1. I still turn away from you at night whenever
you appear, and if not for fear of your people, I would not turn away.
١. وَما زِلتُ أغضي عَنكَ بِالليل كُلَّما
بَدَوتَ وَلَولا خَوفُ قَومِكِ لَم أَغضِ
2. And I stay up, watching for an apparition of you to come by,
Alas, longing dictates no rest for the eyes.
٢. وَأَرقُبُ زوراً مِن خَيالِكِ طارِقاً
وَهَيهاتَ مِن شَرطِ الهَوى عَدَمُ الغَمضِ
3. I shun you out of fear of provoking separation -
some harm is lighter than other harm.
٣. هَجَرتُك خَوفاً مِن بُعادٍ يُثيرُه
دُنُوِّي وَبَعضُ الشَّرِّ أَهوَنُ مِن بَعضِ
4. So O ruler of days, if you intend to reconcile,
hasten, before our time runs out and do not delay.
٤. فَيا حاكِمَ الأَيّامِ إِن كُنتَ قاضِياً
بِوَصلٍ فَبادِر قَبلَ نَقضي وَلا تَقضِ