
O people, they have betrayed me

يا معشر الناس خانني

1. O people, they have betrayed me
And I have become weary of their

١. يا مَعشَرَ الناسِ خانني
وَصِرْتُ منهُ كَلاً على

2. I have no fault but that I have a fault
His aloofness at the time of my death is my fault

٢. لا ذَنْبَ لي غير أنَّ لي ذَنَباً
فتورُه عندَ مُنيتي ذَنْبي

3. As if while my palms touch him
He is a map emptied of books

٣. كأنّهُ والأكف تَلْمَسُهُ
خَريطةٌ فُرِّغَتْ مِنَ الكُتْبِ

4. He betrays me whenever I disclose him
And it was better for him to conceal my flaws

٤. يخونني كُلّما كَشَفْتُ بهِ
وكانَ أولى بِسَتْرِهِ عُبِّي

5. You say, "You have burdened us with crookedness
With this sinister one, my Lord"

٥. تقولُ أقرَفْتَنا بِلَعْوَصةٍ
منك بهذا المشومِ يا رَبِّي

6. I complained of what was in me and what I endured
To the wise triumphant pole

٦. شكوتُ ما بي وما أُكابِدُهُ
إلى الحكيمِ الموفّقِ القُطبي

7. He said, "The cold ablution will diminish it"
And this does not escape my doctor

٧. فقالَ بردُ الوضوءِ قَلّصَهُ
وليسَ يَخفى هذا على طِبِّيْ

8. Restrain him until you see him writhing
And take him in, if you see in him

٨. أرْطِلْهُ حتّى تراهُ مُخْتَلجاً
وادخِلْ به إن رأيتَ في

9. I said, "I fear you may kill him"
For he is bloated from distress

٩. فَقُلتُ أَخشى عَلَيْهِ تَقتُلُهُ
فإنّه فاطِسٌ من الكرْبِ

10. Who will allow me to meet his habit
Like a lance on the day of battle?

١٠. مَن لي بأنْ ألتقيه عادته
كالرَمُّح يومَ الطعانِ في الحربِ

11. Or like an extended steam vent
Watering the thirst of barren thickets

١١. أو مثلِ فوارةٍ موتدةٍ
تروي عِطاشَ الأحراج في الجدْب

12. O he who cast me with his aloofness askance
Be safe if you sleep by my side

١٢. يا مَنْ رماني بِصَدِّهِ صَلَفاً
كُنْ آمناً إنْ رَقَدتَ في جنبي