
Glory to him who takes jihad as his garment

عز لمتخذ الجهاد لبوسا

1. Glory to him who takes jihad as his garment
To fend off with might the mighty foe

١. عِزٌّ لِمُتّخذ الجهاد لُبوساً
لِيذودَ بالبأس الشّديد البوسا

2. He who rules the desert spreading justice
With it the breach of guidance became guarded

٢. مَلَكَ البسيطَةَ باسِطُ العدل الذي
أضحى به ثَغْرُ الهدى محروسا

3. When the resolve of my righteous one is stirred by turmoil
He shows a full moon for the land and suns

٣. عزم صَلاحيِّ إذا ابتَدَرَ الوغى
أبدى بدوراً للورى وَشُموساً