1. I was blamed though not praised, and got what I wanted.
Another took care of it and did it instead of you.
١. ذُمِمتُ ولم تُحمَد وأدركتُ حاجتي
تولّى سواكما أجرها واصطناعَها
2. Your unwilling spirit refused to do good.
A soul made narrow by God sold itself.
٢. أبى لك فعل الخير رأي مقصر
ونفس أضاق اللهُ في الخير باعها
3. When it urged you to do good once,
You disobeyed it, but if it intended evil, you obeyed.
٣. إذا هي حثَّته على الخير مرّةً
عصاها وإن همت بسوءٍ أطاعها
4. What you have wasted is enough. But
Only the incapable waste what they are given.
٤. سيكفيك ما ضيعت منها وإنما
يضيع الأمور سادروا من أضاعها
5. The guardianship of one who gave you over to your own evil
Was assumed by another, who did it and made it.
٥. ولاية من ولاك سوء بلائها
وولى سواك أجرها واصطناعها