
O friend whose affection for people is the image of hypocrisy

يا حبيبا وده للناس

1. O friend whose affection for people is the image of hypocrisy
You are the full moon but you are destined for the wane

١. يا حَبيباً وُدُّهُ لِلن
ناسِ تِمثالُ النِّفاقِ

2. We have tested you in good times and bad
And found that you are good only for parting

٢. أَنتَ بَدرُ التَمِّ لَكِن
لَكَ عَهدٌ في المَحاقِ

٣. قَد بَلَوناكَ عَلى حا
لِ الثَّنائي وَالتَّلاقي

٤. فَإِذا أَنَّكَ لا تَص
لُحُ إِلّا لِلفِراقِ