
In describing your beauty, tongues grow weary,

في وصف حسنكم تكل الألسن

1. In describing your beauty, tongues grow weary,
And your beauty is the most beautiful beauty.

١. في وصْفِ حُسْنِكُمُ تَكِلُّ الألسُنُ
وَجَمالُكُمْ فَهُوَ الجَمالُ الأحسَنُ

2. O masters who have left, so my patience died,
And I cried for you until my dwelling wept.

٢. يا سادةً غَابوا فَماتَ تَصَبُّري
وبكيتُهمْ حتّى بكاني المسْكَنُ

3. For me among you is a gazelle I mentioned for its beauty,
The eye of heavens, the most ardent and loving eye.

٣. لي فيكُمُ ظَبْيٌ ذَكَرتُ لِحُسْنهِ
عينَ الجِنانَ أحمُّ أحوى أعَينُ

4. Lost but in my conscience concealed,
Plain but with spears fortified.

٤. بادٍ وَلكنْ في الضّميرِ مُحَجّبٌ
سَهْلٌ ولكنْ بالرِّماحِ مُحَصّنُ

5. They swore the rose is the flower of his cheek,
The slanderers spoke truly and the lily opposed.

٥. حَلَفوا بأنَّ الوردَ زهرةُ خَدِّهِ
صَدَقَ الوشاةُ وَعارضاهُ سَوْسَنُ

6. Fickle in oath but his face
Besides shame, is open and does not change color.

٦. متلون الميثاق لكن وجهه
بِسوى الحياءِ الطّلْقِ لا يتلوّنُ

7. In the line of his eyebrow and the dot of his mole
A form that confiscates love and proves itself.

٧. في خَطِّ عارِضهِ وَنُقْطَةِ خالهِ
شَكلٌ يُصَادِرُ في الهوى وَيُبَرهنُ