
Passion brought a youth to his ruin, led by desire,

أودى الغرام بصب قاده وصبا

1. Passion brought a youth to his ruin, led by desire,
It clothed him in the garb of sickness, his neck bent by yearning.

١. أَودى الغَرامُ بِصَبٍّ قادَهُ وَصَبا
أَولاهُ ثوبَ سَقامٍ قَدُّهُ وَصَبا

2. It exhausted my patience with its raids, yet no sooner
Had it gone than my restful sleep became plunder to it.

٢. وافى بِغاراتِهِ صَبري فَما اِنقَلَبَت
حَتّى غَدا سَرحُ نَومي عِندَها سَلَبا

3. It asked the way to the abode of those I love - did it rise
With the water from my teardrops, copiously poured?

٣. سَل رَسمَ دارِ الأُلى شَطّوا فَهَل شَرِقَت
بِالرَيِّ مِن عَندَمِ الدَمعِ الَّذي سُكِبا

4. It traced letters from their procession, so it seems
The short line appears inscribed on the page of exaltation.

٤. خطَّ النَوى أَحرُفاً مِن عيسِهِم فيُرى
سَطرُ القِصارِ عَلى طِرسِ العُلى كُتِبا

5. Their mounts have made the far desert their own through them
And its expanses are perfumed with musk and ambergris.

٥. أَمَّت رِكابُهُمُ البيدَ القَواءَ بِهِم
وسُمنَ أرجاءَها التَقريبَ وَالخبَبا

6. Like standards of perfume they carried, their orbits
Were made to be censers revolving in space.

٦. كمائِمٌ مِن خُدورٍ حُمِّلَت زَهَرا
وأنجُمٌ جُعِلَت أفلاكُها قِبَبا

7. By it the expanse of Bayda glistens, so you deem it
Foam floating on a mirage that has spread its dust.

٧. بِهِ زَها عَرضُ بَيداءٍ فَتَحسَبُها
عَلى غَديرِ سَرابٍ قَد طَفا حَبَبا

8. Greet them, greet them kindly with carnelian, though
They left my eyelids filled and amply provided.

٨. فَحَيِّ حَيّاً حَلولاً بِالعَقيقِ وَإِن
أَجرَوهُ مِلءَ جُفوني واكِفاً سَرِبا

9. No greeting except what the lighting justifies
And a breeze from the zephyr of morning validates.

٩. وَلا تَحِيَّةَ إلّا ما يُعَلِّلُهُ
شَيمُ البُروقِ وَرَيّا مِن نَسيمِ صَبا

10. The night dons its blackest of robes and its stars wane,
So dawn wraps itself in it, thickly layered.

١٠. وَاللَيلُ أسحَمُ جِلباباً وَقَد رَكَدَت
نُجومُهُ فَانطَوى صُبحٌ بِهِ طُنُبا

11. I stay up while the shooting stars' eyes grow tired
And the lightning in the clouds' belly flashes pale.

١١. هَصَرتُهُ وَجُفونُ الشُهبِ ساهِرَةٌ
وَأَشقَرُ البرقِ في نَقعِ الغَمامِ كَبا

12. How many dear ones made intractable, whom gentleness
Will not make pliant after they hardened?

١٢. كَم ذا أَبِيِّ اغتِرامٍ لا يُدَلِّلُهُ
أَما يَلينُ اِنقِياداً بَعدَ ما صَعُبا

13. Remove the sleep from their lassitude and steady
For them the cord of resolve to climb upward.

١٣. أمِط قَذاةَ التَواني عَن شَرائِعِهِ
وَاِشدُد لَهُ بمَضاءِ الهِمَّةِ السَبَبا

14. Cast the stirrups of guidance and reject the surplus
Of passion you have too lightly dismissed.

١٤. أجِل قِداحَ رَشادٍ وَاطَّرِح فُرُطاً
مِنَ الهَوى طالَما استَخفَفتَهُ حِقَبا

15. Throw down your staff in the protected realm you chose
For its origin - a sea whose ways are deposited.

١٥. أَلقِ العَصا في حِمى العِزِّ الَّذي اِنتخَبَت
لَهُ الأَصالَةُ في بَحرٍ سَما رُتَبا

16. The protected realm of the Prophet, secured, pure,
Of commendable traits, virtues for high ones.

١٦. حِمى النَبِيِّ المَكينِ العِلمِ طاهِرِه الز
زاكي المَناقِبِ لاحَت لِلعُلا شُهُبا

17. Of the clay of glory - and the honor inherent
In it a spring of sanctity poured forth.

١٧. مِن طينَةِ المَجدِ وَالتَشريفُ مُطَّرِدٌ
فيها مَعينٌ مِنَ التَقديسِ مُنسَكِبا

18. A light of truth giving clear guidance to one of reason
Bringing the dawn of certainty that dispels doubt.

١٨. نورٌ مِنَ الحَقِّ وَضّاحٌ لِذي رَشَدٍ
بادٍ صَباحَ يَقينٍ يَنسَخُ الرِيَبا

19. It clarified for the veiled denier, so the path
Of truths appeared to him in the night of mystic journey.

١٩. أَبان للجاحِدِ الأَغشى فَبانَ لَهُ
نَهجُ الحَقائِقِ في لَيلِ السُرى كُثُبا

20. Its lightning flashed and he found a twisting ascent
Scattered with flowers, guiding the sense of smell.

٢٠. وَشامَ بارِقُها فَارتادَ مُنعَرَجاً
مُفَوَّفاً أرجاً يُهدي شَميمَ كَبا

21. He was granted exclusivity until he attained a rank
Above which he traversed heavens and barriers.

٢١. وَخُصَّ بالقُربِ حَتّى احتَلَّ مَنزِلَةً
مِن دونِها اختَرَقَ الأطباقَ وَالحُجُبا

22. A guide with proofs that keep his envious enemies
Restless, their entrails churned into confusion.

٢٢. وَقائِدٌ بِبَراهينٍ يَظَلُّ بِها
حَسودُها قَلِقَ الأحشاءِ مُصطَخِبا

23. If it were not for clear verses they would have silenced
Those who spin verses of poetry or make speeches.

٢٣. لَو لَم يَكُن غَيرَ آياتٍ مُبَيَّنَةٍ
أَخرَسنَ مَن حاكَ بُردَ الشِعرِ أو خَطَبا

24. The foundations of polytheism tottered and withdrew in shame
While the persona and foot of one exalted sank.

٢٤. دَهَت مَعاطِنَ شِركٍ فَانزَوى وَخزى
ضَيئلَ شَخصٍ وَقِدماً قَد عَلا وَرَبا

25. Until you left no basis for polytheism standing
Except that you severed its spring and west.

٢٥. حَتّى إِذا لَم تدَع لِلشِركِ قائِمَةً
إلّا وَكَسَّرتَ مِنها النَبعَ والغَرَبا

26. O best one hoped for by those seeking refuge when
All people are hostage to what they reaped.

٢٦. يا خَيرَ مَن يَرتَجيهِ المُستَجيرُ إذا
ما كانَ كُلُّ امرِئٍ رَهناً بِما كَسَبا

27. The God of the Throne prayed upon you whenever
A Pleiad rose above the cup and bent its wrist.

٢٧. صَلّى عَلَيكَ إِلَهُ العَرشِ ما سَجَعَت
قُمرِيَّةٌ فَوقَ بانٍ فَاِنثَنى طَرَبا

28. And may your grandson ‒ the guardian of this faith ‒ endure;
He by whom you rise to the peaks of pride if linked.

٢٨. وَدامَ كافِلُ هَذا الدينِ سِبطُكَ مَن
يَسمو بِكُم في ذُرى فَخرٍ إذا اِنتَسَبا

29. He became the Caliph between the two risers, his name
Is sweet upon tongues, deliciously flavored.

٢٩. خليفَةً صارَ بَينَ الخافِقَينِ لَهُ
صيتُ الثَناءِ عَلى الأَفواهِ قَد عَذُبا

30. It spreads like the rare musk when passed
Among the youths of the land, snatched up.

٣٠. يَنِمُّ مِثلَ شَذا المِسكِ الفَتيقِ إِذا
تَداوَلَتهُ رِفاقُ البيدِ مُنتَهَبا

31. Through you the attributes of exaltation were ennobled,
Sufficiently honored that you are called by its name.

٣١. تَشرَّفَت بِكِ أوصافُ العُلى فَكَفى
عِزّاً بِها أَنكَ تُدعى بِاسمِها لَقَبا

32. If one vaunting himself competes with you
He turns back humiliated and miserable.

٣٢. ما إِن يُباريكَ ذو زَهوٍ مُفاخَرَةً
إِلّا تَوَلّى كَليلاً أو فليل شبا

33. And none contend with you in the race course of generosity
Except they return upon their heels inverted.

٣٣. وَلا يَجاريكَ في مِضمارِ مَكرُمَةٍ
إِلا تَولّى على الأَعقابِ مُنقلِبا

34. When you rose above the hand of glory people saw
In you a singular banner erected tall.

٣٤. لما اِنتَصَبتَ عَلى دَستِ الفَخارِ رَأى
مِنكَ الوَرى عَلَماً فَرداً قَدِ اِنتَصَبا

35. Until you proposed extemporaneously and a kingdom opened
Whose ambassador had been resistant and aloof.

٣٥. حَتّى خَطَبتَ ارتِجالاً فَتحَ مَملَكَةٍ
كانَ السَفيرُ مُجَيفِلاً لَها فجَبا

36. What has passed belongs to the signs of his beginnings
While multiples of its weakness were expected.

٣٦. وَما مَضى فَهوَ مِن آيِ ابتَداءَتِه
وَضِعفُ أضعافِهِ ما كانَ مُرتَقَبا

37. It loans approval to you when approval
Turns to praise you, should you bestow it.

٣٧. يُقارِضُ المُعتفي عَلياك حينَ غَدا
يولي الثَناءَ إِذا أَولَيتَهُ نَشَبا

38. And who clings to your reins - how can
The turns of time overcome him, conquer or conquer him?

٣٨. وَمَن يَلُذ بِذِمامٍ مِنكَ كَيفَ إذَن
يَنالُهُ صَرفُ دَهرٍ غالَ أَو غَلَبا

39. Those are the qualities that left no glory
Except that they secured its height as theirs.

٣٩. تِلكَ السَجايا الَّتي لَم تُبقِ مَكرُمةً
إِلّا وَقَد أَحرَزَت في شَأوِها قَصَبا

40. And your son al-Maʾmūn, follower of the tracks
Of your glory – none ever came close.

٤٠. وَنَجلُكَ الملِكُ المَأمونُ مُنتَهِجٌ
آثارَ مَجدِكَ لَم يَعدِل بِها أَرَبا

41. He is the one who adorned the path of power in all its aspects
And he is the one who was chosen by the exalted.

٤١. فَهوَ الَّذي زانَ سِلكَ العِزِّ مُتَّسِقاً
وَهوَ الَّذي كانَ للعَلياءِ مُنتَخَبا

42. Your kingdom continues, bound to eternity,
Dragging its train withdrawn upon realms.

٤٢. لا زالَ مُلكُكَ بِالتَخليدِ مُقتَرِناً
يَجُرُّ ذَيلاً عَلى الأَملاكِ مُنسَحِبا