
They say the stars of night govern their fate

يقولون شهب الليل تحكم فيهم

1. They say the stars of night govern their fate
And I swear they've marched neither with justice nor wrong

١. يَقولونَ شُهبُ اللَّيلِ تَحكُمُ فيهِمُ
وَأقسِمُ ما سارَت بِعَدلٍ ولا ظُلمِ

2. When man thinks of lifetimes, he finds
No explanation, only discovering his ignorance is the height of knowledge

٢. إِذا فَكَّرَ الإِنسانُ في الدَّهرِ لَم يَجِد
بَياناً وَأَلفى جَهلَهُ غايَةَ العِلمِ

3. So live among them blind though you can see
A fool, though you've adorned yourself with wisdom

٣. فَعِش فيهِمُ أَعمى وَإِن كُنتَ مُبصِراً
سَفيهاً وَإِن نَزَّهتَ نَفسَكَ بِالحِلمِ

4. For life is naught but what spoils you've plundered
And age but a visitor who's passed fleetingly in a dream

٤. فَما العَيشُ إِلّا ما غَنِمتُ نَهابَهُ
وَلا العُمرُ إِلّا طارِق زارَ في حُلمِ

5. By my life, time has inclined with its war
Against me, but I have not inclined toward peace

٥. لَعَمري لَقَد أَنحى الزَّمانُ بِحَربِهِ
عَلَيَّ وَلَكِن ما جَنَحتُ إِلى السِّلمِ