
Do you know of any guidance for us in your nearness,

هل تعرفون لنا في قربكم رشدا

1. Do you know of any guidance for us in your nearness,
Or do you know that you have caused envy?

١. هَل تَعرِفونَ لَنا في قُربِكُم رَشَدا
أَو تَعلَمونَ بِما أَوليتُمُ حَسَدا

2. May Allah not dry a tear that flows after you,
Nor bring back one who sleeps after losing you.

٢. لا أَرفأ اللَّه دَمعاً فاضَ بَعدَكُمُ
وَلا أَعادَ رُقاداً فيكُمُ فُقِدا

3. The favors of life cannot make you forget us,
For with the generous, life still has power over you.

٣. ما يَكفُرُ العَيش نُعماها يُبعِدُكُمُ
عَنّا فَإِنَّ لَها عِندَ الكِرامِ يَدا

4. I poured from my flask water I did not dip
Into it a heart cooled off from your separation.

٤. وَرَدتُ مِن بَردي ماءَ ما نَقَعتُ بِهِ
مِنَ الصَّبابَةِ قَلباً عَنكُمُ بُرَدا

5. All that is ugly in you has become beautiful
When it was graced with your abandonment and patience.

٥. وَصارَ كُلُّ قَبيحٍ فيكُمُ حَسَناً
لَمّا أَفادَ عَلى هِجرانِكُم جَلَدا

6. If I were like you I would reciprocate your actions,
But I did not loosen a tongue or hand against you.

٦. لَو كُنتُ مِثلُكُم جازَيتُ فِعلَكُمُ
فَما أَطَلتُ لِساناً دونَكُم وَيَدا

7. The easiest thing for me regarding your betrayal
Is never to return to your circle ever again.

٧. وَكانَ أَيسَرُ ما عِندي لِغَدرِكُمُ
أَن لا أَعودَ إِلى ناديكُمُ أَبَدا

8. So if you find, as you have found, a replacement,
Then let each of us be content with what he found.

٨. فَإِن وَجَدتُم كَما أَوجَدتُم بَدَلاً
فَليَرضَ كُلُّ امرئٍ مِنّا بِما وَجَدا

9. I cannot blame you for seeking deeper waters
When we were content with stagnant backwater.

٩. وَما أَلومُكُمُ أَن تَبلُغوا حَلَباً
بِأَنَّنا قَد رَضينا جلَّقاً بَلَدا

10. From you I learned the evils of suspicion,
So I no longer hope for union after you.

١٠. وَقَد تَعَلَّمتُ سوءَ الظَّنِّ عِندَكُمُ
فَما أُؤمِّلُ يَوماً بَعدَكُم أَحَدا