1. I was tormented for a while by the executioner's noose
It scorches my ribs with its claw
١. بُليتُ بخَطّافِ العمائمِ بُرهَةً
يُحَرِّقُ بالمهماز منهُ ضُلوعي
2. And I found myself jailed in the governor's custody
My tears pouring over crushed barley bread
٢. وأمسَيْتُ في حَبْسِ الولايةِ مودَعاً
تَسيلُ على قضمِ الشَعيرِ دُموعي
3. And I said maybe if the wise one saw
My sickness, he would cure my ailment and submission
٣. وَقُلتُ لَعَلِّي بالحكيمِ إذا رأى
سَقامي يداوي علَتي وخضوعي
4. But instead my provisions became prey for the boys of his house
And my worries seemed insignificant to him, and my despair
٤. فأمسى عليقي نهبَ غلمانِ دارِه
فَضوعفَ همِّي عندَهُ وقطوعي
5. And the infrequency of my grooming before him
Led him to summon my complete shaving
٥. وَورَّطَ شَعري قلَةُ المسح عنْدَهُ
إلى أنْ دَعا بالحلِّ منهُ جميعي
6. Yet still I came seeking the prince
For he will outline for me from his bounty my deliverance
٦. وَقَدْ جئتُ قَصْداً للأميرِ فإنّهُ
سَيَرْسُمُ لي من فَضلهِ برَبيعي