1. So let glory be attained by the protector of pottery
So let the glory of the defender of homelands be
١. كَذا فَليَكُن مُدرِكٌ لِلفَخارِ
كَذا فَليَكُن مَجدُ حامي الدِيارِ
2. Is there an aim above imminent mighty honor
Whose foundations were built high above the abodes
٢. فَهَل غايَةٌ فَوقَ عِزٍّ عَتيدٍ
مَشيدِ القَواعِدِ فَوقَ الدَراري
3. You sent out to it dwindling gray clusters
With it the cheeks were tossed between the barrens
٣. بَعَثتَ بِها شُزباً ضامراتٍ
تَرامى بِها الوَخد بَينَ القِفارِ
4. With confidence in attaining success
And you did not gamble like those who lose their way
٤. عَلى ثِقَةٍ مِن بُلوغِ النَجاحِ
وَلَم تَضرِبِ التيهَ ضَربَ القِمارِ
5. So there is no protector for transgression of purpose
Nor any preventer, a persistent one, from the seas
٥. فَما عاصِمٌ لِلعدى مَهمَهٌ
وَلا مانِعٌ ثَبَجٌ مِن بِحارِ
6. So say to the darknesses this is the morning
For darkness has no power during daylight
٦. فَقُل لِلأحابيشِ هَذا الصَباحُ
فَما لِلظَلامِ يَدٌ بِالنَهارِ
7. For God's soldiers have descended upon them
And Dhu al-Faqar was unleashed upon their aggression
٧. فَقَد نازَلَتهُم جُنودُ الإِلَهِ
وَسُلَّ عَلى بَغيِهِم ذو الفَقارِ
8. And they came to the Nile, unwell and feverish
Making the nearby streams red with blood
٨. وَقَد وَرَدوا النيلَ ساني المِزاجِ
مُحيلاً بِماءِ الدِماءِ الجَوارِ
9. So how many onslaughts poured and reached the brink
And for the slain the night has the darkest waist-wrap
٩. فَكَم عارِضٍ صَبَّ وَبلَ الحُتوفِ
وَللنَقعِ لَيلٌ أَحَمُّ الإِزارِ
10. When the darkness of war rises high
Then its stars are all the fiery meteors
١٠. إِذا ما تَسامى سَماءَ القَتامِ
فَكَوكَبُهُ كُلُّ ماضي الغِرارِ
11. And if an obstinate one sought to steal from it
It would pelt him with fiery hail
١١. وَإِن مارِدٌ رامَ مِنهُ اِستِراقاً
يُبادِرهُ مِنهُ رَجمٌ بِنارِ
12. So if they come to war by choice
They have come to death by necessity
١٢. فَإِن وَرَدوا الحَربَ وِردَ اِختِيارٍ
فَقَد وَرَدوا الحَتفَ وِردَ اِضطِرارِ
13. And they became drunk on the cup of death
Not drunk on the cup of wine
١٣. وَأضحَوا سُكارى بِكَأسِ الحُتوفِ
وَلَيسوا سُكارى بِكَأسِ العُقارِ
14. And they wanted to flee but how to be saved
From a predetermined fate impossible to flee
١٤. وَراموا الفِرارَ وَأَنّى النَجا
ةُ مِن قَدَرٍ مُعجِزٍ لِلفِرارِ
15. So the south has yielded and this north
Will join it later in convoy
١٥. فَدانَ الجَنوبُ وَهَذا الشَمالُ
سَتَنظِمُهُ بَعدَهُ في قِطارِ
16. You had stumbled over the Cross intensely
We will make it stumble double that stumbling
١٦. وَقَد كُنتَ أَعثَرتَ جَدَّ الصَليبِ
سنُعثِرُهُ ضِعفَ ذاكَ العِثارِ
17. This Levant and this Iraq
Will become yours, the land of settlement
١٧. وَهذي الشآمُ وَهَذي العِراقُ
سَتُمسي لَكُم وَهيَ دارُ القَرارِ
18. So no remoteness of lands prevents you
Nor does deviation from aims give you refuge
١٨. فَما مانِعٌ مِنكَ بُعدُ الدِيارِ
وَلا عاصِمٌ مِنكَ شَحطُ المَزارِ
19. And whoever schemes against you is the lost one
Wandering in his wishes, deceived
١٩. وَمَن رامَ كَيدَكَ فَهوَ الغَوِيُّ
خَلا بِأَمانيهِ طَوعَ اِغتِرارِ
20. You are the Praiseworthy, the Ancient, the Noble
The Praiseworthy of the present, the Praiseworthy Carpenter
٢٠. فَأَنتَ حَميدُ القَديمِ الكَريمِ
حَميدُ الحَديث حَميدُ النِجارِ
21. So it is time for truth to become clear
And the full moon of guidance to emerge from obscurity
٢١. فَقَد آنَ لِلحَقِّ أَن يَستَبينَ
وَيَخلُصَ بَدرُ الهُدى مِن سِرارِ
22. And the promise of the generous Prophet fulfilled
For this is the age, a bracelet for that wrist
٢٢. وَيُنجَزَ وَعدُ النَبِيِّ الكَريمِ
فَذا العَصرُ زَندٌ لِهَذا السِوارِ
23. So bloodshed and for you is glory at its peak
And in the orbit of honor, lofty in revolution
٢٣. فَدُم وَلَكَ المَجدُ في الأَوجِ بادٍ
وَفي فَلَكِ العِزِّ سامي المدارِ