
If people avoid hunting before the lawful season is due,

إذا اتقى القوم قبل الصيد في حرم

1. If people avoid hunting before the lawful season is due,
I shall make every place they frequent a sanctuary.

١. إِذا اتَّقى القَومُ قَبلَ الصَّيدِ في حَرَم
جَعَلتُ كُلَّ مَكانٍ حَلَّهُ حَرَما

2. Do not praise Time for any generosity it shows;
It aims neither at stinginess nor at bounty.

٢. لا تَحمَدِ الدَّهرَ في فِعلٍ يَجودُ بِهِ
فَلَيسَ يَقصِدُ لا بُخلاً وَلا كَرَما

3. They said, "We found him (already) aged when success befell him";
But they were wrong - he had always been aged.

٣. قالوا أَتَيناهُ لَما نالَهُ هَرَمٌ
وَما أَصابوا وَلَكِن لَم يَزَل هَرِما

4. Neither Ctesiphon nor its cities have passed away,
Nor any column, though the centuries have crumbled them to dust.

٤. ما سَرَّ كِسرى وَلَم تذهَب مَدائِنه
ولا سناناً وَقَد أَنقى لَه الهَرَما

5. By night their fortunes come to their aid, yet they
Listen enthralled to separation's tale - and no wonder!

٥. تأتي لَيالِيهِ إِسعافاً وَكُلُّهُمُ
أَصغى إِلى البَينِ مُغتَراً فَلا جَرَما