
I was never enchanted by a fair rose-cheeked maid,

ولم أطرب إلى عذراء رود

1. I was never enchanted by a fair rose-cheeked maid,
Who forsakes her lover's company in disdain,

١. ولم أطرب إلى عذراء رودٍ
بها عن وصل عاشقها نفارُ

2. Nor did I lament the cheek-veil as though it were a rose
Whose bashfulness is concealed by its petalled garment.

٢. ولا غرثى الوشاح كأن ورد ال
حياء بوجنتيها الجلنار

3. I take to myself every downtrodden soul
Who has suffered injustice and has no defender.

٣. بنفسي كل مهضوم حشاها
إذا ظلمت فليس لها انتصارُ

4. But I was enchanted by a bosom friend
Who generously offered himself though I had the choice.

٤. ولكني طربت إلى خليلٍ
سمحت ببذله ولي الخيار

5. When he passed on into the care of Him who never
Lets one perish, and sailed to his final rest,

٥. فلما أن مضى في حفظ من لا
يضيعه وشط به المزارُ

6. I regretted with the regret of one who sells his horse
When it has grown old and useless.

٦. ندمت ندامة الكسعي لما
غدت منه مطلقةً نوارُ

7. So my eyes will never dry of tears for him
And my heart will know no rest.

٧. فعيني ما تجف لها دموعٌ
وقلبي ما يقر له قرار