1. O minister, whom God has bestowed His shade
When He raised you to the highest position
١. يا وزيراً قد أسبغَ الله ظِلّه
حينَ علّى على السِّماكِ مَحلّه
2. You have a face that surpasses the crescent moon, and a palm
That makes the rain ashamed with its wetness when it begins
٢. لكَ وجهٌ فاقَ الهلالَ وكف
يخجلُ الغَيْثَ بالنّدى مستهلّه
3. A comfort that if drought destroyed
It would still be a comfort, and to the kisser, his kiss
٣. راحةٌ لم تزلْ إذا القَحْطُ أَودى
راحةً وهي للمُقَبِّلِ قُبْلَه
4. Goodness in people was ambiguous
But you made its paths clear with your virtues
٤. كانَ قد أُبهمَ التفضُّلُ في النا
سِ فأوضَحْتَ بالمكارِمِ سبلَه
5. So you reminded us of Hatim's meaning through yourself
And we forgot the days of Kisra and his justice
٥. فَذَكرنا من حاتم بكَ معنىً
ونسينا أَيامَ كسرى وَعَدْلَه
6. And I will end to you a wondrous matter
So listen to my story, I asked you in God's name
٦. وسأنهي إليكَ أمراً عجيباً
فاستَمِعْ قِصتي سألتُك بالله
7. I have been late getting wheat
A lover seeking every storehouse with its harvest
٧. إنني قد تأخّرَ القمح عنّي
عاشِقٌ كُلَّ مخزنٍ فيه غَلّه
8. If I heard the measurer singing the memory
Of a harvest, its harvest stirred feelings in my heart
٨. إن سمعتُ الكيّالَ يشدو بذكرى
غَلّةٍ هاجَ في فؤادي غُلّه
9. And my sieve, if it raised dust
Dust that if I was lined with its kohl
٩. وَمنايَ إذا أثارَ غباراً
أَغبراً لو كُحِلتُ منه بِكُحْلَه
10. The heart of the mill melted in longing, and for the jug
It has a tear that has shed a thousand times
١٠. ذابَ قلبُ الطاحونِ شوقاً وللقف
ةِ دمعٌ لها بذي أَلفُ غِسله
11. And I saw the children, from lack of bread
Suffering, even if on a loaf of bread
١١. ورأيتُ الأطفالَ مِن عدمِ الخب
زِ تَلَظّى ولو على قرصِ جَلّه
12. One complains, and you it calls, this one
Resents me, and it is gentle
١٢. تلك تشكو وتيكَ تدعو وهذي
تتجنى عليَّ وَهْيَ مُدلّه
13. So you see me fallen, and my billy goat calls me
Get up and hurry, for there is no time in sound
١٣. فَتراني مُلقى وَعِرسي تُنادي
قُم وعجّلْ فليس في الصَوتِ مهله
14. And you are the mate of prosperity, have you lived or are you
A wise one, as they say in his connection
١٤. وأَنتَ زوجُ الفراشِ لا عِشْتَ أَم أَن
تَ حكيمٌ كما يُقالُ بِوصلَه
15. You do not show us a loaf except the loaf of the sun
On the horizon that appears and the hut of the family
١٥. ما تُرينا قُرصاً سوى قرصِ شمس ال
أفقِ تبدو وَخُشكنانِ الأهِلَه
16. If Antar of war were asked by one like me
For flour, he would flee from carrying his load
١٦. عَنْتَرُ الحربِ لو يُطالَبُ مِثلي
بدِقيقٍ لَفَرّ مِن فَرْدِ حَمْلَه