
Why do I see you put aside your worries

ما لي أراك على قلاك تناكرت

1. Why do I see you put aside your worries
As if their hatreds have found peace

١. ما لي أَراكَ عَلى قِلاكَ تَناكَرَت
أَحقادُها وَتَسَالَمَت أَضدادُها

2. And their opposites, attraction?
Were it not for piety, they would pull you down.

٢. وَتَجاذَبَتها إِمرَة لَولا التُّقى
عَزَّت وَقَصَّرَ دونَها قُصّادُها

3. Their glory fades before yours
And their archers fall short of you.

٣. إِن يَحسُدوكَ عَلى عُلوِّكَ عَنهُمُ
فَدَليلُ كُلِّ فَضيلَةٍ حُسّادُها

4. If they envy your superiority,
It is proof of the merit that earned their envy.

٤. يا أُمَّةً كفرت وَفي أَفواهِها القُر
آن فيهِ ضلالُها وَرشادُها

5. O nation that rejected faith! In their mouths
Is the Quran that shows the way to their ruin and salvation.

٥. أَعلى المَنابِرِ تَلعَنونَ نَسيبَهُ
وَبِسَيفِهِ نُصِبَت لَكُم أَعوادُها

6. At the height of minbars you curse his kin
Though by his sword your pulpits stand.

٦. تِلكَ الصَّغائِنُ لَم تَزَل بَدرِيَّةً
قُتِلَ الحُسَينُ وَما خَبَت أَحقادُها

7. Those young girls show no respite
In their hatred since al-Husayn’s martyrdom.

٧. وَاللَّه لَولّا تَيمُها وَعَدِيُّها
فرق الخِلافَ يَزيدُها وَزِيادُها

8. By God! But for the Taym and ‘Adi
Dissension would tear your leader Ziyad apart.

٨. ضَرَبَتكُمُ في كَربُلاء صَوارِمٌ
يَومَ السَّقيفَةِ مُزِّقَت أَغمادُها

9. In Karbala swords struck you down
When on Saqifa day their sheaths were ripped.

٩. طُلِبَت ذُحولُ الشِّركِ فيكُم بَعدَها
خُبَّت غَوارِبُها وَثُلَّ عِمادُها

10. The greed of idolators still plagues you
Their cowls have sunk and their pillars crumbled,

١٠. وَبَدَت عَلى زُرقِ الأَسِنَّةِ هامُكُم
مَشهورَة أَفَلا تَمِيدُ صِعادُها