1. Your beauty has subdued all nations
Arabs and non-Arabs alike surrender to it
١. أَمّا ظُباكَ فَقَد دانَت لَها الأُمَمُ
فَما تُخالِفُها عُرب وَلا عَجَمُ
2. Judgment runs according to your desires - if hearts
Stray from it, the summits obey your command
٢. يَجري القَضاء بِما تَهوى فَإِن جَمَحَت
عَنها القُلوبُ أَطاعَت أَمرَها القِمَمُ
3. It revives and gives life to the souls of those who seek refuge in it
With you there is bounty, though your folds conceal adversity
٣. تُروي وَتُحيي نُفوسَ العائِذينَ بِها
فَعِندَها نِعَمٌ في طَيِّها نِقَمُ
4. As if it holds the lifespans in its grasp
And from its dwellings gives and takes away
٤. كَأَنَّما هِيَ لِلأعمارِ مالِكَةٌ
فَمِن مَضارِبِها تُعطي وَتَختَرِمُ
5. Numayr called and it answered, though there cowardice and valor perished
Fear was kept from it while still sheathed
٥. نادَت نُمَيرٌ فَلَبَّتها وَقَد لَؤمَت
فيها الكِرامُ وَماتَت دونَها الهِمَمُ
6. Not every unsheathing means blood is spilled
Your book sufficed over an army you would prepare
٦. فَضارَبَ الخَوفُ عَنها وَهيَ مُغمَدَة
وَلَيسَ كُلُّ ضِراب أَن يُراقَ دَمُ
7. And the sword acquiesced when the pen was satisfied
O ambition! The glory of Islam carried thanks to you
٧. أَغنى كِتابُكَ عَن جَيشٍ تُجَهِّزُهُ
وَوَقَّرَ السَّيفُ لَمّا أَقنَعَ القَلَمُ
8. And the blessings, next to it, seemed small
Is there, by the grave of Shabib, any acquaintance of yours?
٨. يا هِمَةً حَمَلَ الإِسلامُ مِنَّتَها
وَنِعمَةً صَغُرَت في جَنبِها النِّعَمُ
9. Sometimes one does what condolences do
His virtue and the earth between you called you
٩. هَل عِندَ قَبرِ شَبيبٍ مِنكَ مَعرِفَةٌ
فَرُبَّما صَنَعَت ما تَصنَعُ الدِّيَمُ
10. And it is the duty of the exalted to heed family ties
You had no reticence in what he said
١٠. دَعَتكَ رِمَّتُهُ وَالتُّربُ بَينَكُما
وَمِن فُروضِ العُلى أَن تَسمَعَ الرِّحَمُ
11. Nor deafness to what he spoke
The disdain of a people whose pride you brought
١١. فَلَم يَكُن بِكَ فيما قالَهُ حَصَرٌ
وَلا بِسَمعِكَ عَمّا قالَهُ صَمَمُ
12. If they call you to protect it, they have done no wrong
They died but live on through mention of them
١٢. أَعراضُ قَوم أَفادوكَ الفَخارَ بِها
فَإِن دَعوا بِكَ تَحميها فَما ظَلَموا
13. For praise is generosity that has no end
Your swords revived the dead honor of Mudar
١٣. ماتوا وَلَكِنَّهُم أَحيا بِذِكرِهِم
إِنَّ الثَّناء وجُودٌ ما لَهُ عَدَمُ
14. And with their flashing dispelled the darkness
For them there was one proof of glory
١٤. أَحيَت سُيوفُكَ مَيتَ العِزِّ في مُضَرٍ
وَأَسفَرَت بِسَناها عَنهُم الظُّلَمُ
15. Until you were created and religion and nobility became two
Your enemies said the paths of glory were obscure
١٥. كانَت لَهُم آيَةً في الفَخرِ واحِدَة
حَتّى خُلِقتَ فَصارَ الدِّينُ وَالكَرَمُ
16. And it matters not if you see them while they are blind
How often have they who envied you concealed
١٦. قالَت عداتُكَ طُرقُ المَجدِ خافِيَةٌ
وَما عَلَيكَ إِذا أَبصَرتَها وَعَموا
17. The mantle of a towering one until morning unveiled him
You have made rise from it undying suns
١٧. كَم خُلَّةٍ لَكَ راموا سَترَ شارِفها
حَتّى رَأوهُ صَباحاً لَيسَ يَنكَتِمُ
18. And they opposed you saying it was their nature
They assented to no wondrous thing from a stranger
١٨. أَطلَعتَ مِنها شُموساً غَيرَ آفِلَةٍ
وَعانَدوكَ فَقالوا إِنَّها شِيَمُ
19. Unless they already in their ignorance exceeded what they knew
Nor obeyed you until after realizing
١٩. ما أَيقَنوا لِغَريبٍ مِن بَدائعِها
إِلّا وَقَد جَهِلوا فَوقَ الَّذي عَلِموا
20. That the likes of them cannot disobey the likes of you
Your swords healed an illness rooted in their disloyalty
٢٠. وَلا أَطاعوكَ إِلّا بَعدَ مَعرِفَةٍ
بِأَنَّ مِثلَكَ لا يَعصيهِ مِثلَهُمُ
21. And every healing, however complete, leaves a scar
O son of the lofty, they suckled contrary to the dew and grew
٢١. شَفَت سُيوفُكَ داء مِن عُقوقِهِمُ
لَها وَرُبَّ شِفاء كُلُّهُ سَقَمُ
22. On its pearls then died before they were weaned
Do not grieve for their death when they go
٢٢. يا ابنَ الأُلى رَضَعوا خَلفَ النَّدى فَربوا
بِدرِّهِ ثُمَّ ماتوا قَبلَ ما فُطِموا
23. For none of them died while you are they
What informs people of a folk whose remainder
٢٣. لا تَأسَفَنَّ لِمَوتاهُم إِذا ذَهَبوا
فَما مَضى أَحَدٌ مِنهُم وَأَنتَ هُمُ
24. Is Abu Salama except that they are at peace
٢٤. ما يُخبِرُ النّاسُ عَن قَوم بَقِيَّتُهُم
أَبو سَلامَةَ إِلّا أَنَّهُم سَلِموا