
Do you think the leaves in the branches sing for you?

أتظن الورق في الأيك تغني

1. Do you think the leaves in the branches sing for you?
No, they harbour sorrow like my sorrow

١. أَتَظُنَّ الوُرقَ في الأَيكِ تُغَنّي
إِنَّما تُضمِرُ حُزناً مِثلَ حُزني

2. May Allah not let you see joy after this
O you who led us, if you do not answer me

٢. لا أَراكَ اللَّهُ نَجداً بَعدَها
أَيُّها الحادي بِنا إِن لَم تُجِبني

3. Do you want to compete with me in expressing my love
In the land of the living, a branch with blossoms aroused my yearning

٣. هَل تُباريني إِلى بَثِّ الجَوى
في دِيارِ الحَيِّ نَشوى ذاتُ غُصنِ

4. Excuse us though we have outrun you
For we cry over it while you sing

٤. هَب لَنا السَّبقَ وَلَكِن زادَنا
أَنَّنا نَبكي عَلَيها وَتُغَنّي

5. O time of my disgrace! Will there ever be
A time when fate allows return after abandonment?

٥. يا زَمانَ الخيفِ هَل مِن عَودَةٍ
يَسمَحُ الدَّهرُ بِها مِن بَعدِ ضَنِّ

6. Console us with the twigs of the bent branches
Of a willow tree - oh what a slapping of branches!

٦. أَرَضِينا بِثَنِيّاتِ اللِّوى
عَن زَرودٍ يا لَها صَفقةَ عَبنِ

7. Ask sorrow - has it been generous to me
With a misfortune that narrated prosperity like my eyelids?

٧. سَل أَراك الجَزع هَل جادَت بِهِ
مُزنَةٌ رَوَّت ثَراء مِثلَ جَفني

8. And the talks of the youth - do they know
That they possess my heart before my ears?

٨. وَأَحادِيثُ الغَضا هَل عَلِمَت
أَنَّها تَملِكُ قَلبي قَبلَ أذني

9. I am not afraid of impending misfortunes
Rather, I fear a heart that feels safe

٩. لَستُ أَرتاعُ لِخَطبٍ نازِلٍ
إِنَّما الخَوفُ لِقَلبٍ مُطمَئنِّ

10. I do not ask the generous one of the people
So why does the stingy one shun me?

١٠. وَكَريمُ القَوم لا أَسأَلُهُ
فَلِماذا يَعرِضُ الباخِلُ عَنّي

11. We have agreed to refuse wealth
And despair prevents the humiliation of wishing

١١. قَد رَضينا بإِباء عَن غِنىً
وَيعِزّ اليأس عَن ذُلِّ التمَنّي

12. Befriend fate a little and admit
In it the two registers of ease and sorrow

١٢. صاحِبِ الدَّهرَ قَليلاً تَعتَرِف
فيهِ بِالسَّجلينِ مِن سَهلٍ وَحَزنِ

13. A friend tells about his brothers
So ask the executioner what he knows of me

١٣. يُخبِرُ الصّاحِبُ عَن إِخوانِهِ
فَاسأَلِ الصّارِمَ ما يَعرِفُ مِنّي

14. A wretch destined for misery hopes
Only to be counted as my peer

١٤. وَذَليلٍ موعِدٍ لي بِالرَّدى
إِنَّما يَطمَعُ أَن يُحسَبَ قِرني

15. You slept on your side protected by it
You only rattled the cooking pots with evil

١٥. نَم عَلى ضِلعِكَ ما رُعتَ بِها
إِنَّما قَعقَعتَ لِلطَّودِ بِشَنِّ

16. I will not please you with my war, so beware
Lest I restrain you with the bridle from my blows and stabbing

١٦. لَستُ أَرضاكَ لِحَربي فَاحتَرِز
بِزمام الهونِ مِن ضَربي وَطَعني

17. A drawn sword that reveals a dormant potency
You are in the worst safety from its sharpness

١٧. مَيسِمٌ يُشهِرُ قَدراً خامِلاً
أَنتَ مِن لَذعَتِهِ في شَرِّ أَمنِ

18. Be with the days a foe; my relationship in fate
Was only with a palm that did not reach me

١٨. كُن مَعَ الأَيّام أَلباً إِنَّما
صُلتُ في الدَّهرِ بكَفٍّ لَم تَنَلني

19. With the mighty ruler my hand extended
So above the boughs of Suhā I pull my quiver

١٩. بِعَزيزِ الدَّولَةِ امتَدت يَدي
فَعَلى فَرعِ السُّها أَسحَبُ رُدني

20. Ask the turns of fate about me in his presence
What fathers, and in what social class?

٢٠. سَل صُروفَ الدَّهرِ عَنّي عِندَهُ
أَيُّ آباء وَفي أَيِّ مجنِّ

21. After the new moon his good omen led me
Even if others than him tried, they would not lead me

٢١. قادَني بَعدَ شِماس بِشرُهُ
لَو بَغاني بِسِواهُ لَم يَقُدني

22. The people outstripped me making a deal with it
Its guide did not cheat me

٢٢. سَبَقَ النّاسُ إِلَيها صَفقَةً
لَم يَعُد رائِدُها عَنّي بِغُبنِ

23. Our hopes fell short of his generosity
So we blame the hopes, not him

٢٣. قَصَّرَت آمالُنا عَن جودِهِ
فَعَلَيهِ لا عَلى الآمالِ نُثني

24. Do not blame him for his lack
The squanderer destroys and the hoarder builds

٢٤. لا تَلوموهُ عَلى إقتارِهِ
يَهدِمُ المُترِبُ وَالمُنفِضُ يَبني

25. So it is as if the money has allied
To disgrace a stingy man who did not disgrace me

٢٥. فَكَأَنَّ المالَ آلى حِلفَةً
لأَهينن بَخيلاً لَم يُهِنّي

26. Of the generous ones fate disciplined them
After it used to harvest the noble

٢٦. مِن كِرام أَدَّبَ الدَّهرُ بِهِم
بَعدَ ما كانَ عَلى الأَحرارِ يَجني

27. They moved the thick wine on the day of battle
With swords the likes of which pierce deep in stabbing

٢٧. نَقَلوا سُمرَ القَنا يَومَ الوَغى
بِسياط مِثلِها في الطّعنِ لُدنِ

28. Every drawn sword whose scabbard
And sheath are ruled by the doubling

٢٨. كُلُّ مَيّاسٍ جَرَت أَعطافُهُ
وَعَواليهِ عَلى حُكمِ التَّثنِّي

29. An arousal to generosity became an intoxication
Which etiquette did not turbid with blaming

٢٩. هِزَّة لِلجودِ صارَت نَشوَة
لَم يُكَدِّر عِندَها العُرفُ بِمَنِّ

30. They sought eminence, so there came preceding
A stalwart who roughened the face of the old man

٣٠. طَلَبوا الشَّأوَ فَوافى سابِقاً
جَذَعٌ غَبَّرَ في وَجهِ المُسِنِّ

31. His personality was molded as an ideal of virtue
The one praising him means to praise virtue

٣١. صيغَ لِلفَضلِ مِثالاً شَخصُهُ
إِنَّما مادِحُهُ لِلفَضلِ يَعني

32. He is my pillar in adversities, the contrary winds
Did not shake my pillar, O fate

٣٢. هُوَ في اللأواء رُكني لاهَفَت
ريحُكَ النكباء يا دَهرُ بِرُكني

33. O son of the pride of kingship, pride that
Is a lineage that suffices for glory and enriches

٣٣. يا ابنَ فَخرِ المُلكِ فَخراً إِنَّهُ
نَسَبٌ يَقنَعُ في المَجدِ وَيُغني

34. You have led my praise after it was
The honor of the two intimate friends of my chest and eyelids

٣٤. قُدتَ مَدحي بَعدَ ما كانَت بِهِ
عِزَّةُ السِّرَّينِ مِن صَدري وَجَفني

35. And the villains who pursued
The course of time in stinginess and cowardice

٣٥. وَأَبى دونَ لِئام تَبِعوا
سُنَّةَ الأَيّامِ في بُخلٍ وَجُبنِ

36. All who uncover for me from his well
The shine of deceit in the obvious place

٣٦. كُلَّ مَن يُسفِرُ لي مِن بِئرِهِ
لَمعَةُ الخُلبِ في المَحلِ المُبِنِّ

37. He follows generosity if his palm
Erroneously stinted one day it struck flint

٣٧. يُتبِعُ الجودَ إِذا ما غَلَطَت
كَفُّهُ بِالجودِ يَوماً قَرعَ سِنِّ

38. Of fate's sons, they have from its meanness
A lineage in which the father joins the son

٣٨. مِن بَني الدَّهرِ لَهُم مِن لُؤمِهِ
نَسَبٌ ألحِقَ فيهِ الأَبُ بابنِ

39. With that kindness despite their stinginess
A spectacle - whatever you wish of ugly and beautiful

٣٩. بَذلُكَ المَعروفَ مَعَ بُخلِهِمُ
مَنظَرٌ ما شِئتَ مِن قُبح وَحُسنِ

40. The nights turned you away looking
At glory which never ceases to yearn intensely

٤٠. صَرَفَت عَنكَ اللَّيالي ناظِراً
لَم يَزَل يَرنو إِلى الفَضلِ بِضِغنِ

41. And it was destined that my side be pelted
With bits and pieces from the people, degraded

٤١. وَسَمَت بي أَن يُرامى جانِبي
بِرَعاديدٍ مِنَ الأَقوام لُكنِ