
O masters, bless their origin and existence

يا سادة كرموا أصلا وجودهم

1. O masters, bless their origin and existence
My succor and deliverance in the events of my time

١. يا سادةً كرُموا أصلاً وجودُهُمُ
عَوني وَغَوثي على الأَحداثِ في زَمَني

2. I continue to ask my Lord if He helps me
To thank you with the help of my years

٢. ما زِلتُ أسألُ رَبِّي إنْ أعانَ على
شُكري لَكُم بِمُعينِ إذْ وهى لسني

3. Until I was blessed with a boy in his imagination
Eloquence that dwelt in a beautiful sight

٣. حتّى رُزِقتُ غُلاماً في مخايله
فَصاحةٌ كَمُنَتْ في مَنْظَرٍ حَسَنِ

4. So take him from me to you today as an offering
A slave yet he is a slave without price

٤. فَخُذْهُ منِّي إليكَ اليومَ تقدُمَةً
عَبْداً ولكنّه عبدٌ بِلا ثَمَنِ

5. I nurtured him yet my hand is empty so I grieved
Oh, would that he had not been born nor had I been

٥. رْزِقتُه وَيَدي صفرٌ فقلتُ أسىً
يا ليتَ لا كانَ مولوداً ولم أَكُنِ

6. If the Holy Spirit does not succor him through you, Father
Isa with sustenance, he will die of lack of milk

٦. إنْ لم تُدارِكه روحُ القدسِ منك أبا
عيسى برفدٍ يَمُتْ من قِلّةِ اللبنِ

7. As his mother found no food nor filled
Her belly with anything ever except some of my water

٧. إذ أُمُّهْ لم تَجِد قوتاً ولا امتلأت
بطناً لدى شيء قط غير بعض مني