
Alas, O coveter of livelihood so ardently

ألا يا مستنيص العيس كدا

1. Alas, O coveter of livelihood so ardently
Woe to you, what do you covet?

١. ألا يا مستنِيصَ العِيسِ كدّاً
لكَ الويلات ماذا تستنيص

2. You seem to pant with greed every day
Your shirt flies away from you out of fear

٢. تُرى للحرص تلهث كلّ يوم
يطير رعابلاً عنكَ القميص

3. You have no wealth except what sustenance is ordained
No matter how much you move about and change

٣. ومالكَ غيرُ ما قد خطَّ رزق
وإن كثر التقلب والشخوص

4. Sustenance comes to the content without effort
Yet the greedy one is deprived of it

٤. وقد يأتي المقيمُ المال عفواً
ويطلبه فيُحرَمُه الحريص

5. I saw that the life of this world is fleeting
We and it are drifting farther and farther apart

٥. رأيت معيشةَ الدنيا بواراً
تباعدُنا وإياها نليص

6. Our greed for it is not like its indifference to us
Nor is our plunging into it like its plunging

٦. وليس كحرصنا حرص عليها
ولا غوص يكون كما تغوص

7. So some people quench their thirst with its water
While others just wet their lips

٧. فأقوام بجمتها رواء
وقوم بالثَّماد لهم مصيص

8. And some only assume it has riches
If they get a chance, they are but thieves

٨. وقوم يحسبون لها مِراضاً
وإن يستمكنوا فهمُ اللصوص