
I have advised you with every tongue

ولقد نصحت لكم بكل لسان

1. I have advised you with every tongue
And told this matter from the Sasanids

١. وَلَقَدْ نَصَحْتُ لَكُمْ بِكُلِّ لِسانِ
وَرَوَيْتُ هذا الشأن عن ساسانِ

2. So if you accept what I have given
You will be far from the abode of deprivation

٢. فَلَئِنْ قَبِلْتُمْ ما بَذَلتُ فإنّكُمْ
أنأى الورى عن مَوْطنِ الحِرمانِ

3. Be secure from what the wealthy fear
And take control, solve the knot of protection

٣. كُنْ آمِناُ ممّا يَخافُ ذوو الغِنى
واستَعطِ واحكُمْ عُقْدَةَ الهِيمانِ

4. And make your promise a strong, impenetrable fortress
And seek with these minted coins on the scale

٤. واجعَلْ لِوَعْدِكَ سوفَ حُصْناً مانعاً
واطلُبْ بِهاتِ النّقدَ في الميزانِ

5. And take what has become ready cash
For the promise is hostage to the vicissitudes of events

٥. وَخُذِ الذي قد راحَِ نقداً حاضِراً
فالوعدُ رَهنُ نوائبِ الحدثانَ