
My heart is enamored with the dignity of the dignified one

قلبي بعزة ذات العز مفتون

1. My heart is enamored with the dignity of the dignified one
Yearning in chaste love, sorrowful

١. قَلبي بِعَزَّةَ ذاتِ العزِّ مفتون
متَيّمٌ في الهوى العُذري مَحزونُ

2. And I was not tasked with my love as insolent pride
Except my dignity in the matter of love is humiliated

٢. وما كَلِفْتُ بِحُبي عزَّة سَفَعاً
إلاَّ وعِزِّيَ في أمر الهوى هونُ

3. White, smooth-cheeked, soft
As if she is a pearl hidden in silk

٣. بيضاءُ مصقولةُ الخدَّينِ ناعِمةٌ
كأنّها لؤلؤٌ في الخدر مَكنونُ

4. A beauty which the Pen of the Creator innovated
In a line that confuses the registries

٤. حُسنٌ جرى قَلَمُ الباري فابَدَعهُ
خَطّاً تَحارُ لَمِرآهُ الدَّواوينُ

5. Her nape is a thousand beauties, and her smile
Is the letter meem, and her eyebrows in their form are noon

٥. وَقَدُّها ألفٌ حُسناً وَمَبْسِمُها
ميمٌ وحاجِبُها في شَكْله نونُ

6. Her cheek is its curve, wow, and her eyelashes
Saad, and the fringe of her hair from it is seen

٦. وَصَدْغُها عِطفُه واوٌ وَمُقْلَتُها
صادٌ وَطُرَِّتُها من شَعِرها سين