
The noble man is far from stinginess,

أما الشريف من الغضا فبعيد

1. The noble man is far from stinginess,
Were it not for carriages, darkness and the desert,

١. أَمَّا الشُّرَيفُ مِنَ الغَضا فَبَعيدُ
لَولا الرَّكائِبُ وَالدُّجا وَالبيدُ

2. And a plentiful rain has overcome its downpours,
Disheveled hair grows long with spears and extends,

٢. وَضَوامِرٌ غَلَبَت عَلى صَهَواتِها
شُعثٌ تَطولُ مَعَ القَنا وَتَميدُ

3. O driver of camels, which doe
Is sought by the skilled guide with a halter?

٣. يا سائِقَ الأَظعانِ أَيُّ لُبانَةٍ
بِالنَّعفِ تَنشُدُها المَهاري القُودُ

4. It was difficult for the passion of love, and it did not know
The madness of the breeze for it or the chirping,

٤. عَزَّت عَلى سَوم الغَرامِ فَما دَرى
وَلَعُ النَّسيمِ بِها وَلا التَّغرِيدُ

5. And at the pass from Tabalah is an appointed tryst,
At it hopes were fruitless though it is one that gives birth,

٥. وَعَلى الثَّنِيَّةِ مِن تَبالَة مَوعِدٌ
عَقَمَت بِهِ الآمالُ وَهيَ وَلودُ

6. And one who makes light of anguish thinks it
A day of sweet water, tears and cheeks.

٦. وَمُهَوِّنٍ لِلوَجدِ يَحسَبُ أَنَّها
يَومَ العُذَيبِ مَدامِعٌ وَخُدودُ

7. Ask the doe of the valley, for nothing escapes it,
A long story by which love grows and increases,

٧. سَل بانَة الوادي فَلَيسَ يَفوتُها
خَبَرٌ يَطولُ بِهِ الجَوى وَيَزيدُ

8. And recite with me in the morning light, and say to it,
How long are the black nights prolonged by you?

٨. وَانشُد مَعي ضوء الصَّباحِ وَقُل لَهُ
كَم تَستَطيلُ بِكَ اللَّيالي السُّودُ

9. And if you alight in the two valleys, and in them
Are loves held fast to ruin and covenants,

٩. وَإِذا هَبَطتَ الوادِيَينِ وَفيهِما
دِمَنٌ حُبِسنَ عَلى البِلى وَعُهودُ

10. And deceive my heart in the thicket so that it
May yearn for their vestiges and return,

١٠. وَاخدَع فُؤادي في الخَليطِ لَعَلَّهُ
يَهفو عَلى آثارِهِم وَيَعودُ

11. Pouring with grief after Suwaqah
Is a new occupation, O Umaym, for your life

١١. أَصَبابَةٌ بِالجزعِ بَعدَ سوَيقَةٍ
شُغلٌ لعَمركَ يا أُمَيمُ جَديدُ

12. And the rider of the valley was cast down with resolve,
And the banners of the stars scattered in defeat,

١٢. وَمُطَوَّح رَكِبَ الخَطيَّ بِعَزمَةٍ
هَبَّت وَسارِيَةُ النُّجومِ هُجودُ

13. They fled the darkness so its necklaces and strings
Flew towards the dawn,

١٣. ذَعَروا الدُّجى فَتَناثَرَت مِن جيدِهِ
نَحوَ الصَّباحِ قَلائِدٌ وَعُقودُ

14. Stop by the despicable tribe, for next to it
Is meanness that keeps people away and repels,

١٤. عَرِّج عَلى الحَيِّ الذَّمِيمِ فَدونَهُ
بُخلٌ يَصُدُّ عَنِ القِرى وَيَذودُ

15. Those whose asker finds it hard to supply them
Are people whose light is wasted and lightning hidden,

١٥. إِنَّ الَّذينَ يعزّ طالِبُ رفدِهِم
بَشَرٌ يُضَيَّعُ لَمعُهُ وَرُعُودُ

16. For me in their short houses are deserts
Intelligent in villainy though they are distracted,

١٦. لي في بُيوتِهِمُ القِصارُ أَوابِدٌ
مَعقولَةٌ بِاللُّؤمِ وَهيَ شُرودُ

17. And they hunt for pastures
While yesterday the morn drank from them,

١٧. وَمُطَلَّحاتٍ يَنتَجِعنَ مَوارِداً
آلُ الظَهيرَةِ قَبلَها مَورودُ

18. They turned to seeking heights but hands grew idle
From helping them and sank into stagnation,

١٨. حَوَّلنَ في طَلَبِ العُلا فَتَقاعَسَت
عَنهُنَّ أَيدٍ بِالنَّوالِ جُمودُ

19. And the Sulami reproached them with a miserly
Ugly song, its fame chirping,

١٩. وَأَصابَها السُّلَمِيُّ نَشدَةَ باخِل
شَنعاء طائِرُ ذِكرِها غِرّيدُ

20. O son of a despicable woman, you are not their equal
So turn away, for you are eminent in wealth,

٢٠. يا ابنَ اللَّئيمَةِ لَستَ مِن أَكفائِها
فارجِع فَإِنَّكَ بِالثَّراءِ عَميدُ

21. The fire is unleashed for you with dew,
They are equal, a lying promise and a threat,

٢١. النّارُ مَطلول لَدَيكَ مَعَ النَّدى
سَيّانُ وَعدٌ كاذِبٌ وَوَعيدُ

22. Did you neglect your pasture in the island, leaving it untended,
And were amazed when the chieftain raided it?

٢٢. أَتَرَكتَ سَرحَكَ بِالجَزيرَةِ مُهمَلاً
وَعَجِبتَ حينَ عَدا عَلَيهِ السيِّدُ

23. Had your people been from Kinanah hands would unfold
With which charity lasts long and flows,

٢٣. لَو أَنَّ قَومَكَ مِن كِنانَةَ أَشرَعَت
أَيدٍ يَطولُ بِها القَنا وَالجُودُ

24. A people for whom before the encounter signs appear
And witnesses on their loftiness,

٢٤. قَومٌ يَلوحُ لَهُم عَلى عَليائِهِم
قَبلَ اللِّقاءِ دَلائِلٌ وَشُهودُ

25. So the shining blades are tongues and the drinking vessels
Are provisions and cauldrons,

٢٥. فاللامِعاتُ أَسِنَّةٌ وَأَسِرَّة
وَالمائِساتُ ذَوابِلٌ وَقُدودُ

26. They set out for glorious honor and gained
Its harvest while the people of the times slumbered,

٢٦. هَبّوا إِلى المَجدِ الرَّفيعِ فَأَحرَزوا
قَصَباتِهِ وَبَنو الزَّمانِ رُقودُ

27. And their judgment and swords built for them
A house whose pillars are pillars from early morning,

٢٧. وَبَنَت لَهُم أَحسابُهُم وَسُيوفُهُم
بَيتاً عَمودُ الصُّبحِ فيهِ عَمودُ

28. They gave freely while the clouds of rain were stingy
And dragged while the winds of autumn slumbered,

٢٨. جادوا وَأَندِيَةُ الغَمامِ بَخِيلَة
وَجَروا وَشارِدَةُ الرِّياحِ رُكودُ

29. Part of their faith is that charity is a duty upon them
And that the rejected supplicant is cast off,

٢٩. مِن دينِهِم أَنَّ السَّماحَ عَلَيهِمُ
فَرض وَإِنَّ الرّافِدَ المَرفودُ

30. A living tribe harmonious in glory so its roots
Are its branches and the father is the born,

٣٠. حَيٌّ تَناسَبَ في العُلا فَأُصولُهُ
أَغصانُهُ وَالوالِدُ المَولودُ

31. If they fall short of the apex of the imitated son
Then that is the branch which is flexible,

٣١. إِن قَصَّروا عَن غايَةِ ابنِ مُقَلَّدٍ
فَمِنَ الأَراكَةِ غُصنُها الأملودُ

32. An eminence which its seekers miss in their exaggeration
For the distant to them is distant indeed,

٣٢. شَأوٌ يَفوتُ طِلابَهُم غَلواؤُهُ
إِنَّ البَعيدَ عَلَيهمُ لَبَعيدُ

33. Were it not for them charity would not be known nor would
The ignorant cloud know how to show liberality,

٣٣. لَولاهُ ما عُرِفَ النَّوالُ وَلَم تَكُن
تَدري الغَمامُ الغُرُّ كَيفَ تَجودُ

34. And praise slipped away from time and its people
So the blameworthy and the praised became confused,

٣٤. وَعَفا الثَّناء مِنَ الزَّمانِ وَأَهلِهِ
فَتَشابَهَ المَذمومُ وَالمَحمودُ

35. A nobility, O scions of ancestors, without your past
To replace your present time,

٣٥. شَرَفاً بَني الأَجدادِ يُعدَمُ أَمسكَ ال
ماضي فَيَخلفُ يَومُكَ المَوجودُ

36. And a loftiness, Abu Hasan, so your kin folk
Were tossed high by the Most High and you are their streaming banner,

٣٦. وَعُلاً أَبا حَسَنٍ فَرَهطُكَ رُم
حُها العالي وَأَنتَ لِواؤُهُ المَعقودُ

37. If there is no blood tie between me and you
Then I am counted as one of you,

٣٧. إِن لَم يَكُن بَيني وَبَينَكَ نِسبَةٌ
قَرُبَت فَإِنّي مِنكُمُ مَعدودُ

38. For me in you are marvels of speech
For which time would praise though it is envious,

٣٨. لِي فيكَ مِن فِقَرِ الكَلامِ غَرائِبٌ
يُثني عَلَيها الدَّهرُ وَهوَ حَسودُ

39. Were it not for passion for you my power would have prolonged
Instructing it even if the stars intoned poems,

٣٩. لَولا هَواك لَطالَ عَن تَثقيفِها
قَدري وَلَو أَنَّ النُّجومَ قَصِيدُ

40. And the reins of guidance would have slipped
Had other than you been its sought goal,

٤٠. وَلَعَزَّ عَن طَوعِ القِيادِ زِمامُها
لَو أَنَّ غَيرَكَ كُفؤها المَقصودُ

41. You turned away from the disgrace of begging, and perhaps
The content gained while the afflicted was frustrated,

٤١. أَعرَضتَ عَن ذُلِّ الطِّلابِ وَرُبَّما
وَجَدَ المُريحُ وَأَخفَقَ المَكدودُ

42. And you dwelt in the shadow of integrity so the wealth
Of the miser may be guarded while it is barred,

٤٢. وَسَكَنتَ في ظِلِّ النَّزاهَةِ فَليُصَن
مالَ البَخيلِ رِتاجُهُ المَسدودُ

43. And when you find life’s comfort followed by bitterness
Then its misfortunes are fortunate indeed,

٤٣. وَإِذا وَجَدتَ العَيشَ يُعقِبُ صَفوُهُ
كَدَراً فَإِنَّ شَقِيَّهُ لَسَعيدُ

44. Life is a dream and the nights fickle moments,
Stinginess is poverty and praise is eternity,

٤٤. العُمرُ حُلمٌ وَاللَّيالي قُلَّبٌ
وَالبُخلُ فَقرٌ وَالثَّناءُ خُلودُ