
They said another strove, o sun, for you,

وقالوا سعى يا شمس فيك أخرى هوى

1. They said another strove, o sun, for you,
And yesterday belittled your word and news;

١. وقالوا سَعى يا شمسُ فيك أخرى هوى
وَسَفّهَ منك القَولَ والنّقَلَ بالأَمسِ

2. I said: “Let him strive on; his eyes will tire,”
How many an eye has tired from gazing at the sun!

٢. فَقُلتُ دعوهُ سوفَ ترمدُ عَيْنُهُ
وكم رَمَدَتْ عينٌ منَ السّعْي في الشّمسِ