1. Oh my brothers and beloved friends
The prayer of a young man whose answer comes from Him
١. ألا يا إخوتي وذوي ودادي
دعاءُ فتى إجابته مناهُ
2. The abundance of the Tigris and the rose being green
Its love has taken over my heart
٢. زيادة دجلةٍ والورد غضٌ
قد استولى على قلبي هواهُ
3. For she is the only one who captivates me
And he is the only one who imprisons me
٣. فهذي ليس يفتنني سواها
وهذا ليس يسبيني سواه
4. Is there not among you a young man who grieves for my vigil
Who will let me drink the wine even if it is unlawful
٤. أما فيكم فتى يرثي لصحوي
فيسقيني المشوم ولو خراه