكُم أُلوفاً فَما يَع
دِلُ قَتلَ الكَريمِ قَتلُ العَبيدِ

13. They killed him when he granted them refuge
Killing him was no wise opinion

١٣. قَتَلوهُ لَمّا أَضافَ إِلَيهِم
لَم يَكُن قَتلُهُ بِرِأَيٍ رَشيدِ

14. Vile slaves of vileness killed him
And the acts of slaves are not praiseworthy

١٤. قَتَلَتهُ عَبيدُ سوءٍ لِئامٌ
وَفِعالُ العَبيدِ غَيرُ حَميدِ

15. In their act they attained no wisdom
Neither had their ancestors been fortunate

١٥. لم يُصيبوا الرّشادَ فيما أتَوهُ
لا ولا كانَ جَدُّهم بسعيدِ

16. You betrayed him, O villainous sons, after
An oath that was affirmed with covenants

١٦. قَد غَدَرتُم بِهِ بَني اللُّؤمِ مِن بَع
دِ يَمينٍ قَد أُكِّدَت بِعُهودِ

And if killing him was betrayal, it was not

١٧. فَلَئِن كانَ قَتلُهُ غَدرَةً ما
كانَ بِالنِّكسِ لا وَلا الرِّعديدِ

18. Defeat, no, nor clamor
He was a lion protecting wars, a fortress

١٨. كانَ لَيثاً يَحمي الحُروبَ وَحصناً
وَمَلاذاً وَعِصمَةَ المَصفودِ

19. And asylum and refuge of the chained
In him were piety, patience, munificence - generosity

١٩. كانَ فيهِ التُّقى مَعَ الحِلمِ وَالبا
سِ وَجودٌ ما مِثلُهُ مِن جودِ

20. None like his from any generous one
High rose the glory of glories, your glory O Yahya

٢٠. عالَ مَجدَ الأَمجادِ مَجدُكَ يا يَح
يى قَديماً وَفُتّ كُلّ مَجيدِ

21. Above all the glorious of old and late
So may God grant you Heaven's Eden

٢١. فَجَزاكَ الإِلَهُ جَنَّةَ عَدنٍ
حَيثُ يُجزى الثَّواب كُلُّ شَهيدِ