
Every day she is active and bound,

في كل يوم نشطة ووثاق

1. Every day she is active and bound,
So when will her illness be gone?

١. في كُلِّ يَوم نَشطَةٌ وَوَثاقُ
فَمَتى يَكونُ لِدائِها إِفراقُ

2. If her alluring charm made her foolish,
Then necks lusted madly for her.

٢. إِن كانَ أَعطاها جِذابُ نُسوعِها
سَفَهاً فَقَد لَغبَت بِها الأَعناقُ

3. She complains of her beloved while tears are springs,
Cheeks and faces become muddy.

٣. تَشكو صَداها وَالدُّموعُ مَناهِلٌ
وَوَجى المَناسِمُ وَالخُدودُ طِراقُ

4. So precede her merits when lust creeps in her,
For not all concealments are necks.

٤. فَاستَبقِ فَضلَتَها إِذا دَبَّ الوَنا
فيها فَما كُلُّ السُّرى أَعناقُ

5. Let the breeze stay away from its news,
For it has margins for gossip and slander.

٥. وَدَعِ النَّسيمَ بُعيدُ من أَخبارِهِ
فَلَهُ حَواشٍ لِلحَديثِ دِقاقُ

6. No tryst of lovers remains hidden,
Except those witnessed by spies.

٦. ما ثَمَّ مِن عُلَقِ العُذَيبِ بِغائِبٍ
إِلّا وَقَد شَهِدَت بِهِ الآماقُ

7. And if you were a neighbor of passion,
Then lovers shared its heat.

٧. وَعَلى العَضا إِن كُنتَ مِن جيرانِهِ
نارٌ تَقاسَمَ حَرَّها العُشّاقُ

8. They abstain from springs after
Its water shone from stirring ripples.

٨. وَمُحلؤُن عَنِ المَناهِلِ بَعدَ ما
شَرِقَت بِحَمَّةِ مائِها الطُّرّاقُ

9. He spends his life confused, no triumph or failure,
Scattered with purposeless determination.

٩. وَمُشَتَّتِ العَزَماتِ يُنفِقُ عُمرَهُ
حَيرانَ لا ظَفَرٌ وَلا إِخفاقُ

10. A hope appears but despair lurks within,
And wealth that heals poverty behind it.

١٠. أَمَلٌ يَلوحُ اليَأسُ في أَثنائِهِ
وَغِنى يَشِفُّ وَراءَهُ الإِملاقُ

11. He lives unaware of sudden wealth as though
Eyes have not felt it when asleep.

١١. يَمري غَفافَةَ ثَروَةٍ لَو أَنَّها
نَومٌ لَما شَعَرَت بِهِ الأَحداقُ

12. The delusions of wishes entice him as if
They are true while their promise is a pact.

١٢. وَتَروقُهُ خُدَعُ المُنى فَكَأَنَّها
حَقٌّ وَكاذِبُ وَعدِها ميثاقٌ

13. The wicked thrive and are serious in sin
While sustenance is heedless of the chaste.

١٣. أَثرى اللِّئامُ وَجَدُّهُ بِنَسيئَةٍ
عَذراء ما فَطِنَت بِها الأَرزاقُ

14. If not for the victorious king, his oppression
Would have lasted in it without any release.

١٤. لَولا نَصيرُ المُلكِ طالَ ثَواؤُهُ
فيها وَلَيسَ لأَسرِهِ إِطلاقُ

15. The leader, the intrepid, calamities like
What the desert is accustomed to from fate.

١٥. القائِدُ البُزُل الصِّعاب كَأَنَّها
مِمّا يَجوبُ بِهِ الفَلاةَ حِقاقُ

16. And the uniter of desires after their dispersion,
Willingly, so there is no conflict between hearts.

١٦. وَمُؤَلِّفُ الأَهواءِ بَعدَ شَتاتِها
طَوعاً فَما بَينَ القُلوبِ شِقاقُ

17. He attacks as the facets of his face shine
With good news, so his mercy mixes with care.

١٧. يَسطو وَقَد بَرَقَت أَسِرَّةُ وَجهِهِ
بِشراً فَيَمزُجُ أَمنَهُ الإِشفاقُ

18. Like a sword igniting the fire of strife in its edge,
While its surface has rippling water.

١٨. كَالسَّيفِ يُسعِرُ حَدُّهُ نارَ الوَغى
وَالماء في صَفَحاتِهِ رَقراقُ

19. Revelry did not shake him, but manners
Gave him the intoxication of his cup.

١٩. ما هَزَّهُ طَرَبُ العُقارِ وَإِنَّما
أَعطَتهُ نَشوَةَ كَأسِها الأَخلاقُ

20. It is the promise of union in love, the specter
Of fantasy in parting, and embrace in farewell.

٢٠. هِيَ في الهَوى وَعدُ الوِصالِ وَفي الكَرى
طَيفُ الخَيالِ وَفي الوَداعِ عِناقُ

21. He aspires to a lineage that precedes the luminous stars,
With pride in it, so seeking access was hard.

٢١. يَنمى إِلى حَسَبٍ تَقَدَّمَ مُلهَمٍ
فيهِ وَعَزَّ عَلى النُّجومِ لَحاقُ

22. A house whose ancient honor others share
Like grey hair adds gravitas to its ethics.

٢٢. بَيتٌ لَهُ الشَّرَفُ القَديمُ وَغَيرُهُ
كَالشَّيبِ جِدّةُ مِثلِهِ إِخلاقُ

23. Blessings are plenty, domes are spacious,
Generosity is abundant, and brows are frowning.

٢٣. البَركُ دَثرٌ وَالقِبابُ فَسيحَةٌ
وَالجودُ غَمرٌ وَالجِفانُ عِماقُ

24. He revived chivalry then with his forbearance
He is a human who is feared like a lion's growl.

٢٤. أَحيا النَّدى جَذلانَ ثُمَّ بِحلمِهِ
بِشرٌ يُهابُ كَأَنَّهُ إِطراقُ

25. He protected landmarks after tyranny spread corruption,
And attempted to free her tethered steeds.

٢٥. وَحَمى العَواصِم بَعدَ ما عاثَ العِدى
فيها وَحاوَلَ سَرحَها المرّاقُ

26. Dry times did not hurt her, for you are
Her spring, and your palm is her pouring rain.

٢٦. ما ضَرَّها جَدبٌ وَأَنتَ رَبيعُها ال
حالي وَكَفُّكَ غَيثُها الغَيداقُ

27. Ibn Badis thought your absence a paradise,
But she refused, solid as lead.

٢٧. ظَنَّ ابنُ باديسٍ بَعادَكَ جُنَّةً
فَأَبَت نَواحِلُ كَالقِسيِّ دِقاقُ

28. Revelry distracted him from foresight,
As did a cup with wine, clamor and song.

٢٨. أَلهاهُ عَن نَظَرِ العَواقِبِ سامِرٌ
غَردٌ وَكأسٌ بِالعُقارِ دِهاقُ

29. He continued composing foolishness with assumptions,
And assumptions breed deceit and hypocrisy.

٢٩. وَأَقامَ يَسجعُ بِالظُّنون سَفاهَةً
وَمِنَ الظُّنونِ خَديعَةٌ وَنِفاقُ

30. Until your victorious standard appeared over him
Flying, as though your spears were fluttering.

٣٠. حَتّى إِذا طالعت ثَغرَةَ كَيدِهِ
وَهَفا عَلَيهِ لِواؤكَ الخَفّاقُ

31. Your steeds descended to pursue him as if they were
A flock of wild cows and your spears were leafy branches.

٣١. وَنَزَت جِيادُك لِلطِّرادِ كَأَنَّها
سِربُ المَها وَرماحُكَ الأَوراقُ

32. He fled disgraced, his footsteps faltering,
Seized by humility as they sped like lightning.

٣٢. وَلّى يَذُمُ لَهُ قَوائِمُ سابِحٍ
جَمَحَت بِهِ الخُيَلاء وَهيَ إِباقُ

33. He threw his sight into the claws of exile,
An abyss whose depths open with his name.

٣٣. وَرَمى بصيرة في مَخالِبِ ضَيغَمٍ
طَيّانَ تُفتَحُ باسمِهِ الأَغلاقُ

34. No joy moved within him for his noble steed
Nor did passions play with him.

٣٤. ما دَبَّ لِلصَّهباء في أَعطافِهِ
فَرَحٌ وَلا عَبَثَت بِهِ الأَعلاقُ

35. My sharp swords do not rest until his steeds
Illuminate horizons with his justice.

٣٥. دامي الأَسِنَّةِ ما تَقِرُّ جِيادُهُ
حَتّى تُضيءُ بِعَدلِهِ الآفاقُ

36. In Al-Qayrawan he has a turban from dust
And a flood whose blood is pouring.

٣٦. بِالقَيرَوان لَها عَمامَةُ عَثيَرٍ
وَطفاء وَابِلُها الدَّمُ المهراقُ

37. And in the Gulf of Rum shines the sparking swords
That rip the hems of the fleeing enemy hordes.

٣٧. وَعَلى خَليجِ الرّومِ بَرقُ صَفائِحٍ
تَفري ذُيولَ النَّقعِ وَهيَ صِفاقُ

38. The pagans competed for the dregs of his cup
After the sinners amongst them were inebriated.

٣٨. فَتَنازَعَ الكُفّارُ فَضلَةَ كَأسِها
مِن بَعدِ ما ثَمِلَت بِهِ الفُسّاقُ

39. Their iron arrows returned at night
As if their arrowheads were snakes.

٣٩. عادَت سِهامُهُمُ الحِدادُ كَليلَةً
حَتّى كَأَنَّ نِصالَها أَفواقُ

40. I met them at Latakia so the two seas collided,
One stagnant and the other pure.

٤٠. صَبَّحتُهُم بِاللاذِقِيَّةِ فَالتَقى
بَحرانِ ماء راكِدٌ وَعِتاقُ

41. Darkness passed away, so its flowers withered,
While you in its like are pioneering.

٤١. فاتَ الظَّلامُ بِها فَعِفت وُرودَها
تَبعاً وَأَنتَ بِمِثلِها سَبّاقُ

42. Until the dawn journeys and sights quarrel
Over which of the two holds the light.

٤٢. حَتّى إِذا سَفَرَ الضُّحى وَتَمارَتِ ال
أَبصارُ أيَّكُما لَهُ الإِشراقُ

43. You left it a ruin, over its remnants
The mixed blood weeps and yearning is remembered.

٤٣. غادَرتَها دِمَناً عَلى أَطلالِها
يَبكي الخَليطُ وَتُذكَرُ الأَشواقُ

44. You set out your religion in its meadows
So fires are kindled and blood is shed.

٤٤. وَشَرَعتَ دينَ قراكَ في عَرَصاتِها
فَالنّارُ تُضرَمُ وَالدِّماءُ تُراقُ

45. Its unruly camel obeyed while it was
A crooked old she-camel accustomed to burning.

٤٥. فَأَطاعَ جامِحُها وَكانَت زِبرَة
عَوجاء ثَقَّفَ مَيلَها الإِحراقُ

46. It honored the clan of Kaʿb so the sweet spring
Was not pure until the drowned preceded it.

٤٦. شَرَفاً بَني كَعبٍ فَما عَذُبَ الجَنى
إِلّا بِما سَبَقَت بِهِ الأَغراقُ

47. The swords of Abu Ali empowered you all
With a glory above the highest heaven.

٤٧. شادَت سُيوفُ أَبي عَلِيٍّ فيكُمُ
مَجداً لَهُ فَوقَ السَّماءِ طِباقُ

48. The refined one did his duty so they agreed
If accord was between the two noble clans.

٤٨. وَسَعى المُهَذَّبُ سَعيَهُ فَتَوافَقا
إِن كانَ بَينَ الفَرقَدَينِ وِفاقُ

49. O gatherer of virtues, my curiosities
Are gifted though only affection is due.

٤٩. يا جامِعَ الحَسَناتِ إِنَّ غَرائِبي
تُهدى وَلَيسَ سِوى الوِدادِ صَداقُ

50. If equated, it would be sent to her orator
While the moon is a crown and stars are necklaces.

٥٠. لَو أنصفت زُفَّت إِلى خُطّابِها
وَالبَدرُ تاجٌ وَالنُّجومُ نِطاقُ

51. No shortcoming obstructed it with a veil,
Not all that hides buds is erased.

٥١. لَم تَعتَرِضها بِالحِجابِ نَقيصَةٌ
ما كُلُّ ما سَتَرَ البُدورَ مَحاقُ