1. O supporter of the cause with swords that humiliated enemies and strengthened faith
You inspired resolves in the darkness of tribulations that bend fate though it be tranquil
١. يا ناصِرَ الأَمرِ الَّذي بِسُيوفِهِ
ذَلَّت أَعادِيهِ وَعَزَّ الدِّينُ
2. I have multiplied my needs turning to you though it be burdensome
And hoping in one like you is ever poignant
٢. أَرهَفتَ في ظُلمِ الخُطوبِ عَزائِماً
تُثني بِها الأَقدارُ وَهيَ سُكونُ
3. If you would grant them, your munificence is abundant
Or intercede in them, your position is assured
٣. أَكثَرتُ حاجاتي إِلَيكَ مُثَقِّلاً
وَرَجاء مِثلِكَ كَالحَديثِ شُجونُ
٤. إِن كُنتَ واهِبَها فَجودُكَ غامِرٌ
أَو شافِعاً فيها فَأَنتَ مَكينُ