1. They said so-and-so has repented
And his soul has returned to asceticism
١. قيلَ فُلانُ الدين قد تابا
وَروحُه للزُّهدِ قَد ثابا
2. I asked about his repentance and they said yes
So I became more amazed
٢. قلتُ عنِ التّوبة قالوا نعم
فازدَدْتُ مِنْ ذلكَ إعجابا
3. Whose sheikh, they said the one
Who was honored with titles
٣. من شَيخُه قال الذي قد كسي
بالزفرِ الماشِيِّ ألقابا
4. A trick, they said yes that's him
I said the one who never stopped being sly
٤. تقليةٌ قالوا نَعم ذاكَ هُوْ
قلتُ الذي ما زالَ حلاَّبا
5. They said yes, I said but hadn't he
Sworn he'd never cross this door
٥. قالوا أَجَل قلت أَما كانَ قد
أَقسَمَ لا داسَ لهُ بابا
6. Because he was deceitful
Deceiving without shame
٦. لأنّه دلّس في
عَلَيْه تَدليساً وما حابى
7. A woman with flowing hair
Soft to the touch like a gazelle
٧. ذات زئيرُ شَعرِ
تَخالُهُ في اللّمسِ سِنجابا
8. She wishes if he spent the night
Passionately in love with her
٨. تَوَدُّ لو باتَ على
من حُبِّها ضَرَّابا
9. Stormy, shaking
Uprooting poles and tents
٩. عاصفاً زعزَعاً
يقلَعُ أوتاداً وأطناباً
10. She dances like a bear when she sees
Him in a social gathering
١٠. تَرقصُ مثلَ الدُّب إن عاينت
في مَجْلسِ دَبّابا
11. A loose woman who always
Sees everything in him flowing
١١. سائبةُ تَرى دائماً
كُلَّ فيه مُنسابا
12. She said to him, giggling
Should we close the door
١٢. قالَتْ وَقدْ غازلَها هي هَهِيْ
بَقى أو نَغْلُقُ البابا
13. My dear the promise, it saddened me
Your slap to the sheikh and he didn't repent
١٣. والعهدُ يا عَينيَّ قد غَمّني
صَفْعُكَ للشّيخ وما تابا
14. Busy with his nonsense
Glancing at prayer mats and mihrabs
١٤. مُشْتَغِلاً عَنْكَ بِبُهتانه
يَرمُقُ سجّاداً وَمحِرابا
15. You forgot when the sheikh was pure to you
With treats of Hummus and Tabbouleh
١٥. نَسِيت إذْ صَفَى لكَ الشيخُ بال
مزرةِ حمصيصاً وطبطابا
16. And when he brought you grapes from his vineyard
As wine for you
١٦. وإذ جنى منْ كَرْمةٍ فوقه
عندَكَ للخمرة أعنابا
17. The blessing will betray you, that
Which he served you in cups yesterday
١٧. تخونُكَ البركةُ تلكَ التي
سَقاكَ منها أمسِ أكوابا
18. And backgammon is a pledge to his conquest
He always wins at dice
١٨. ودَلقةٌ رَهنٌ على غَلبهِ
وَلَمْ يزلْ بالنّردِ غَلاّبا
19. He said to her enough, enough of what happened
Don't think the sheikh a fraud
١٩. قال لهَا كُفِّي كفى ما جَرى
فلا تَظني الشّيخَ نَصّابا