1. If your noble traits disdain to be desired,
We have delimited them in our talk with restraint.
١. إِذا عَزَّت صِفاتُكَ أَن تُراما
قَضَينا في الحَديثِ بِها ذِماما
2. No hand falls short of high ambition
Unless before the knower it fears blame.
٢. وَما قَصُرَت يَدٌ دونَ الثُّرَيّا
فَخافَت عِندَ عارِفِها مَلاما
3. Yours is the lineage one who journeys therein
Fears no straying, no darkness.
٣. لَكَ النَّسَبُ الَّذي مَن سارَ فيهِ
فَما يَخشى الضَّلالَ وَلا الظَّلاما
4. When the full moons of the Bani Humeid appear,
The stars have every right to shut tight.
٤. إِذا طَلَعَت بُدور بَني حُمَيدٍ
فَحَقٌّ لِلكواكِبِ أَن تُضاما
5. As for their graves - they have brought forth
Bones within their burial places - bones.
٥. أَما وَقُبورُهُم فَلَقَد أَجَنَّت
عِظاما في ضَرائِحِها عِظاما
6. You have made their glory endure though they died;
Thus no life, no dovelike moan.
٦. لَقَد أَبقَيتَ مَجدَهُمُ وَماتوا
فَكانوا لا حَياةَ وَلا حِماما
7. While many contend with you for supremacy,
You have stayed sleepless seeking it out as they slept.
٧. وَرُبَّ مُنازِع لَكَ في المَعالي
سَهِرتَ عَلى الطِّلاب لَها وَناما
8. With wishes he speaks of meeting you,
While the knowledgeable say "Peace" to him.
٨. يُحَدِّثُ عَن لِقائِكَ بِالأَماني
فَقالَ العارِفونَ بِها سَلاما
9. And to one passing through your land you have cautioned
Your swords, should he desire a stay.
٩. وَمُجتازٍ بِأَرضِكَ حَذَّرَتهُ
سُيوفُكُ إِن يُريدُ بِها مُقاما
10. His ancestor's probity suffices you - a probity
That makes his good fortune a crushing torrent.
١٠. أَدَلَّ بِجَدِّهِ فَكَفاكَ جدٌّ
يَفُلُّ سُعودُهُ الجَيشَ اللُّهاما
11. We have struck him with your mention, and it is a word -
Thus the heart, the hand, and the sword.
١١. ضَرَبناهُ بِذِكرِكَ وَهوَ لَفظ
فَكانَ القَلب وَاليَد وَالحُساما
12. I wonder that the Protector with resolve
Seeks to attain through him while a stripling.
١٢. عَجِبتُ لِقَصدِهِ المولى بِعَزم
يُقَصِّر أَن يَنالَ بِهِ الغُلاما
13. I swear that it, nimble as a serpent,
Though it be arrows in its speed.
١٣. حَلَفتُ بِها خِماصاً كَالحَنايا
وَإِن كانَت لِسُرعَتِها سِهاما
14. It fathoms those who have assumed its climbing,
And they harbor above it the holy precinct.
١٤. تَخبُّ بِمُحرِمينَ تَسَنَّموها
وَأَمّوا فَوقَها البَلَدَ الحَراما
15. For a day on which your dynasty settled down,
Its foundations warrant buttressing indeed.
١٥. لِيَوم فيهِ دَولَتُك اطمَأَنَّت
قَواعِدُها حَقيقٌ أَن يُضاما
16. You refused blasphemy though my agonies multiplied,
For I found in them a place for breathing.
١٦. أَبَيتَ اللَّعنَ إِن كَثُرَت شُجوني
فَإِنّي قَد وَجَدتُ لَها مَساما
17. Should they reach you through the nights I have strung them,
Year upon year.
١٧. فَإِن بَلَغَت إِلَيكَ بيَ اللَّيالي
فَقَد زَجَّيتُها عاماً فَعاما
18. I thanked the beauty of your mention which is with me
The perfection of bounty, its perfect form.
١٨. شَكَرتُ جَميلَ ذِكرِكَ وَهوَ عِندي
تَمامُ الجودِ أَنَّ لَهُ تَماما
19. Your clouds sated me in lands wherein
Often I complained of burning thirst.
١٩. وَرَوَّتني سَحابُكَ في بِلادٍ
كَثيراً ما شَكَوتُ بِها الأُواما
20. Your gifts have enriched me beyond people
I deemed - but they attained no nobility.
٢٠. وَأَغناني عَطاؤُكَ عَن أُناس
حَسِبتُهُمُ وَلا بَلَغوا كِراما
21. To their spending I sent hope
To learn how the arid wastes fill.
٢١. بَعَثتُ إِلى نَوالِهمُ رَجاء
تَعَلَّمَ كَيفَ يَنتَجِعُ الجَهاما
22. If the vile think ill in them,
I have recognized in it the vile.
٢٢. فَإِن أَكدى لَئيمُ الظَّنِّ فيهِم
فَإِنّي قَد عَرَفتُ بِهِ اللِّئاما
23. As for me and the miser - your gifts already
Suffice me, those which sufficed men.
٢٣. وَما لي وَالبَخيلُ وَقَد كَفَتني
مَواهِبُكَ الَّتي كَفَتِ الأَناما
24. If the mirage is stingy with its moisture,
The hand of the rain-seeker has grasped the raincloud.
٢٤. إِذا ضَنَّ السَّرابُ عَلى نَداهُ
فَقَد نالَت يَدُ الصّادي الغَماما
25. Not absent are your generous deeds, though
Their visit be rare.
٢٥. وَما غَبَّت مَكارِمكَ القَوافي
وَإِن كانَت زِيارَتُها لِماما
26. How could your bounty be lost on a generous one
Who has prepared for thanking you this utterance?
٢٦. وَكَيفَ يَضيعُ جودُكَ في كَريم
أَعَدَّ لِشُكرِهِ هَذا الكَلاما
27. If the ode should lean when listeners hear it,
Then I have poured in it the wine unmixed.
٢٧. قَصائِدُ إِن تَرَنَّحَ سامِعوها
فَإِنّي قَد أَبَحتُ بِها المُداما
28. It visits lightly while I yearn ardently -
Each of us claims passionate love of you.
٢٨. تَزورُ صَبابَةً وَأَحِنُّ شَوقاً
كِلانا يَدَّعي فيكَ الغَراما
29. When brought to you, I know that I
Have tamed every raging lioness.
٢٩. إِذا زُفَّت إِلَيكَ عَلِمتُ أَنّي
مَلَكتُ لِكُلِّ جامِحَةٍ زِماما
30. Had she not found you a matching peer,
She would be among the epochs ruinous.
٣٠. وَلَولا أَنَّها وَجَدَتكَ كُفؤاً
لَكانَت في الصُّدورِ مِنَ الأَيامي
31. And had she sought other than you I would say
Show me her grave amidst the channels!
٣١. وَلَو قَصَدَت سِواكَ لَقُلتُ فيها
أَراني اللَّهُ نقبَكِ في السُّلامى