
I do not fear your belief will change

لست أخشى تغيرا في اعتقادك

1. I do not fear your belief will change
Now that I know my place in your heart

١. لَستُ أَخشى تَغَيُّراً في اعتِقادِك
بَعدَ علمي بِمَوضِعي مِن فؤادِك

2. I turn away all visitors from it
And do not allow any in except those purely dear to you

٢. أحجبُ الوارِدينَ عَنهُ وَلا آ
ذَنُ مِنهم إِلّا لِصافي ودادِك

3. And whenever you are upset I see
That you leave nothing to fear from your grudges

٣. وَأَرى كُلَمّا تَجن فَلا أَت
رك شَيئاً يَخافُ مِن أَحقادِك

4. And after your reproach, however much
The flood of guidance from you overflowed

٤. وَبَعدَ العِتاب مِنكَ وَإِن أَس
رَفَ غمر الثقافِ مِن إِرشادِك

5. So seek one who is scared by outward speech
And your intent is hidden from him

٥. فَالتَمِس مَن يَروعُهُ ظاهِرُ القَو
لِ وَيَخفى عَلَيهِ سِرُّ مُرادِك

6. Imposing on your conscience which has been
Humbled by love for you and difficult to lead

٦. لا مُطِلا عَلى ضَميرِكَ قَد ذَل
لَ لَه في هَواكَ صَعبُ قِيادِك

7. He is safe from enviers in you when you think
About the sincerity of his love and righteousness

٧. يَأمَنُ الحاسِدينَ فيكَ إِذا فَك
كَرَ في صَفوِ وُدِّهِ وَسَدادِك

8. A blessing from the kinds of your righteousness
That only merits more praise for you

٨. مِنَّةٌ مِن فُنونِ بِرِّكَ ما تُو
جِبُ إِلّا المَزيدَ مِن إِحمادِك