
Describe to Kamal al-Din what you see,

عرف كمال الدين عني ما ترى

1. Describe to Kamal al-Din what you see,
And convey this conversation to him as it occurred.

١. عرَّفْ كمالَ الدِّينِ عنَي ما ترى
وانقل لَهُ هذا الحديثَ كما جَرى

2. And inform him about me that I am in a state,
Which I parted from in the darkness a specter of the two dear ones.

٢. واخبرهُ عنّي أنني في حالةٍ
فارقتُ منها في الدُّجى طيفَ الكرى

3. Tossing and turning on the bed as if
I had ignited a blaze in my soul.

٣. متقلبّاً فوقَ الفراش كأنّني
أودعتُ من لَهَبِ الجوانحِ مجمرا

4. I have fever, so I am given after the intense chill that afflicted me,
A drink - if only I were a sword I would have been adorned with jewels.

٤. أُحمى فأُسقى بعدَ بَرْدٍ مَسّني
لو أنّني سيفٌ لَصرْت مُجَوْهرا

5. And I see the drink although it is a drink from Biqa Valley,
And tomorrow - most of it I see falsified.

٥. وأرى الشرابَ ولوا شراب بقيعةٍ
وغدايَ أكثرهُ أراهُ مُزوَّرا

6. Sometimes you see me wrapped up in blankets,
Complaining, and other times wrapped in a mat.

٦. طَوراً تَراني بالوهادِ مُزَمّلا
أشكو وطوراً بالحصيرِ مُدَثّرا

7. In a band after the greenery of Ma'zan,
Who have witnessed the death in humiliation, red.

٧. في عُصَبةٍ بعدَ اخضرارِ معزَّةٍ
قَد عاينوا بالذُّلِّ موتاً أحمرا

8. It is the sickness of Ridwan, then abject poverty,
So perhaps your generosity will cure the most dangerous.

٨. فَرضانِ سقمٌ ثمَّ فقرٌ مدقعٌ
فلعلَّ جودَكَ أن يداوي الأخطرا

9. And if I recover, I will make my gratitude inviolable,
And if I die, you have no right to be rewarded.

٩. ولئن سَلِمتُ جعلتُ شكري كافلاً
ولئن هلكتُ فلا حِقاً أنْ تُؤجَرا