
I care not for the torn garment

مالي وللمنخرقه

1. I care not for the torn garment,
Nor bending courtesy, nor slippery footing;

١. مالي وَللْمُنْخَرقَه
والعطف والمنزَلقَه

2. I care not for the thick covering of hypocrisy in getting
Or for polish and elegance;

٢. وَغَلّة الخالص في
تَحصيلها والمَلَقَه

3. I care not that my journey is in a vessel
With every blood vessel ready to burst;

٣. وَرحلَتي في مَرْكبٍ
بكُلِّ فَدم موسَقَه

4. Its sides straitened upon me
By their jostling till I'm well nigh bursting;

٤. أرجاؤها عَلَيَّ منْ
زَحامهمْ مُضَيّقَه

5. I live in it though it tortures me,
Narrow and confined as if in a flask;

٥. بتُّ بها لضيقها
وَضنكها في بوتَقَه

6. It dances in the sea before
The slapping waves;

٦. تَرْقُص في البحر لدى
أمواجه المُصَفِّقه

7. The wind blows not in an orderly
And agreed upon direction;

٧. والريحُ لا تَجري على
طريقَة مُتّفقَه

8. It blows westwards and at times
Towards the east;

٨. تَهُبُّ غرباً وَتَهُ
بُّ تارةً مُشرِّقَه

9. Like a mad fellow, a trusted thief,
Our boon companion;

٩. كأنّها من هَوَجٍ
رَفيقُنا اللِّصُّ الثِّقة

10. Homeliest of creatures - so Glory to Him
Who created him!

١٠. أقَبَحُنا خلقاً فَسبح
ان الذي قد خَلَقَه

11. With a face like an ape's but for
The beard and prominent nostrils;

١١. بصورة كالقرد لو
لا ذَقنُه والعنفَقَه

12. He is, for one who observes closely, a cur,
Even if the sky were to crack above him;

١٢. وإنّه الكلبُ لمَنْ
عايَنَه أو حقّقه

13. Even a flea, if drawn into his
Degraded course, would not merit it;

١٣. والكبُ لو جاراهُ في
خساسَةٍ ما لَحقَه

14. An old man, defective though
He be of heavy build;

١٤. شَيْخ لنَقصه وإنْ
كانَ ثقيلاً طَبَقَه

15. I overburdened him though my overload
Was not excessive;

١٥. زافَفْتُهُ وَلَمْ تَكُنْ
زَفافَتيه رَفقَه

16. Until, as the horizon disappeared for us
In the gathering darkness,

١٦. حتى أذا ما غَبَتَ
الأُفقُ لدينا شَفَقَه

17. And men grew anxious so that no
Eye of anyone was tranquil,

١٧. وَهَوَّم النّاسُ فَلا
عينُ أمرئ مُؤَرَّقه

18. He slept, like a dormant serpent
Coiled round;

١٨. نامَ فكانَ نائماً
كالحيّة المطّوقة

19. And he rose in the night like one
Intent on thieving,

١٩. وقامَ في الليل كَمث
ل مَنْ يريدُ السّرقة

20. Hurrying towards a young man whose face
Resembled a shield,

٢٠. يسعى إلى عبدٍ لَهُ
وَجه شَبيهُ الدَّرَقَه

21. Winsome in his beauty
And a well-matured coffee-brown;

٢١. جَديدة في حُسْنها
وَقَهْوَة مُعَتّقَه

22. One whose waist narrows down
Until I thought it would snap;

٢٢. ذاتُ يضيق بال
إلى أن يَخْنُقَه

23. I let fly my bird at him
From my pair of cross-bows;

٢٣. رَمَيتُ طيرَهُ
منْ خصْيَتي ببُندُقَه

24. He fell prone and none preceded me
In attaining his intimacy;

٢٤. فَخَرَّ مَصروعاً وَلَمْ
يَقْطَعْ سوايَ سبَقَه

25. The ring-dove moaned, relieving me
Of the wild pigeon's plaint;

٢٥. غنّتْ فأغنتْ عن شدا
الحَمامَة المطوَّقَة

26. Glory to God who does not forget
His covenant or pledge,

٢٦. لله صَبٌّ لا يُضيعُ
عهدَهُ وَمَوْثقَة

27. Even if the serpents of humanity kindle
And burn about Him,

٢٧. أو شادن عَلَيه اك
بادُ الورى مُحْتَرقة

28. I risked my precious soul, for every temptation
Connected with it was suspended;

٢٨. علْق نَفيس كلُّ مُهْ
جة به مُعْتَلقَة

29. It surges towards you like
A sparrow hawk,

٢٩. يموجُ تحتَ
عندَكَ مثلَ العَلَقَة

30. Its surging wave all but tears
Asunder the swimmer;

٣٠. يَكادُ مَوجُ رَدْفه
للصّب أنْ يُخَرقَه

31. How many a night mounted me on its ridge
Behind him on the mule's packsaddle!

٣١. كم ليلة ركّبَني
من خَلْفه في الحَلَقَه

32. When he excelled in exposing himself
The day we halted at the packsaddle,

٣٢. لمّا استجاد عدَّتي
في العرض يومَ الحَلَقَه

33. While a gazelle frisky in the dark
Grazed in her pasture,

٣٣. وَجونة زاهية
بظُلمةٍ وَبَرْزَقه

34. One whose grilling had now
Drawn together the tent-pitching;

٣٤. ذاتُ شواءٍ قَد غدا
مُشْتَملاً بجَرْدَقة

35. He arrived, and my soul still
Yearned eagerly to meet him;

٣٥. وافى وَنَفسي لم تَزَلْ
إلى لقاهُ شَيِّقه

36. But for the manners of his garment
I should have made free with him;

٣٦. لولا خُلوق ثَوبه
لَكدت أنْ أُخَلِّقَه

37. After him a chicken
Stewed in its juice,

٣٧. في إثره دَجَاجَة
مصلوقة في مَرَقَه

38. Pursued by the mangy scab
Of its oil and gravy;

٣٨. تتبَعْ بورانيةً
في دُهنها مُعَرّقه

39. Happy the man for whom is this!
Glory to the Lord who sustains him!

٣٩. فَمَنْ حَبَتْهُ هذه
سبحانَ رَبٍّ رَزَقه