1. The crescent of good fortune rose from the horizon of victory,
And the lightning of glory flashed from the banner of pride.
١. تَبدّى هِلالُ السَعدِ مِن مَطلَعِ النَصرِ
وَلاحَت بُروقُ المَجدِ مِن عَلَمِ الفَخرِ
2. With ambitions the earth became their burial ground,
And from an army led by the guide of triumph.
٢. فَمِن هِمَمٍ أَضحى الثُريّا لَها ثرىً
وَمِن عَسكَرٍ يَقتادُهُ رائِدُ النَصرِ
3. The stance of earth's kings from their dominance,
Is like the stance of rescued birds from the claws of a falcon.
٣. مَقامُ مُلوكِ الأَرضِ مِن سَطَواتِهِ
مَقام بُغاثِ الطَيرِ مِن مِخلَبِ الصَقرِ
4. Their gazes are fixed towards His Majesty,
Bowing to the brows beneath the grip of coercion.
٤. فَهُم شاخِصو الأَبصارِ نَحوَ جَلالِهِ
يَخِرّونَ لِلأذقانِ تَحتَ يَدِ القَهرِ
5. Whoever was not reached by its darkness,
It delivered him, before it, to the darkness of panic.
٥. فَمن لم يَنَلهُ فَيلَقٌ مِن كُماتِهِ
أحَلَّ بِهِ مِن قَبلِهِ فَيلَقُ الذُعرِ
6. So they have no station except the belly of beasts,
Or the nests of birds, other than repenting.
٦. فَما دونَ أن يُعطوا الإِنابَةَ مَنزِلٌ
لَهُم غَيرَ بَطنِ الوَحشِ أَو حَوصَلِ الطَيرِ
7. Leaving them fallen at every slope,
Intoxicated with cups of death, not wine.
٧. وَتَركُهُمُ صَرعى بِكُلِّ تَنوفَةٍ
سُكارى بِكاساتِ المَنِيَّةِ لا الخَمرِ
8. How the sword of revenge felled the Romans' west,
And the raider of killing and captivity revolved around them.
٨. فَكَم فلَّ غَربَ الروم سيفُ انتِقامِهِ
وَطافَ عَلَيهِم طائِفُ القَتلِ وَالأسرِ
9. How it clothed the heroes in the ferocity of battle,
Corpses woven from seasoned brown spear wood.
٩. وَكَم سَربَلَ الأَبطالَ في حَومَةِ الوَغى
مَجاسِدُ مِن نَسجِ المُثَقَّفَةِ السُمرِ
10. Every young gazelle wept for them,
Shedding copious red tears over them.
١٠. فَناحَت عَلَيهِم كُلُّ غَيداءَ طَفلَةٍ
تُفيضُ عَلَيهِم واكِفَ الأَدمُعِ الحمرِ
11. Did the endeavor of the blacks fail, or was their view misguided?
Or did they, in their claim, resist the storm of coercion?
١١. فَهَل خابَ سَعيُ السودِ أَو فالَ رَأيُها
وَهَل قاوَمَت في زَعمِها عاصِفَ القَسرِ
12. They lived an era, grazing like the docile, and forgot
The consequences of what the knocker of time brings.
١٢. رَعَوا حِقبَةً رَعيَ الهُدونِ وَأغفَلوا
عَواقِبَ ما يَأتي بِهِ طارِقُ الدَهرِ
13. They were not wary until the vanguards of an army approached,
Agitating the lion of the forest with blood-stained victory.
١٣. فَما راعَهُم إِلّا طَلائِعُ عَسكَرٍ
تُزَجّي بِأُسدِ الغابِ دامِيَةَ الظُفرِ
14. Pitch darkness upon them, the night testifies it is the night,
And the darkness within which the potted plants blossomed.
١٤. عَلَيهِم قَتامٌ يَشهَدُ اللَيلُ أَنَّهُ
هُوَ اللَيلُ وَالخِرصانُ فيهِ سَنى الزَهرِ
15. Horsemen like flocks of sand grouse with puffed up chests,
Would reach the horizon if it were the range of an eagle.
١٥. وَجُردٍ كَأسرابِ القَطا ضُمَّرِ الحَشا
يَنَلنَ المَدى لَو أَنَّهُ قُنَّةُ النَسرِ
16. Girded with dripping burdahs as if they are
The outstretched wings of rain drops.
١٦. تُشَدُّ بِزَغفٍ مُسبَلاتٍ كَأَنَّها
مُسَرَّدَةُ الأَرجاءِ مِن نُقَطِ القَطرِ
17. How many flags whose shades covered them as if they are
Molted eagle feathers bent into breaking.
١٧. فَكَم رايَةٍ قَد ظَلَّلَتها كَأَنَّها
قُدامى عُقابٍ قَد ثَنَتها إِلى الكَسرِ
18. The Victorious One steadies them, so they are clouds
Raining generosity with flood from its abundance.
١٨. يُسَدِّدُها المَنصورُ فَهيَ سَحائِبٌ
تَجودُ العِدى بِالحَتفِ مِن وَبلِها الغَمرِ
19. Nothing of His might except His forbearance,
Let alone the He who accepts repentance and excuses.
١٩. فَلا وَزَرٌ مِن بَأسِهِ غَيرُ حِلمِهِ
فَناهيكَ مِنهُ قابِلَ التَوبِ وَالعُذرِ
20. Let alone the smoothness of forehead as if
Its radiance was borrowed from the full moon's radiance,
٢٠. وَناهيكَ مِن طَلقِ الجَبينِ كَأَنَّما
أَسِرَّتُهُ مِنها استُعيرَ سَنى البَدرِ
21. To a nature - if its diffusion were of perfume,
Then fine perfume would never have belonged to flowers.
٢١. إِلى خُلُقٍ لَو كانَ لِلطَّيبِ نَشرُها
لَما اِنتَسَبَ الطيبُ الذَكِيُّ إِلى الشِحرِ
22. Such is a nature - Mahdi, Alawite,
Inherited by the honorable family from the honorable.
٢٢. كَذا خُلُقٌ مَهدِيَّةٌ عَلَوِيَّةٌ
تَوارَثَها الغُرُّ الكِرامُ عَنِ الغُرِّ
23. The Mahdi is pleased with you, and his successor acknowledged
What you left of good mention.
٢٣. يَقَرُّ بِكَ المَهدِيُّ عَيناً وَقَبلَهُ ال
وَصِيُّ بِما أَعقَبتَ مِن طيِّبِ الذِكرِ
24. With one who - if he were to shoot two ranks on his fighting day -
The Syrian army's back would be emptied.
٢٤. بِمَن لَو رَمى صِفّينَ يَومَ جِلادِهِ
لَحَلَّت بِجَيشِ الشامِ فاقِرَةُ الظَهرِ
25. So the kingdom of earth be bent, subdued for him,
The far and near will be organized unto the river.
٢٥. لِيَهنِهِ مُلكُ الأَرضِ مَوطودَةً لَهُ
سَيُنتَظَمُ السوسُ القَصيُّ إِلى النَهرِ
26. Nothing beyond Syria's road except a glance,
And nothing beyond Baghdad, Iraq except a wink.
٢٦. فَما دونَ دَربِ الشامِ إِلّا اِلتِفاتَةٌ
وَما دونَ بَغدادِ العِراقِ سِوى فِترِ
27. If enemies attempted to seek refuge there
Then they attempted the impossible of matters.
٢٧. فَإِن حاوَلَ الأَعداءُ مِنها اِعتِصامَها
بِبُعدٍ فَقَد راموا المُحالَ مِنَ الأَمرِ
28. If they took the two seas as residence,
Ruin would always flow behind them.
٢٨. فَلَو أَنَّهُم حَلّو السِماكَينِ مَنزِلاً
لَباتَ الرَدى مِن خَلفِهِم دائِماً يَسري
29. If he descended on the endless sea with resolve,
After it, its billows would turn to rubble.
٢٩. وَلَو نازَلَ البَحرَ المُحيطَ بعَزمَةٍ
لَعادَت يَباباً بَعدَها لُجَجُ البَحرِ
30. Your carpenter is the best of worlds, and you inherited him,
Let alone an inheritance, and let alone a Carpenter!
٣٠. نِجارُكَ خَيرُ العالَمينَ وَرِثتَهُ
فَناهيكَ مِن إرثٍ وَناهيكَ مِن نَجرِ
31. You never ceased to be Victorious,
And through you days continued, clear in bearing good news.
٣١. فَلا زِلتَ مَنصورَ اللِواءِ مُظَفَّراً
وَدامَت بِكَ الأَيّامُ واضِحَةَ البِشرِ
32. No blessing except that receiving it is from you,
No noble deed except that its freshness flows from your palm.
٣٢. فَلا نِعمَةً إِلّا ومِنكُم مَنالُها
وَلا عُرفَ إِلّا مِن نَدى كَفِّكُم يَجري