1. Raise high the finest drink from cups of joy,
And pass around the cups of companionship, for it is my entertainer.
١. أَجِلِ المُعَلّى مِن قِداحِ سُرورِ
وأدِر كُؤوسَ الأُنسِ فَهوَ سَميري
2. My beauty was cast upon the shoulder of splendor,
So it clothed the horizons in a robe of sapphire.
٢. خُلِعَت على عِطفِ البَهاءِ مَحاسِني
فَكَسَت بِهِ الآفاقَ ثَوبَ حُبورِ
3. And my loose cloak was elegantly draped,
Like bangles over the wrists of the maidens.
٣. وتَناسَقَ الوَشيُ المفَوَّفُ حُلَّتي
نَسَقَ الشُذورِ عَلى نُحورِ الحورِ
4. The splendor of palaces is humbled before my rank,
For I am she who emerged and whose peer was exalted.
٤. شأوُ القُصورِ قُصورُها عَن رُتبَتي
فَأَنا الَّتي بَرَزَت فَعَزَّ نَظيري
5. In the well-built and lavish structure and its horizons,
I surpass the most brilliant and the dimmest of stars.
٥. في المُبتَنى المُراكشيِّ وأُفقِهِ
أُزري عَلى الزَوراءِ والخابورِ
6. My supreme position is the most exceptional and sublime,
Which has attained precedence in prose and verse.
٦. أَعلى مَقامي البارع الأسمى الَّذي
قَد حازَ سَبقَ النَظمِ وَالمَنثورِ
7. When its fingers tips grasped the pens,
It emitted strands of magic between the lines.
٧. فَإذا أَقَلَّ بَنانُهُ أَقلامَهُ
نَفَثَت عُقودَ السِحرِ بَينَ سُطورِ
8. Abdul Aziz, the brother of his Majesty, is a scribe,
The secret of the Caliph Ahmad al-Mansur.
٨. عبدُ العَزيزِ أخو الجَلالَةِ كاتِبٌ
سِرُّ الخَليفَةِ أَحمَدَ المَنصورِ
9. As long as the leaves rustled with dew in the meadow,
He remained in prosperity and security.
٩. لا زالَ في يُمنٍ وَأَمنٍ ما شَدَت
وُرقٌ بِرَوضٍ بِالنَدى مَمطورِ