
The land which you have become its ruler

إن البلاد التي أصبحت واليها

1. The land which you have become its ruler
Has become a paradise, its outskirts delightful

١. إنَّ البلادَ التي أَصبحتَ واليها
أَضْحَتْ ولا جَنّةُ المأوى ضَواحيها

2. It has been saturated by your absolute justice
Until its present and countryside became pleasant

٢. وَغَمِّرتْ منْكَ بالعَدل العميم إلى
أنْ طابَ حاضرُها سكني وباديها

3. After it had become a land ravaged by ruin
With its heights weeping over its lowlands

٣. من بعد ما أَصْبَحَتْ طيرُ الخراب بها
على أسافلها تبكي أعاليها

4. You are like rain clouds, bending down
To one who resembles you, though I am satisfied with any resemblance

٤. فأنتَ كالبان أعطافاً مُرَنّحةً
لمَنْ تَشَبَهَ أنّا أرضى تَشبيهاً

5. For it is like the one whose heart sang joyfully
Whose breasts have learned its rhyming endings from it

٥. فإنهّا كالتي أنشّدتهُا طَرَبَاً
صدورها عَلمَتْ منها قوافيها