
The night's bonds loosened, and lightning sparked with a flame of yearning

لاح وعقد الليل مسلوب

1. The night's bonds loosened, and lightning sparked with a flame of yearning
The horse asked not about the neighbor as he raced to pasture

١. لاحَ وَعقدُ اللَّيلِ مَسلوبُ
بَرق بِنارِ الشَّوقِ مَشبوبُ

2. Intoxicated wandering for the camel in its folds
And warning thunder and rain to drive off the lingering cloud

٢. طَوى الفَلا يَسألُ عَن حاجِرٍ
وَهوَ إِلى رامَة مَجلوبُ

3. My lids I bound in vigil, so tear-drenched were they
I asked the lightning about you, and on it a line was writ

٣. ضَلالَةً لِلبانِ في طَيِّها
سُكرٌ وَلِلقِمريِّ تَطريبُ

4. Would that it had shown more than the valley concealed
Or would that I forgot to remember you, for it is torment and pain

٤. وَعارِضٍ يَجمَعُ نُدّادَهُ
زَجرٌ مِنَ الرَّعدِ وَتَرهيبُ

5. A blamer feigned sympathy with me, and some reproach was his advice
He thought my love for you a passing folly, though it was proper

٥. عَقَدتُ أَجفاني بِهدّابِهِ
فَهوَ بِماء الدَّمعِ مَقطوبُ

6. Why speak of the like unless your explanation is rebuke?
My two friends, turn back! For ahead are strange wonders

٦. أَسأَلُهُ عَنكُم وَفي بَرقِهِ
سَطرٌ مِنَ الأَخبارِ مَكتوبُ

7. And tell me where the dawn sun lies, for the hue of morning is perplexing
Oh how I suffer estrangement, which sent the Arabs roaming to Rome

٧. فَلَيتَهُ أَظهَرَ مِن جَوشَنٍ
ما كَتَمَت تِلكَ الأَهاضيبُ

8. Fate led me to it, and who fights fate is vanquished
Will you two then fault a tribe whose fires blaze in the air?

٨. أَو لَيتَني أَذهَلُ عِن ذِكرِكُم
فَإِنَّهُ هَمٌّ وَتَعذيبُ

9. None but the searchers know their traces in the wilderness
Perhaps it is the fires of the Malhama clan, that destroy all around

٩. وَلائم يُظهِرُ إِشفاقَهُ
عِندي وَبَعضُ النُّصحِ تَثريبُ

10. And if their kin have gone, their hospitality falls on the foreign guest
A people we recalled, though the wind with none but them conversed

١٠. ظَنَّ غَرامي بِكُم صَبوَة
وَهوَ مِنَ الآدابِ مَحسوبُ

11. Our fondness caused the winds and stars delight
Parties from 'Amir they gathered, and pitched a tent at Al-Jawza

١١. ما لَكَ لا حَدَّثتَ عَن مِثلِها
إِلَّا وَتَعليلُكَ تَأنيبُ

12. When asked, their virtue was ready, and elegant their manner
Eloquence shone before the dew, and good cheer was as beloved as beauty

١٢. يا صَاحِبَي رَحلي أَعِيدا أَما
نِيَّ فَفي الغَيبِ أَعاجيبُ

13. The fire of battle wondered at the flames of their hands, yet they are gentle
Forgetting the past, they inclined to Malik

١٣. وَخَبِّراني أَينَ شَمسُ الضُّحى
فَإِنَّ لَونَ الصُّبحِ غِربيبُ

14. And a secret in him was unveiled, once concealed
He is a spear aloft, far from the reach of spears

١٤. وا أَسَفي مِن غُربَةٍ طَوَّحَت
فيها إِلى الرُّومِ الأَعارِيبُ

15. And after him the channels flowed straight
His thoughts reveal the unseen, while people's minds only grope

١٥. قادَني الدَّهرُ إِلَيها وَمَن
يُحارِبُ الأَقدارَ مَغلوبُ

16. Crises of time are in his palm, and fate's torrents made calm
His perfection spares you listing his faults

١٦. فَهَل تَشيمانِ عَلى راهِطٍ
ناراً لَها في الجَوِّ ألهُوبُ

17. And any advice to shun him is avoidance
He has a station beyond comprehension

١٧. دونَ سَناها كُلُّ مَجهُولَةٍ
تَعرِفُها الجُردُ السَّراحِيبُ

18. For gray hairs, guidance and correction
It rose with him and so after him

١٨. لَعَلَّها نارُ بَني مَلهَم
تُعقَرُ في أَرجائِها النِّيبُ

19. In the horizon it still rises and sets
As honored as a house with a sanctuary

١٩. إِن خَلَت في المَحْلِ أَخلافُها
دَرَّت عَلى الضَّيفِ العَراقيبُ

20. Oh son of Ali, how did dew become obligatory upon you, rather than voluntary?
Before you the people strayed from its path

٢٠. قَومٌ ذَكَرناهُم وَمِن دونِهِم
لِلرِّيحِ إِسآدٌ وَتَأوِيبُ

21. And few pursued what was sought
After you, none were guided but by your minarets

٢١. فَرَنَّحَتنا لَهُم نَشوَة
يَطرَبُ مِنها الرَّاحُ وَالكُوبُ

22. The people of Sham were unharmed though rain abandoned them, for your goodness flowed
How many meadows you have in their valleys

٢٢. ذَوائِبُ مِن عامِرٍ ضَمَّها
بَيتٌ عَلى الجَوزاءِ مَضروبُ

23. That the scent of musk reaches its guards
You are no slender-waisted woman, Muzna, strutting among them

٢٣. لَهُم إِذا أَمَّهُم سائِلٌ
فَنٌّ مِنَ الجودِ وَأسلوبُ

24. With trailing robes dragging behind
Rather, one related to the victorious King made it flourish

٢٤. طَلاقَةٌ تُشرِقُ قَبلَ النَّدى
وَالبِشرُ مِثلُ الحُسنِ مَحبوبُ

25. His hands gave generously when life was miserly and bounty withheld
O best of those whose light the mounts of misfortune climbed

٢٥. تَعجَبُ مِن إِسعارِ أَيديهِمُ
نارُ الوَغى وَهيَ شآبيتُ

26. I heeded your charity, though friends failed with distance
So my love of you remains though spears ignited it

٢٦. لانوا وَفيهِم لِلعِدى قَسوَة
وَالغَيثُ مَرجُوٌ وَمَرهوبُ

27. And the ardor of a doe, all reproach above me
My age kept me from you, though it brought me close in quest

٢٧. تَناسَوا قَبلَ إِلى مالِكِ
وَبانَ سِرٌّ فيهِ مَحجوبُ

28. I found a land whose lightning glittered, guarded by a wolf
Without me, it is but ruins where an owl hoots

٢٨. فَهوَ سِنان طالَ عَن رُمحِهِ
وَاعتَدَلَت بَعدُ الأَنابِيبُ

29. Can my hopes, if fulfilled in thought, order and arrange?
Will you believe me if gain is false, and lies cheat?

٢٩. أَبلَجُ تُبدي الغَيبَ أَفكارُهُ
وَكُلُّ رأي النَّاسِ تَجريبُ

30. For after prolonged sorrow, Joseph healed Jacob's agony

٣٠. أَزِمَّةُ الأَيام في كَفِّهِ
وَجامِحُ الأَقدارِ مَجنوبُ