
I seek God's forgiveness for my shortcomings and lapses

أستغفر الله من تركي وإخلالي

1. I seek God's forgiveness for my shortcomings and lapses
And any fleeting thoughts that crossed my mind

١. أَستَغفِرُ اللَّهَ مِن تَركي وَإِخلالي
وَهَفوَةٍ خَطَرَت مِنّي عَلى بالي

2. I spent my life learning what I never mastered
And of what use is knowledge amongst the ignorant?

٢. قَضَيتُ عُمري بِدَرسٍ ما حَظيتُ بِهِ
وَكَيفَ يَنفَعُ عِلمٌ بَينَ جُهّالِ

3. My asceticism increased when I came to know them
So I don't grieve over status or wealth

٣. وَزادَ زُهدِيَ في أَنّي عَرَفتَهُمُ
فَما أَسَيتُ عَلى جاهٍ وَلا مالِ

4. I've tied my determination against seeking
So my steeds and camels are to be praised

٤. قَيَّدتُ بِاليَأسِ عَزمي عَن مُطالَبَةٍ
فَلتَحمَدِ اللَّهَ أَفراسي وَأَجمالي

5. I consider my sincerest hopes as deception
When people cling to my hopes

٥. أَعُدُّ أَصدَقَ آمالي مُخادَعَةً
إِذا تَعَلَّقَ أَقوامٌ بآمالي

6. And I owe gratitude to contentment
For gratitude is the best reverence and veneration

٦. وَلِلقَناعَةِ عِندي مِنَّةٌ شَكَرَت
وَالشُّكرُ أَحسَنُ إِعظامٍ وَإِجلالِ

7. I paired it with unearned prosperity
And chastity between extravagance and scarcity

٧. قَرَنتُها بِثَراءٍ غَير مُكتَسَبٍ
وَعِفَّةٍ بَينَ إِكثارٍ وَإِقلالِ

8. The inheritance of a people was enough for me after them
So interpretations of speculations on prohibited and permitted

٨. مِيراثُ قَومٍ كَفاني بَعدَ عَهدِهِم
فَتوى الظُّنونِ بِإِحرامٍ وَإِحلالِ

9. The spring quenched a generous spring whose pouring rain
Falls with every smooth-tailed gray stallion

٩. سَقى الرَّبيعَ رَبيعٌ جادَ هاطِلُهُ
بِكُلِّ أَسحَمَ صافي الذَّيلِ هَطّالِ

10. And it especially rained on a fleeting portion of its blessings
With a cold drink like wine flowing down

١٠. وَخَصَّ رِمسَ سِنانٍ مِن مَواهِبِهِ
بِبارِدٍ كَسُلافِ الخَمرِ سَلسالِ

11. So it has helped us to be ascetic with ease
And enriched me against hardship and wandering

١١. فَقَد أَعانا عَلى زُهدٍ بميسَرَةٍ
وَأَغنَياني عَن شَدٍّ وَتَرحالِ

12. I gave my body rest so its parts wouldn't toil
Though the likes of me had damaged it with greed

١٢. أَرَحتُ جِسمي فَلَم تَنصب جَوارِحُهُ
وَقَد أَضَرَّ بِها في الحِرصِ أَمثالي

13. And I didn't make my isolation reason to seek money
When people preoccupy themselves with their tasks

١٣. وَما جَعَلتُ اغتِرابي لِلغِنَى سَبَباً
إِذا تَفَرَّغَ أَقوامٌ لأَشغالِ

14. They spoke beautifully but rarely acted
And I made my words consistent with my actions

١٤. قالوا جَميلاً وَلَكِن قَلَّما فَعَلوا
مِنهُ وَصَدَّقتُ أَقوالي بِأَفعالي

15. And my cousin disagreed with my opposition
So found in me no dismissal

١٥. وَقَد أَجَدَّ ابنُ عَمّي في مُخالَفَتي
رَأياً فَصادَفَ عِندي غَيرَ إِجفالي

16. Be however you want, aloof or sociable
For you were created without an uncle or aunt

١٦. كُن كَيفَ شِئتَ جَفاءً أَو مُواصلَةً
فَقَد خُلِقتَ بِلا عَمٍّ وَلا خالِ

17. And spare me your quarreling or blaming
For that is the excess of sayings and words

١٧. وَخَلِّ عَنكَ جِدالي أَو مُعاتَبَتي
فَإِنَّ ذَلِكَ فَضلَ القيلِ وَالقالِ

18. And a party the noble brought together
Despite the changing of times and states

١٨. وَعُصبَةٍ أَلَّفَ الأَحرارُ جمعهم
عَلى تَقَلُّبِ أَوقاتٍ وَأَحوالِ

19. From everyone who admits to evil, feeling no need
And seeking the company of those with base natures

١٩. مِن كُلِّ مُعتَرفٍ بِالشَّرِّ مُضطَغِنٍ
وَقاصِدٍ بِلَئيمِ الطَّبعِ مُختالِ

20. A house of schemes though it's vacant
And a place of evil though it's empty

٢٠. بَيتُ المَكائِدِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ طالٌ
وَمَوضِعُ السُّوءِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ خالي

21. They turned against me and their dogs startled me
But I don't care about the pattern of fading ruins

٢١. عَوَوا عَليَّ وَهَرَّتني كِلابُهُم
فَما عَبِئتُ بِرَسمِ الدِّمنَةِ البالي

22. The truth is evident so know who argues it
And leave the whisperings of ideas and words

٢٢. الحَقُّ أَبلَجُ فاعرِف مَن تُنازِعُهُ
وَدَع وَساوِسَ أَفكارٍ وَأَقوالِ

23. And enmity has reasons, the most apparent being
In them, divergence of motives and forms

٢٣. وَلِلعَداوَةِ أَسبابٌ وَأَظهَرُها
فيها تَباينُ أَغراضٍ وَأَشكالِ

24. And people vary though one image envelops them
It's the compatibility between water and tools

٢٤. والنّاسُ شَتّى وَإِن عَمَّتهُمُ صوَرٌ
هِيَ التَّناسُبُ بَينَ الماءِ والآلِ

25. Blessed is God! Is there any trace left for good
That a successor pursues where a predecessor once trod?

٢٥. تَبارَكَ اللَّهُ هَل لِلخَيرِ مِن أَثَرٍ
يُقفى فَيَتبَعُ فيهِ سابِقاً تالي

26. Has a sword realized that its sheath
Is in a scabbard whose house allows no visitors?

٢٦. وَهَل تَبَيَّنَ سَيفٌ أَنَّ مَنزِلَهُ
في رَأسِ غَمدانَ دارٌ غَيرُ مِحلالِ

27. Or does a sword know from its mines
To inspire towards ruins and vestiges?

٢٧. أَم هَل لِسابورَ عِلمٌ مِن مَدائِنِهِ
فَيَستَهِلُّ لآثارٍ وَأَطلالِ

28. O you who tirelessly raised the palace
Lower it upon you, for the lofty partition

٢٨. يا شائِداً رَفَعَ الإِيوانَ مُجتَهِداً
خَفِّض عَلَيكَ فَإِنَّ الحادِرَ العالي

29. And I'm amazed by the monks, for they were true
To asceticism, abstaining from slaughtering lambs and calves

٢٩. وَقَد عَجِبتُ مِنَ الرُّهبانِ إِذ صَدَقوا
لِلنُّسكِ عَن ذَبحِ خِلانٍ وَأَطفالِ

30. Your sustenance suffices you from what you store
And what protects you from home and cloak

٣٠. يَكفيكَ قوتك مِمّا أَنتَ تذخره
وما يَصونك من بيت وَسربال

31. They did not wrong the beast of the land and sufficed
With latent desires in their mouths they ignored

٣١. لم يولِموا حَيوانَ البَرِّ واقتَصَروا
عَلى كَوامِنَ في الأَفواهِ أغفالِ

32. So they prohibited the easier hunting through effort
If only they knew of the hunting of a lurking killer

٣٢. فَحَرَّموا الصَّيدَ جُهداً وَهوَ أَيسَرُ في ال
عُقولِ لَو عَلِموا مِن صَيدِ مُغتالِ

33. And the ordeal of slaughter inspired in their tongues
Gentleness and respite for the slaughterers

٣٣. وَمُديَةُ الذَّبحِ أَوحى مِن عَذابِهِمُ
لِلسّانِحاتِ عَلى رِفقٍ وَإِمهالِ

34. Or do they believe that the living feel nothing?
Nonsense! That is but the rambling of fools

٣٤. أَم عِندَهُم أَن حَيّاً لا يُحِسُّ إِذاً
هَيهاتَ ما ذاكَ إِلّا خَبطُ جُهّالِ

35. How abundant is ignorance in immorality and asceticism
And those who laugh at words and deeds

٣٥. ما أَكثَرَ الجَهلَ في فُسقٍ وَفي نُسُكٍ
وَالمُضحكين بِأَقوالٍ وَأَعمالِ

36. I withdrew into solitude and my wisdom roamed the land
So my thoughts and persona remained unmoving

٣٦. أَنَختُ عَنسي وَسارَت في الوَرى حِكمي
فَجالَ فِكري وَشَخصي غَيرُ جَوّالِ

37. And I'm not confident in the affection of my brothers
So how can my enviers and blamers feel safe?

٣٧. وَلَستُ مِن وُدِّ إِخواني عَلى ثِقَةٍ
فَكَيفَ آمَنُ حُسّادي وَأَقيالي

38. So listen to my words and understand what I mean
And seek the best in purposes and examples

٣٨. فَاسمَع كَلامِيَ وافهَم ما أُريدُ بِهِ
وَاستَوصِ خَيراً بِأَغراضٍ وَأَمثالِ

39. And make my sermons a light you illuminate with
For they are lamps not locked up

٣٩. وَاجعَل عِظاتِيَ نُوراً تَستَضيء بِهِ
فَهيَ المَصابيحُ ما شُبَّت لِقُفّالِ

40. And spare my praise if my personality carries me
For there is no benefit to soil when a stream flows in it

٤٠. وَخَلِّ مَدحي إِذا ما ضَمَّني جَدَثي
فَلا انتِفاعٌ لِتُربٍ فيهِ مِنهالِ