
O guide of yearnings, where are you inclined

يا حادي الأظعان أين تميل

1. O guide of yearnings, where are you inclined
It is an affliction, and its questioning is reasoning

١. يا حادِيَ الأَظعانِ أَينَ تَميلُ
هِيَ وَجرَة وَسُؤالُها تَعليلُ

2. What is this - the first stop in the meadows
It stopped, so it calls out, a killer, killed

٢. ما هَذِهِ في الرَّبعِ أَوَّلُ وَقفَةٍ
وَقَفَت فَينشُدُ قاتِلاً مَقتولُ

3. We were confused by the delineation of its image, so it was perplexed
In it tears that have no outlet

٣. عُجنا بِناحِلِ رَسمِهِ فَتَحَيَّرَت
فيهِ دُموعٌ ما لَهُنَّ مسيلُ

4. And it endured for the hand of clouds their long necks
From us while we are clouds and long necks

٤. وَتَحَمَّلَت ليَد السَّحابِ طُلولُهُ
مِنّا وَنَحنُ سَحائِبُ وَطُلولُ

5. And by the lover, no coy beloved appears
Whose shadow, were it not for sickness, is thin

٥. وَعَلى العُذَيبِ وَلا أَغُشُّكَ بانَةٌ
ما ظِلُّها لَولا السَّقام ظَليلُ

6. And a willow in the ponds that the breeze thinks
Is a branch bending in its bitterness and leaning

٦. وَمُرَنَّح في الكورِ تَحسَبُهُ الصَّبا
غُصناً يَميدُ بِمرِّها وَيَميلُ

7. It carried to it a greeting, and its breeze
Is forever an apostle in the religion of love

٧. حَمَلَت إِلَيهِ تَحِيَّةً وَنَسيمُها
أَبَداً عَلى دينِ الغَرامِ رَسولُ

8. I was not telling about an anklet before it
Except your perfume bore witness, well received

٨. ما كُنتُ تُخبِرُ قَبلَها عَن حاجِرٍ
إِلّا وَطيبُكَ شاهِدٌ مَقبولُ

9. And it reveals what the meadow concealed, and if it knew
What from you was for its mouth a kiss

٩. وَتَبثُّ ما كَتَمَ الأقاحُ وَلَو دَرى
ما كانَ مِنكَ لِثَغرِهِ تَقبيلُ

10. And horsemen who knew the spears as if
Before the thrusting their blades were attached

١٠. وَفَوارِس أَلِفوا القَنا فَكَأَنَّهُ
قَبلَ الطِّعانِ بِبَوعِهِم مَوصولُ

11. They startled the darkness, so there does not pass upon them
Except the knot of its stars undone

١١. ذَعَروا الظَّلامَ فَما يَمُرُّ عَلَيهِمُ
إِلّا وَعِقدُ نُجومِهِ مَحلولُ

12. Their hopes and banners aspired with them
A decree with what the generous promised delayed

١٢. طَمَحَت بِهِم آمالُهُم وَلِواؤهُم
قَدَرٌ بِما وَعَدَ الكِرامُ مَطولُ

13. And the rider of deceit fell, having mounted it slick
Its back on the day of meeting is humiliated

١٣. وَمُطَوَّح رَكِبَ الخِداعَ مَطِيَّةً
ما ظَهرُها يَومَ اللِّقاءِ ذَلولُ

14. How did you come upon settled ‘Amir, and its pastures
Are shelter and veil of its extent drawn together

١٤. كَيفَ اهتَدَيتَ لِعامِرٍ وَرِعالُها
سَدف وَسِترُ مَجالِها مَسدولُ

15. The arrogance snarled at you until you stirred it
Vicious, its slain strewn about pulled

١٥. جَمَحَت بِكَ الخُيَلاء حَتّى هِجتَها
شَنعاء ثارَ صَريعُها مَطلولُ

16. And its tents seemed illuminated before you
If with you there was for the dawn a guide

١٦. وَبَدَت مخائِلُها لَدَيكَ مُضيئةً
لَو كانَ عِندَكَ لِلصَّباحِ دَليلُ

17. You thought ‘Auf with the spears was with Julas
A thought - by your life - beautiful with the dove

١٧. وَظَنَنتَ عَوفاً بِالطِّعانِ بِجيلَة
ظَنٌّ لَعَمرُكَ بِالحِمامِ جَميلُ

18. Or did Sanjar not have for your people a fate
Witnessed by the blades' remnants

١٨. أَو ما بِسنجارٍ لِقَومِكَ مَصرَعٌ
شَهِدَت بِهِ في المرهفات فُلولُ

19. They sought salvation, so in their lifespans was
Brevity, and in the thick of calamities, length

١٩. طَلَبوا النَّجاء فَكانَ في أَعمارِهِم
قِصَرٌ وَفي سُمرِ الذَّوابِلِ طولُ

20. So leave Iraq forsaken, travelled ahead of it
The swift, its lead ropes cut

٢٠. فَذَرِ العِراقَ طَريدَة مَبذولَةً
سَبَقَ الأَسِنَّة سَرحُها المَشلولُ

21. And prevent your ally in Iraq, and say to him
Alas! Repelling the Euphrates was the Nile!

٢١. وامنَع حَليفَكَ بِالعِراقِ وَقُل لَهُ
هَيهاتَ ذادَ عَن الفُراتِ النِّيلُ

22. And beware of the Kufa fodder, it
Is a pasture with spearheads sown and chaff

٢٢. وَحَذارِ مِن كَلأ الجَزيرَةِ إِنَّهُ
مَرعى بِأَطرافِ الرِّماحِ وَبيلُ

23. It turned healthful, so nothing but the eyelids are sick
In them, and none but the breeze ailing

٢٣. صَحَّت فَلَيسَ سِوى الجُفونِ مَريضَة
فيها وَلا غَيرُ النَّسيمِ عَليلُ

24. And the leader of the faith folded his wings, so
The night is dawn and the winds acceptance

٢٤. وَثَنى زَعيمُ الدِّينِ فَضلَ جِماحِها
فَاللَّيلُ فَجرٌ وَالرِّياحُ قَبولُ

25. If it befell him and he left his abode
The lion, his might scatters, not the elephant

٢٥. إِن كانَ حَلَّ بِها وَفارَقَ دارَهُ
فَاللَّيثُ يُفرَقُ بَأسَهُ لا الفيلُ

26. Joy dances for the dew in fervor
They knew through it that the clement are encompassing

٢٦. نَشوانَ يَخطُرُ لِلنَّدى في هزَّةٍ
عَلِموا بِها أَنَّ السَّماحَ شَمولُ

27. He takes the initiative of misfortunes calmly
And attains the utmost composure while he is hasty

٢٧. يَغتالُ بادِرَةَ الخُطوبِ بِرَيثَةٍ
وَيَنالُ أَقصى الحَزم وَهوَ عَجولُ

28. The glory of praise perfumed his traits
Sweetly, so every mouth by it is sugared

٢٨. عَطِرَ الثَّناء تَضَوَّعَت أَوصافُهُ
طيباً فَكُلُّ فَمٍ بِهِ مَعلولُ

29. It was not known before the outpouring of his bestowal
That when the clouds appear, it means steeds

٢٩. ما كانَ يُعلَمُ قَبلَ فَيضِ نَوالِهِ
أَنَّ الغَمامَ إِذا استهلَّ بِخَيلُ

30. His resolves scattered, so the darkness worries
And it effects the crescent, bent

٣٠. فَرَقَت عَزائِمُهُ فَشابَ لَها الدُّجا
خَوفاً وَأَثَّرَ في الهِلالِ نُحولُ

31. If only the days had the fire of his vitality
There would not be in them morn and eve

٣١. لَو أَنَّ لِلأَيّامِ نارَ ذَكائِهِ
ما كانَ فيها بُكرَة وَأَصيلُ

32. The clan of ‘Abdul Rahim were ennobled by his pillar
And sometimes branches can be roots

٣٢. شَرَف بَنو عَبدِ الرَّحيمِ عِمادُه
وَلَرُبَّما تَضَعِ الفُروعَ أُصولُ

33. He made thereby the scent of praise last for his folk
And praise is fortune abundant for the noble

٣٣. أَبقى بِهِ عَبقَ الثَّناءِ لِرَهطِهِ
وَالحَمدُ حَظٌ لِلكِرامِ جَزيلُ

34. A people, when speech runs out and the reflections
Of speakers darken, and minds and hearts

٣٤. قَومٌ إِذا نَضبَ الكَلامُ وَأَظلَمَت
لِلنّاطِقينَ خَواطِرٌ وَعُقولُ

35. They quenched thirsts of Arabic eloquent tongues
Digressing, and the vanished trails meager

٣٥. شاموا مَضارِبَ أَلسُنٍ عَرَبِيَّةٍ
تَفري وَماضي المُرهَفاتِ كَليلُ

36. If they miss a cloak to wrap in, and a pulpit
The seat of kingship and the crown are theirs

٣٦. إِن فاتَهُم بُردٌ يُلاثُ وَمِنبَرٌ
فَلَهُم سَريرُ المُلكِ وَالإِكليلُ

37. A lineage the blossoms of stars took as beacon
And other than it, its outcome is unknown

٣٧. نَسَبٌ هَدى زُهرَ النُّجومِ مَنارُهُ
وَسِواهُ فَقعُ قَرارِهِ مَجهولُ

38. O gatherer of hopes while they are scattered about
And tender of days while they are altered

٣٨. يا جامِعَ الآمالِ وَهيَ بَدائِدٌ
وَمُرَوِّضَ الأَيّامِ وَهيَ مُحولُ

39. I mean, may your perfection be counted a virtue
Like the dawn, no blemish or disgrace

٣٩. أَعني كَمالَكَ أَن تُعَدَّ فَضيلَةٌ
كَالصُّبحِ لا رَثمٌ وَلا تَحجيلُ

40. If not for you, palms would not sway, so there would not be
In time, hope or expected thing

٤٠. لَولاكَ ما ارتَجَّت الأَكُفُّ فَلَم يَكُن
في الدَّهرِ لا أَمَلٌ وَلا مَأمولُ

41. It does not harm that it was circulated while your view of them
Is that the polished sword its sheath not leave

٤١. ما ضَرَّ ناشِرَة وَرَأيُكَ فيهِمُ
أَن لا يُفارِقَ غِمدَهُ مَصقولُ

42. Say to the prince Abu Al-Aghar, and below him
For seekers, gray hairs and follies

٤٢. قُل لِلأَميرِ أَبي الأَغَرِّ وَدونَهُ
لِلطّالِبينَ سَباسِبٌ وَهُجولُ

43. The ways of your grandfather in enmity stand erect
Forever, and your sword guarantees and suffices

٤٣. عاداتُ جَدِّكَ في العِدا مَنصورَة
أَبَداً وَسَيفُكَ ضامِنٌ وَكَفيلُ

44. You owed Julutha a renowned favor
So you fulfilled it, while loyalty is scarce

٤٤. أَسلَفتَ جَوثَةَ مِنَّةً مَشهورَة
فَوَفَت بِحَمدِكَ وَالوَفاءُ قَليلُ

45. And the son of your uncle settled in Iraq, he and his people
Like sheep, their ram understood

٤٥. وَثَوى ابنُ عَمِّكَ بِالعِراقِ وَقَومُهُ
كَالذَّودِ حَنَّ وَفَحلُهُ مَعقولُ

46. Neither estrangement drove them from you, but rather
They inclined with the days wherever they tilt

٤٦. ما صَدَّهُم عَنكَ الجَفاء وَإِنَّما
مالوا مَعَ الأَيّامِ حَيثُ تَميلُ

47. And it went far, in which we desire only
Affection, so is there to it a way?

٤٧. وَغَريبَة دارَت وَما نَبغي بِها
إِلّا الوِدادَ فَهَل إِلَيهِ سَبيلُ

48. If its hopes are interceded in attaining it
Let the eloquent hear how I say

٤٨. إِن شُفِّعَت آمالُها في نَيلِهِ
فَلتَسمَعِ الفُصَحاءِ كَيفَ أَقولُ